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Pete Guy

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Posts posted by Pete Guy

  1. Welcome aboard, you are definitely in the right place. My inbox is open and welcoming if you feel comfortable enough to chat or ask questions. Either way, you are amongst like minded friends, enjoy it and embrace it!

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  2. It's great to have you here! Please don't ever be ashamed of your bod either. We all gain weight every now and again, doesn't make you any less sexy!

  3. Your story is so similar to so many of us. There is noting to be ashamed about, and communities like this are what helped me realise that. I remember the first time I messaged someone on one of these forums was a huge deal, but the chats I have had since have completely changed my opinion on it all. I am always happy to chat if that is something you would like to do.

  4. On 5/30/2021 at 2:54 PM, Big Bear said:

    Having finally gone back to work after restrictions were eased last week I managed to get out on Saturday night after work and was lucky enough to get a few sightings. I have a few days off work this week so I will hopefully get the time to write those up. 

    However I just wanted to ask a quick question to those who read this thread on the regular. Since being back at work I have had a few fun little desperation sightings whilst working on the front desk and have a bunch more from the past couple of years of working there and wondered if people would be interested in me sharing them. I ask because whilst this thread has just plain desperation stories it is mostly pee sightings and I don't want to share these little encounters of desperation if people aren't interested in them. 

    I love these little moments when they happen because they are left with an open conclusion and my imagination can run wild with a million possibilities of what could have happened and I would be more than happy to post them. I just don't want to flood this thread (pun intended) with stories of just minor desperation encounters if people prefer the accounts of actual sightings.

    Let me know if you would like to hear them or not. 

    Your stories are the best, and for me, the desperation is always hotter than the actual  peeing, I'd love to hear more!!

  5. On 7/18/2020 at 1:59 PM, Kataal said:

    Good morning Grizzly Man. Thank you for welcoming me. I want to have a great time too. I am currently trying to write a pee desperation story about a fictional character I made up. However, I want to speak with a moderator first. How do I get in touch with one? Which of the moderators on this site is the best one I should communicate with?

    I would love to read this!


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