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Posts posted by GinLBC

  1. 4 minutes ago, stevemcf said:

    Crashed a random New Year’s party with my mates and drank a shit load of their beer. Needed a piss after a bit, didn’t want to piss in the living room, I wasn’t quite ready to get chucked out yet. Queue for the toilets was massive, so fuck that. Went upstairs and tried the first room I came to which was amazingly an empty bedroom. Walked over to the wall and got my dick out and pissed onto the bedroom wall and carpet. Fucking relief was amazing - I was desperate and must have pissed for over a minute. About half way through the door opened and some guy came in, saw me, said thank fuck, and started pissing on the carpet as well. Used that room a few times that night, and I definitely wasn’t the only one.

    You are the best.  I absolutely love the desperate piss move scenario. Please share more if you can!

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  2. On 1/22/2024 at 9:31 AM, Kevin said:

    I asked a friend of mine and he told me about a time where he was at a party. It was at some dude's apartment, you know the kind of dude who want to throw a party to be seen or that kind of bullshit. So he encouraged people to bring their friends, but the consequences is that no one had any link to the party host. My friend told me that the bathroom was used by girls so he and his friends decided to use the bedroom to piss. And as the party went on the bedroom and closets became the official urinals for the dudes. The dumbass that hosted the party was too busy to try to get everyone's attention and by the end of the night he was drunk.

    My buddy told me that men would just go anytime they wanted to piss and just relieved themselves on the walls and carpets but that many dudes used the closets, drawers and even the bed as urinal and that the bedroom was trashed. He told me that by the end of the night even girls didn't bother to go to the bathrooms and just squatted on drawers or behind the couch and relieved themselves. If you want more details tell me ! I'll ask him for more.

    I love this sort of free pissing. Being a gay male, I'm mostly into stories about guys doing it. These are hard to find because they are mixed in with so many stores about women. So, please share more if you can. And thank you.


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