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Posts posted by PetrolheadP

  1. So I have a busy life usually just idoly scroll this place looking for stuff I find hot but I decided to try and find the time to get more involved. Mostly because I realised I have a lot of stories people here would enjoy from years of doing music festivals and outdoor drinking.

    I've always been interested in girls peeing outside and in naughty places since not long after I realised doing it myself felt amazing and spent my 20s seeing it a lot but only rarely being involved. Then in my late 20s I started working out and got really hot and it's suddenly amazing what girls will do for you when you're good looking 🤣

    Gonna try and find the time to write out a few of my more memorable experiences this evening.


  2. On 1/11/2023 at 2:03 AM, CuriousRedHead said:

    I so badly love being told what to do and where to go. I am just too eager to please

    I have this game I've played with a couple of girls where I pay for a weekend away and all the drinks and everything on the proviso that they don't use the toilet to pee all weekend. So much fun watching them have to pee in alleyways and hotels showers and everything when the toilet is right there 😈

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  3. On 5/12/2022 at 10:41 PM, toiletfloorpee said:

    I have a tent which has a porch area the same size as the bed area, despite only being a 4 person sleeping one. It allows me to just wee in the porch. Absolute boon for festivals as it saves me going far for the loo.

    I air it out open in the day and it is fine for the 2 or 3 days I am there. 

    Various boyfriends have just copied me, which is nice to watch when u wake up. 

    When I do festivals I get out of the tent in the night just in case I see anything but I let drunk girls pull the ground sheet up in probably the exact same tent you have and piss on the grass.


    I also do the exact same thing as your name 😝

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