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Posts posted by blob74

  1. 17 hours ago, jtcpee said:

    blob74 said she was in a high squat so I just guessing he may have seen the lips due to the fact the she would have to bend over a bit which would move the pussy back and out. So the inner lips could have poked out depending on how long they are and the outer lips may have been visible depending on the bend

    No she was more like 3/4 bum to her left side from the bathroom door way out through the window at an angle.

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  2. At the weekend I went for a drive to see a steamboat and a steam railway. It was to be a round trip first boat, the train and back to the start by bus.
    When I got to the town were the boat was to start from I went to the top of town to a big car park by the pub I was going to go in the evening, this car pack I have only seen about 6 to 10 cars in it, this time it was full, so I drove down to the next and the next, at last a space by the back wall beside a large van, I reversed in so that my drivers door was by the van, I locked up and waled to the quay ( as it happened only across the road and behind some buildings.)
    I then found out why the town was full it was market day, also the water was wrong for the damed boat. I walked about and bought a few things and went to put them in the car.
    Between my car and the van I found a number of wet patches 3 with tissues in them, this must be the ladies loo. So I put the things in the car and moved my dash-cam to look out the side window and left to go to a pub for lunch.
    A few hours later I returned to see more wet on the floor and the side of the van, after I got home I took the disc out of the cam and put it in my laptop to view.
    Yes it did show females coming to pee but always peeing just out of the cams view, the only pee action I did get was of a female and a man, the female came in first and was about to drop her jeans when the man also came in and so the female moved more to the wall out of the cams view, the man then peed on the side of the van while looking too the female, all I could see was his junk and up close, not a good end to the disc.
    But I may try to use my dash-cam like that again to see if I get better luck next time.

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  3. One Saturday in the 1980's my girlfriend wanted to go to Marks & Spencer's in Torquay to see the wedding gift list of one of her friends ( the one here did not do the lists), and as usual I was in the dog house as I had Planed to work on that Saturday.
    So at 8:30am I picked her up in my van and drove to a small industrial unit, I had the key to the small side door, we went in, opposite this door about midway along the wall was another door (which was locked) to the office and I guess the toilet. We started to work I set up the ladder and remove the first of 8 pendant lights while she unpacked the new fluorescent lights and prepare them for me to fit. By about 12:30/1pm we were done and loaded tools and ladders back into and on the van.
    In the corner opposite the side door was an earthenware sink on two brick walls with a cold water tap above it. ( I think they are called Belfast or Butler sinks). I went to it and washed my hands drying them on some of the blue paper roll that was there, I then struggled out of my overalls and stood and peed into the sink. When I was done I took my overalls out to the van.
    On my return I was greeted with the side view of my girlfriend with her jeans and knickers around her ankles sitting on the sink leaning slightly forward having a piss, I walked over to her to have a better look, she was gushing into the sink and the gurgling noise of her piss going down the plug-hole into the open drain below was very loud. When she was done she jumped down and facing me, I ripped a sheet of blue paper off for her and she patted herself dry putting the paper into the waste basket by the sink, she then went to her jeans pocket and got out a tampon which she put in, (I had only seen the string hanging out in the past, this was the first time I had seen one put in) she then pulled her things up and we left, on the way out she picked up a crumpled white tissue from the side witch she throw into the brambles behind the van.
    We went to Torquay and she picked a present for her friend and I paid haft, (and I did not even know them) we also had a meal with a bottle of wine and with the petrol, bang went the money I had earned that morning plus more.
    I did get to see well hear her piss again on the way home, we both peed beside the van at the side of the road, but it was dark only lit by passing cars.

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  4. Yesterday I went to a beer festival, it opened at 11am just as I arrived, the first thing that I did was to go for a pee, (the tablets that I am on). The toilet area is normally set up so that as you go into it there is a hand-wash station with 2 or 3 disabled toilets behind it with the lady's toilets going to the right in a L shape, to the left a 6 module urinal with its entrance in the middle, then toilets to make up a L shape. This time the lady's was the same but the disabled toilets were to the left of a gap, (to give an emergency exit), with a 3 module urinal to the left of them with the entrance on the end with the hand-wash station infront of the entrance.
    I went in and as I peed I could see the hand-wash station and anyone using it could see straight into the urinals, when I came out I saw the other 3 module urinal on the other side of the hand-wash, its entrance at the end so that anyone coming from the lady's to use it could see right up through it.
    On my second visit to pee there was a woman with her back to the hand-wash side looking into the urinals at a young lad, I said excuse me as I went passed her into the urinals passed the lad to the second urinal module trough, she was still looking as I peed, the lad went to the hand-wash with the woman, who was still watching.
    The next time I went there was a male security guard there telling you to go to the far end of the urinals as some lady had complained about the men peeing.
    The last time I went there was both a male and female guard there they were putting red/white tape across the other urinal entrance and had taped black bin bags over the first urinal trough with a notice not to be used.
    How come us men can get into trouble peeing into the gents urinals there for that use, but a women watching can complain about it and get it stopped.

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