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whiz kid

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Posts posted by whiz kid

  1. On 1/25/2023 at 6:17 PM, Sophie said:

    Oh it is just the best feeling ever. As soon as my butt hits the seat I just relax and let it all out. Because I am sitting i don't have to worry about anything. I don't have to aim, I don't have to worry about being caught, I don't even have to worry about what my stream is doing. If it is hitting my thigh or running off my backside that's perfectly fine, it's all going in the toilet and I will clean up afterwards. The only thing that matters at that moment is emptying my poor aching bladder.

    I've heard gf's and other acquaintances when they had to go.  That stuff really comes out heavy and fast.  It must be a very satisfying feeling once you are flowing at full force.

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  2. On 1/6/2023 at 2:05 PM, Sophie said:

    Yes! Women hover because the seat is covered in pee, but the seat is covered in pee because they hover!!

    If the toilet is visibly clean, I will sit, no matter what I am wearing or how urgent it is. and let's be honest, why would you hover when bursting? It takes milliseconds to descend that extra foot or two.

    I bet it feels better to sit if you are bursting.  As soon as your butt makes contact with that seat, you can let go and have the floodgates open!

  3. I had mentioned in a post a few years back that I had cummed in a former housemate’s room once.  The guy was an absolute slob and the room was disgusting.  I had already moved out of this house, but needed to crash there for a night several months later.  The guy was away, so I ended up staying in his room.  Just seeing the filth gave me a crazy idea that I could cum on his rug and he would never notice.  And he had also done a few l things that really irritated me, so I figured this would be a fair payback.  So, what did I do but pulled my dick out and started masturbating (to the thought of girls urinating no doubt…lol).  I got a nice erection going and then proceeded to freely shoot jizz all over the carpet.  It was one of the most rebellious and liberating experiences I’ve ever had!  Pretty sure my plan worked and it was never noticed.

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  4. 14 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I think the real issue question to be asked is why the sample bottle is so ridiculously shaped - knowing the history of medicine I'm sure it was developed by a man and nobody's ever changed it.  But why not a wider neck?  Why not an integrated disposable funnel of some kind? 

    I think these are the most commonly shaped containers used.  The neck looks adequately wide with the exception being the small cup in the picture.  



  5. 3 hours ago, Oleg777 said:

    Oh, how familiar this feeling is to me too. I like to do this too, run videos where a woman pees, especially if she pees with a powerful and loud stream, then hide the video and listen only to the sound of the stream. I hear to the rustle of clothes when she takes them off, then a couple of seconds of silence and the hiss of the jet. This incredibly hot. This also excites me incredibly.

    The brief silence after the clothes rustle and she seats herself is wonderful and so suspenseful because of the anticipation of what is about to happen.  Equally awesome is the situation where a female has to go so badly, that the piss is flowing a fraction of a second before her butt hits the toilet seat and a loud flood ensues after that.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I dont remember the first time, no. But often times after that the nurses would clap and smile and be really loud about it, and it just made childhood me massively uncomfortable. It was like I had peed in the toilet for the first time and I hated it.


    Sorry to hear it was an uncomfortable experience.   I just wonder if those nurses didn't realize that not every patient they saw was a four or five-year old.  I'm sure the "hooray!" and  "way to go girl!" encouragement from the nurses probably delighted little kids.  And for older kids, especially girls, the experience itself of collecting your sample is awkward and probably a little embarrassing.  I'm sure the last thing you wanted when you got done was grownups making a big deal about something you really wanted to put out of your mind.

    How many years did this go on for?

  7. 3 minutes ago, Bob3322 said:

    Yes... I would stand at the door and listen to them lift their dresses around their waists... this was the mid 1960s... and when they started, I would knock on the door too!!


    Fond memories of listening to my high school gf pee behind the door.  We had one of those louvered doors to our guest bathroom, so you could hear everything.  I could hear the unzipping and rustling of her jeans and underwear as she lowered them, then the seating of herself.  A few seconds of silence, then the initial light trickle which developed into a heavier trickle and then into the familiar, strong wsssshhhhh sound and dribbling sound for the next 5-10 seconds

    • Hot 3
  8. 58 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

    The first time they asked me for a urine sample was when I was less than 10 years old. I have to assume it's because girls can get their periods young and they have to test for pregnancy just to be sure. 

