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Posts posted by justanotheromoaccount

  1. contains peeing in public - for y'all that don't know she's a character in an anime that has the superpower or "quirk" of becoming giant

    Villain after villain, fight after fight. Mt. Lady was exhausted. She knew being a pro would be hard sometimes, but she had never expected this. A day where no matter which way she turned, there was another person that needed to be saved. Another villain that needed his ass kicked. She didn’t even have time to deactivate her quirk, stuck in her giant state all day.

    Which didn’t really bother her all that much. She knew she had a rockin’ body, but it was even better when it was on display in her giant form. She loved showing off in her tight costume, leaving almost nothing to the imagination. She sighed as she took another water bottle from a grocery stand, not caring to pay for it. She constantly got things for free, and she took advantage of it. She pushed her hair back and finished it all in one gulp, furrowing her eyebrows together. It was rare for her to feel her bladder fill when she was giant, her bladder was so big that it took a lot to even make a dent in it. There were many times though where it was enough that the second she shrunk back to normal human size, she had to yank down her pants no matter where she was and piss a flood into whatever toilet, alley, trash can she was near because it could not hold the amount of water that her giant bladder could.

    Luckily she had never been caught before, but she had gotten close.

    With all the work she had been doing that day, though, she had tripled the amount of water she took in that day. And for one of the first times, she really started to feel her bladder filling. She ignored it, choosing instead to take another bottle of water before walking over the city, looking down at the civilians she was supposed to protect. The heat was making her sweat, she reached up to put her hair in a ponytail before she grabbed the water filtration tank, cracking it open and drinking it down. She didn’t know why she was so thirsty, but damn. She needed water. She drank it all down, some of it dripping down onto the front of her costume, making it partially see-through for a moment. She smiled as she looked down at her chest, though it was short lived.

    She felt a throb in her bladder.

    Mt. Lady looked around as she walked, trying to think of her best course of action. She was just going to shrink down in an alley so she could piss behind a dumpster, that’d probably be the smartest. But the more she walked, the more she realized this might be more than she’s ever dealt with. She might not be able to shrink back down without immediately pissing her pants. And she might have no problem with peeing where she shouldn’t, but she drew the line at peeing her pants. It was gross and it was embarrassing.
                She took a deep breath before she started walking again. It probably wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be, she was probably just feeling worked up from the heat. That was it.

    She believed that until she felt another throb in her bladder and she had to stop to squeeze her legs together. Fuck. She bounced in place for a moment before starting to walk again, though she had to stop again. She pressed her legs together again and even shoved her hands between her legs, pressing up against her peehole. She just had to hold on until she could hide, that’s all she needed. She walked with her hands between her legs for a moment before she felt a small leak against her hand, her eyes growing wide. This was a bad time to not wear underwear. She removed her hands and started to head out of town, towards the lake. That’s all she had to do. She was focused on one thing and one thing only, keeping it in. If she let go while she was still in town, she could easily flood the street. Not to mention that the press would have a field day. “Sexy Pro Hero Mt. Lady Wets Her Pants – Kills Seven”.

    And then she leaked again. She felt a small stream soak her ass for a moment, luckily keeping contained to her suit but she knew she’d have to have it cleaned after this was all over. A small price to pay to keep it together for another moment. Finally she found herself at a lake outside of town, and she knew this was the end. It was now or never. She looked around, grateful that no one was out here at this time of day. She was alone. She stripped down out of her costume, cursing herself for a moment for having only a one piece suit. She laid her costume over some trees and stood there completely nude, towering over everything. A breeze blew by and her nipples grew hard, there was something a little thrilling about being completely nude like this, nothing between her and the world. She felt another leak make its way down her bare leg and she sighed, she had to go now.

    She walked over to the lake and spread her legs slightly before squatting, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. It was hard to relax now, she had never gone to the bathroom in her giant state before. But she didn’t even know if she could deactivate her quirk now, with how desperate she was. After a moment she sighed again, a small trickle finally falling from her. She could hear it patter into the lake and that made her relax even more, suddenly a hard stream shooting out from between her legs.

    It was loud and intense, waves moving in the lake from the force of the water. But she couldn’t stop and she couldn’t slow down, even if she tried. And there was nothing in her that wanted to try. She had to piss so badly, it wasn’t even funny. She went for so long, and it showed no signs of stopping.

    She kept pissing and pissing, her gigantic bladder showing its true size in that moment. After three minutes of going, the lake started to reach its peak. She kept going despite the fact that it was starting to overflow a bit, a small river forming through the trees from where her pee continued. She went for almost ten minutes before she finally felt her streak slow down to a trickle and then just a few drops and she sighed again, feeling so light and so empty. She stood back up and put her costume back on before walking back to town, shrinking down to her normal size right before she got in so that no one could look up and see the small yellow patch on her crotch.

    • Hot 4
  2. “See, I wish we could go out like this more! I’ve missed this,“ Izzy said, smiling as she took Clary’s hand. It was late, they had spent a few hours getting food and drinking, finally enjoying a date for the first time in what felt like forever. 

    “I know, I’ve missed this too. Missed getting to spend time with you,“ Clary said honestly, resting her head on Izzy’s shoulder for a moment before they kept walking. They were quite a bit away from their apartment, just enjoying the night air and the fact that there wasn’t as many people around as usual. It was nice. 

    That was, until Clary felt a nagging on her bladder.

