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Everything posted by rutherfordbquincy

  1. Maybe when I wake up tomorrow I can try. I don't think I'll have another bursting pee until tomorrow
  2. I've always wanted to take a bath while bursting. It won't happen right now but maybe sometime this week I can try
  3. I'm watching YouTube. Normally I'd be at a 5/10
  4. I am. Hopefully my bladder isn't too destroyed from the last hold
  5. Just peed 1 liter for the first time in my life. Starting a new hold now
  6. If you're not here I'll be thinking of you. Currently driving water and alcohol
  7. I'm not going to sleep so I'm planning on holding it again tonight
  8. That was the worst I've ever had to go. I'm usually pretty good about peeing when I need to, but my eyes rolled back on that one
  9. Definitely I've never had to go this bad in my life
  10. I'm just standing here holding my dick trying to hold it
  11. This is the first time in my adult life I've done the pee dance
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