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Everything posted by Iluvpeegals

  1. You can find part 1 above sorry it took me so long, I’m pretty pressed for time these days and writing takes a fair amount of energy for me. Lizz ended up working with us the whole summer. After the first day, there were a couple of uneventful days with us driving through a few of the plots in Idaho, though many of them were closer to amenities than before. Lizz and I had become fairly friendly and had long discussions about music, politics and everything in between. We mostly listened to a shared playlist we’d made as we cruised plot to plot taking measurements. We even
  2. I work for a small environmental consulting agency in Oregon as basically a forester. We go out into the Oregon, Idaho and Washington and measure trees. This past summer I had an intern, to maintain privacy I will call her Lizz. Lizz was around 4ft 3 in, was pretty flat chested and had a large bulbous ass, which I would often stare at hiking behind her. She was a blonde, with blue eyes and had fairly high cheek bones, leading a somewhat chubby cheeked look. The first day, she did not realize what she had gotten herself into as I pulled up to pick her up from the meeting place and she was
  3. Hello, Long time lurker turned poster today. I have a lot of female friends and coworkers. I’ve seen a lot of them pee outside (maybe I’ll write about it soon) but there’s a fair deal I have not. I have a vivid imagination, if I know someone has peed outside, it’s easy for me to imagine them doing it for me. My question to all of you is how do you discreetly bring this up in conversation or ask? Thanks 😊
  4. Hi, found this place on youtube and glad to have. Something about pissing that just makes it really hot. Thought I would introduce myself and say hello.
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