    I have never been comfortable providing urine samples, especially when I was young. The nurses at the pediatrician would always praise me when I brought them the cup like I was learning to use the toilet all over again and it was just awkward. I still have to do it now as an adult and I don't really find it to be sexy, especially since the time before last I was severely dehydrated and my pee was a deep yellow color and smelled really bad. Both of my most recent hospital stays I needed imaging and they can't give you x-rays or anything when you are pregnant so they have to be sure.  Also not really a fan of peeing in cups. But, I have pictures I am willing to share since they don't include any identifying information, if anyone wants to see. 

    Don't ask why I took pictures. Lol. 

    I would love to see the pictures!  

    Yeah, I'm guessing it was super awkward handing your cup to the nurse at the pediatrician's office.  The nurses had to deal with it every day and it probably was not as easy with every kid they saw...lol  The fact that you brought them a sample without a lot of fuss is why you got praised...lol   Was it weird doing it that very first time as a kid?  Do you remember what the nurse said when she asked you to provide it?


  9. Ladies,

    Most of you have heard these words and might have even dreaded them.  

    One of the things a few of us find fascinating is the notion of a girl having to urinate in a cup for a medical exam or drug test.  I know most girls probably find this experience both embarrassing and gross and most certainly not sexy.   But still, you are having to hold a container under your vagina and fill it with pee...lol.  

    Do you remember the very first time having to do it?  Were you confused or surprised when they asked for it?  Was it hard to do?  Was it weird seeing your pee once you finished?  Was it gross?   Did it contribute in any way to your pee fetish now?

    Honest and open answers appreciated!

    • Like 4
  10. For the ladies...exactly how wet is it after you finish peeing?  You'd think that for some women it is a swamp down there based on the amount of paper they use....lol

  11. On 1/26/2021 at 5:46 PM, gg111 said:

    I was definitely interested in pee well before I hit puberty. Hearing about girls peeing caught my attention cause I didn’t know that much about their anatomy, so I was curious about it.

    My sisters had those teen-girl magazines, so when they weren’t around I would read the part of the section of the magazine where girls would write in with embarrassing stories, because every so often one would be pee related. (This was still pre-puberty, so I didn’t whack it but I would still get excited reading about it.)

    Yeah, I remember those magazine stories, but I have to imagine more than a few were made up....lol.  I remember one in particular about a girl at a doctor's clinic getting her annual physical for high school sports.  It was pretty busy at the clinic that day.  Well, it came time for her exam and the nurse gave her a cup to pee in and sent her to the bathroom for the urine sample.  When she finished, she had to take her sample from the restroom across the waiting room to the nurse's desk.  Apparently, there was a rug in the waiting room that she didn't see and she managed to trip, spilling the pee all over a boy  (who she had a crush on)!  She was mortified....

    While the story was great (what a lucky dude!!), I have to imagine there might have been some fabrication, or at least embellishment of the details.


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  12. On 7/27/2019 at 7:39 PM, vpw said:

    The flap is also responsible for the wonderful music girls make during pee.

    The clinking of the belt being unbuckled, the rustling of the shorts, a faint few dribbles in the potty, and a second later, the unmistakable whistling "pssssh" sound of pee pee exiting a nice pussy...

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  13. 12 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

    Love watching the flaps open as she begins the squat. It's like a bomb bay doors on a ww2 warplane getting ready to discharge its cargo. Some women have almost no flaps at all, the slit barely opens and the stream widens and wanders about up and down usually flowing down the pussy crevice into the ass crevice. 

    I like chicks with smallish flaps and when the stream gets going, you can see the pink of her pussy.

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  14. On 7/9/2019 at 8:26 AM, Navdoc73 said:

    I started a topic here a few monts back about job choices. I thought being a lab tech would get me to see an occasional girl pee. Help with collecting a sample. The only time it almost happened was when doing an insurance physical as a traveling medic. A woman asked if I needed to watch her give her sample. She thought it was a drug screen. Stupid me I said nope.

    Did you get to see the chicks' pee samples when they were done?  I bet that would be pretty cool to see the variations of color and putting a face/body with each and knowing that fluid flowed past her pussy...

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