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Desperate for Real!

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What I am about to tell you is 100% true and nothing made up.

One morning I had to go pee sooo bad. I held in my pee all night long so I could wake up in the morning and make an awesome pee gushing video. I made my kids breakfast, drove them to school, still holding in my pee, and when I got home my house was on fire. I kid you not!!!! Long story short. . . Hubby was in the garage working on his motorcycle when it blew up. There were two fire engines and black smoke coming out my garage. For the next 3 hours I was looking for my dogs, calling insurance companies, and still trying to believe what had just happened. My bladder was so full but I could not find the time to use the toilet. The firemen were in my house, neighbors coming by, it was total chaos. I thought I was going to wet my pants.

Finally about noon everything calmed down and I pissed in the toilet. I was so fucking mad that I didn't film it cause I held it in for so long. hahaha At that point my plans of making a video did not take priority. Wouldn't you know it. . . the first time holding in my pee that long my house burns down. All the piss in the world couldn't put that fire out. Needless to say I was truly desperate. hahaha



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Looking at the pictures, it appears that most of the fire was contained in the garage area. Be thankful that is was not much worse, it looks like you still can live in the house. While we all are saddened by not getting that video, this pales in importance to no one being hurt, and you still having a place to live

I have seen garage fires that spread to the house, and the entire structure was destroyed, Some paint, some cleaning, and a trip to the motorcycle dealer and things will be better than new

Thanks. . .this actually happened a couple years ago. Yes the fire was contained to the garage. House got minor smoke damage. Everyone got out safe including my furry friends.

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