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Unexpected humiliation

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Distraction gone busted
November 4th weekend

My disclaimer-.thingy; if any of my stories are two graphic or sexual pls tell me and I'll stop posting. These are real experiences and this one took place the first weekend of November of 2016.
My husband recently was informed that his father passed away. Sad part was, he didn't care, the man his dad used to be died when drugs entered the scene. His mother followed suit, but she sobered up almost a year, trying to get her stuff in order. His cousin, Ivy begged My hubby to come down, that his mother is sober and he just needs to come now! She even agreed to dress modestly, (she dresses slutty but is slutty too though) and that she cut her partners down to one. So we packed, i told him he should go and I'll come with him only if he wants. I wanted too but I didn't want to over step the line.. So I packed up a bag, we were going for 4 days, I was kinda excited and I also ordered a thong one piece swimsuit, the day before. I honestly don't know why other women like full granny panty styles, maybe I'm just used to what I wear because my husband bought them for me and I love feeling sexy and I love the way he'd grab my ass or stare at it especially when I'm in thigh highs and not in full pantyhose. When I'd sit in his lap i could feel his excitement, which makes me a very happy wife ;)
It was a beautiful drive through Manitoba to Saskatchewan , you can tell the changes between the provinces. We had a good many hour drive. Listened to music, even took a small detour and had a picnic by a water fall. If the situation was different I'd either spread em or suck him off. Private and alone and out doors, the idea, the risk of being caught got my juices flowing. (Making me embarrassed to even go there ). We make it to our destination, wow! I never been here before, or have I met My hubbies aunt but uncle once when Ivy was visiting back to when we lived in B.C . It was bad lol and a story within itself. I was maybe 16? I'm 28 now, wow ^^' 
So day one, we settled. Day two was the funeral speech, it was day 3 and 4 that things got abit crazy lol.
Day 3)
I was wearing a pink dress with floral patterns, it came right to my knees standing up. The shortest I am "allowed" to go too, (after the mall incident, rules baby lol rules) with white pantyhose and a white shrug. I even wore my pink lace thong and matching bra set. I had my hair in a clip but down, it's hard to describe it but it was my hubby's favorite down style and he was unusually quiet and withdrawn. He hasn't spoken to his mother not even a hi, and she's sitting there being quiet, I know his dad wasn't nice and she just let him be a jerk but she was the Better one of the two. My mom ran off when I was 14, his mom wants to be back in his life and wants me as her daughter in law, she sobered up!! I told D to follow me, maybe I can reason with him? 
So we went to the room we had, ivy old room apparently, I know the grieving process can be difficult. We haven't touched of did anything but I understand,!not in someone's house but he was a space case I told him he needed to talk to his mama. He said no thank you. Hmm, maybe he needed some inspiration, it's been two days. Record amount of time we haven't done anything while he's off from the base, so I did what a good wife did, I lifted up my dress and proceeded to strip. He said not right now. I got mad lol no way I was being rejected! I'm scared to death of being caught and this isn't ideal for me either, he didn't touch or nothing, so I let my dress drop back to normal and told him to be a man and talk to his mama! He was getting upset, i slapped him hard and told him to be a man! I'll break the friggen ice!! I want a mom figure and she's nice I'm sure! Maybe it was my hormones but I told him I don't take rejection well right now so I lifted my dress up partially and  moved my pantyhose and thong to my knee caps and told him now! I never been so assertive it was hot and I held his head into me. Omg the rush lol, he has a nice way of using his tongue, I had pleasure very fast and quickly dressed properly in case someone came in. I grabbed his hand and he talked to his mom. Yay. I later apologized and he said I got needs too But  I told him that I wasnt sorry about that but sorry about slapping him ^^*
Time passed, I wanted to be naughty , I also really wanted Tim hortons coffee really bad, I wasn't expecting that his cousin and her (ex)fiancé wanted to come with, it's a 30min drive. So much for my little road side plan to show my appreciation for earlier ;) but the urge to be naughty was still very strong. 
