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Everything posted by Falcon

  1. A true story from "back in the day". That being mid 70's Southern California coastal area. I had finished High School, had a day job building hotrods, night job as a drummer in a local band, and an apartment of my own. It was also the height of the first social media, CB Radio! It was very popular in our area with the young crowd, and a very powerful tool for managing the party culture. Me and a number of my male friends had very advanced and illegally high powered CB radios in our muscle cars and surfer vans. A popular Saturday night activity during the summer months was to stage "tea-Hu
  2. Hello, I am new to the site and wanted to introduce myself. I am in my 50's and retired. I became interested in this type of fetish when I was a teenager in the 70's and was amazed by how many of the girls I was going out with loved to hold their pee, wet their pants, or climax with a full bladder. Since then the trend has continued and I am proud to say that I have introduced many women to water-sports. I have learned that females are beautifully sensual and willing participants if they know it is okay and safe to be themselves. I look forward to seeing what this site has to offer.
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