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Everything posted by dupa866

  1. You are totally right! But then again hind sight is 20-20. A part of the story I didn't tell is that leaving the park I got a flat tire, and well... places in that part of the country aren't open on Sundays. So I was driving on the spare tire until I could find a place that was open. Not having an extra tire any more really had me worried. Sadly I did not get a chance to see her pee at all on the trip. We were hiking for several days in the mountains and she made every effort to hide. Sometime hiking several hundred feet to find some cover. Not all was lost though... I kind of got the
  2. Some time ago, I was out with some friends playing night games in a local park. After a pretty extensive game of hide and seek, we were all hanging out on the play ground when one of my friends announced she had to pee. She was my age, tall and brunette. She meandered off towards a porta potty that was just around the back of a utility building with another one of my friends. After a few minutes the both come running back giggling. Curious, I inquired. She told me that she went in the dark porta potty, dropped her pants and bent over. She started to pee, and said that it didn't sound qu
  3. This was in the spring about a decade ago. I was walking along the local nature trail where it comes close to a lake. As i was walking by i see a couple that have beached their boat on shore and are sitting down and talking. As they see me the decide it is time that they go back out into the water. I hear the man ask if the lady needs to use the facilities, she replied i need to tinkle and she wandered off down a different trail. I knew where that trail went so I took a shortcut... After a minute of walking I rounded a bend and came up about 15 feet from her. She was an attractive blonde in
  4. A couple years ago a friend and I went backpacking out west. We had been friends for several years but nothing romantic. After completing our hike we decided to one-shot the drive home, which was a considerable drive. I think it was in the neighborhood of 20+ hours of straight driving. My friend is known to have a smaller bladder. She often requests stops on other trips much to the annoyance of whom ever is driving. Catching on that this is annoying she has since stopped requesting stops and just holds it until the next stop (normally gas or food so every couple of hours). Which normally re
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