    She should’ve known this would happen, after several glasses of water at dinner before a few alcoholic drinks at the clubs and more water she knew she should’ve went to the bathroom before they started walking. But really, it had been the last thing on her mind. It started to catch up on her all at once, alcohol always made her have to pee more than usual. But she had to hold it, they’d be home eventually. And she hated public restrooms.

    “It’s a nice night, right?“ Izzy asked, looking around. “I could walk around like this for hours,“ she said, smiling.

    “Me too,“ Clary said, swallowing thickly. She should just tell Izzy she has to go, hopefully they could find a shop to go in to, but she still felt nervous about talking about these kinds of things with Izzy. Even though she had seen Izzy go a few times, she had no issues with coming into the bathroom while Clary was taking a shower or doing her makeup and using the toilet, even if it made Clary a little embarrassed to see. Though part of her didn’t mind, it was kind of cute. Watching her. 

    Then there was the time Clary peed in the bath with Izzy in there. 

    She had been so embarrassed about losing control, but part of her felt a tingle whenever she thought about it. She had gotten away with it, Izzy never brought it up so she was sure she didn’t know. And that made her want to do it again, in a way. Get so desperate and then get away with peeing where she shouldn’t, just like she had that day. 

    “God, I have to piss,“ Izzy said after a little while, catching Clary a little off guard. “I drank way too much,“ she chuckled. “Let’s find somewhere,“ she said, tugging on Clary’s arm.

    Clary should’ve known Izzy would be the one to speak up first, Izzy had no shame about this kind of thing. And it made Clary feel a little hot, knowing that Izzy was in the same boat as her. Izzy stopped and pressed her legs together tightly, groaning a little. “I really have to pee,“ she said, obviously a little desperate. Clary couldn’t help but wonder how long Izzy had been holding back, but thinking back to the night Izzy hadn’t used the bathroom once. So she had to be as full as Clary if not more.

    They wandered around for a few minutes, checking every shop they could. They were all closed. “Fuck it,” Izzy said, turning into an alley.

    Clary cocked an eyebrow, looking around. “What are you doing?” she asked, confused.

    “I’m going to pee?“ she said like it was obvious.

    “But we’re-“ Clary started, her eyes growing wide. Izzy leaned back against the brick wall and started to push up her short dress, hopping a little in place just to keep it all together for a little longer.

    “I know, but I really have to go,“ she said, squatting down and pushing down her panties in one fluid motion. The second she was down Izzy was pissing, hard, against the ground. She groaned, pushing her dress up more around her waist and completely exposing herself as she continued to go. “Fuck that feels amazing,” she said, finally looking over at Clary who was frozen like a deer in headlights. “Oh don’t look so surprised, you’ve seen me pee before,“ she pointed out, still going.

    “Yeah but... never like this! Always in the toilet!“ she pointed out, her own desperation growing more watching Izzy get her relief. 

    “Well I couldn’t make it to a toilet, so this is the next best thing,“ she pointed out. “What about you? Do you need to go?“ Izzy asked, her hard stream showing no signs of letting up. “You look like you’re about to burst.“

    “I’m fine,“ Clary lied, though she crossed her legs slightly to get a little pressure. She really had to go, and it just kept getting worse and worse. Watching the stream shoot out hard and fast from Izzy was making her own body want to do it too, her bladder nagging and the piss starting to make its way down her urethra. “I can’t believe you can pee in an alley like this.“

    “What? Just like you can’t believe you could pee in the tub with me in it?“ she asked, her stream finally weakening. 

    “You know about that?“ Clary asked, flushing red. She groaned when she felt herself leak a little bit, reaching between her legs and pressing up against her crotch. “I’m sorry.“

    “Don’t be, I don’t care. But babe, you’re either going to have to go now or you’re going to wet yourself,“ Izzy pointed out, shaking off a little before standing back up and fixing her clothes. “Just go. Plus this is one of the best ways to get over your bladdershyness!“ she chuckled, walking over to her. “No one will see,“ she promised. 

    Clary shook her head but felt her hand get a little wet from where she leaked again and she sighed, walking over to where Izzy just went. She left a huge puddle, Clary was impressed, and she decided it wouldn’t hurt to add to it. “Don’t think less of me for this,” she said, looking over at Izzy.

    “Come on, I just did the same thing. Just go.“

    Clary sighed and bounced for a moment, just trying to make sure she wouldn’t leak again before she was ready. She pushed down her jeans and her panties, leaning back against the wall and squatting. It took a moment, not being as open about these kinds of things as Izzy is made it harder for her to start going. She closed her eyes and after a moment, she heard a soft pitter patter on the ground. She looked down and watched as her stream started to grow stronger, quickly turning into one just as hard and fast as Izzy’s was. She heard the splash of the water from where her stream was adding to Izzy’s and she sighed, finally getting some relief. 

    Part of her loved this, peeing in public. It was so freeing, just going wherever she could. She watched her piss as she went, almost fascinated with it going somewhere other than their bathroom at home.

    “See, you’re a natural,” Izzy chuckled, watching Clary as she went. 

    Clary peed for almost double the time Izzy did, more full than she was. When she finally finished she stayed there for a few more moments, wanting to make sure she was really done. She pulled up her pants and moved away, her legs a little weak from finally being empty. She looked over at where they went and saw that they all but flooded that area, feeling a little proud. “I kind of want to do something like that again,” she admitted, biting her lip.

    “Oh honey, there’s so much to show you.” 

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