We make it to our coffee stop and I got my coffee with a bottle of water and sat down. We visited for a few hours and I must of have 4 cups of coffee, bad since I shouldn't due to pregnancy lol, this was the first time his cousin wasn't being all purvey, she was pleasant. Ivy wanted to freshen up and her (ex)fiancé was getting water and a donut but the line was busy. I had to pee really really bad at this time and I was engaged in a conversation with my hubby and I gave no hint or indication and I began to pee all over the seat. I didn't want anyone to notice so after I was done I whispered and told him I dropped something and asked if he could get it for me. He looked and his face was bright red, as soon as I saw Ivy heading over I "spilled " my bottle of water unto my lap, it hid what really happened well. It was almost 2 weeks since my last "Mis hap" ^^' my bad!
Nothing came of it I was being mischievous and a tease. 
It was 2am and he had his arm around me and I was on my side and he had a massive thing going poking my butt, I decided to let him sleep since we had a lot to do at 7am. I love being a tease but I don't like when he goes without :( unless he makes me pay for it later ;) 
We were busy busy busy, from after breakfast to lunch. I hate being pregnant sometimes, sometimes I crave interesting things but other times I get extremely horny and when I feel that I get alittle adventurous ;) and I'm way to easy to please, last time I was pregnant he grabbed my ass and I orgasmed, I also didn't show until 7months so I'm kinda hoping it'll be the same this time too ;)
My hubby was sitting on a lazy boy chair that rocked back and forth, I didn't know about him, but I was definitely see what his plans were. I was wearing black thigh highs and a red thong, the type that gets wet easily. I wanted to be daring, and give him something to think about for the way home, reward him for sucking up his pride ;) to further tease him, i asked if he could look at me and he did, I lifted up my skirt  I was wearing, but my lip abit and began to spontaneously pee. His eyes widen and he was getting very distracted for sure. I let it out slow just to taught him then I heard the noise, his cousin came back early and watched me do this and even had the nerve to take a picture :| this was very humiliating, I released my skirt real fast!! I couldn't even form words as I tried to speak. D demanded her phone to delete the incriminating photo but she said the only way that's gonna happen if we humor her. My stomach turned and twisted, I felt like I was gonna be sick. To make it worse I'm holding in what I can but it's very difficult at this point. I see now how he hated her, unless she's on a leash she can be mean and i thought honestly we made a truce. She told me to lift up my skirt...I begged her to just stop but she was gonna send a copy of the stuff to her email for later. My hubby doesn't respond well to black mail but it's like a gun to my head and I lifted it up. She walked around me and asked if I'd finish, I slowly shook my head and started to cry quietly, vowing to never partake in this again ! Even in remote privacy. She got all weird and asked my hubby why he's into this and then why I'm doing this. She wanted to see me finish, something about seeing it online but never in real life besides the time one of her many partners in the past asked her too. I felt really humiliated and I could see him get angry, I decided to just finish if it means getting rid of the video and ex communication with her.  After I did finish i couldn't speak out loud but pushed a whisper asking if I could now put my skirt back. She gave me the go ahead, then threw herself onto the couch and was actually upset. Her fiancé ended things and wanted her to be a woman and not a whore and I guess he made reference to me as an example. She didn't have to be so mean and hurtful..I also found out she resented me but I don't understand what I did wrong!! I sobbed in my hubbies arms, shed continued her poor me speech. I hated her and I see she'll never change..her mom is nice , her dad is nice, what went wrong?? She chucked my hubby her phone to remove the photos but saw photos of her bruised And what not. I zoned out abd didn't want to stress out, stress can cause a miscarriage and I don't want that. I started to feel sorry for her, she used sex and her sex appeal to keep relationships but no love and when she found someone who tried being a nice guy she fucked that up in her whoresh ways. 
She wanted to know if she was gay or bi, and I was her victim , she told me I have a nice ass kissed my lips and ran off. I was mortified. (More happened but not in relation to this experience and most likely my last, maybe)

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