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Posts posted by PISSSSonmyface

  1. Thank you for the warm welcome. 

    I couldn't agree more with you regarding respect - without it, everything quickly spirals down to toxic ugliness. As for terms used, I can't think of a single situation where context doesn't dictate what is, or isn't, appropriate, as I think I explained well in my original post. That's why I find the term "pee" hilarious in the context of this site.

  2. What a surprisingly polite site! Nearly everyone says "pee". It's "pee" left, right and centre! Even the site's name is called peefans. My point? Well, "pee" is the polite word, one that will not cause offence in public - it's like the casual version of "urinate", that children are allowed to use. "Piss", however, is the rude word, never for public use in polite company. Seeing that this is the ideal place for it, I urge you to try saying and writing "piss", not just because it's rude but because it's onomatopoeic. Go on: I urge you to try it. You won't regret it - it's so much more fun.

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