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Mystery meeting

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It was November the 4th, 2016. Halloween i was the major coordinator of the Halloween party fundraiser, and the staff and older kids included themselves in the silent auction. It was successful , my hubby participated in the set up, take down, electrical, but most importantly the battle of the bands. My brothers girlfriend even participated in the music. Her guitarist left before it was time for medical reasons so my hubby helped. Which was amazing. We were raising funds for an addition to the building. My hubby can do a lot to reduce labour cost which i told him he doesn't have too. We'd just need an inspector after before all the wiring and plumbing was sealed. However we needed $5000 and to my disbelief a person will donate $1500 , which would bring is to $4500 and all I needed to do according to a note is to meet in a private but public establishment, let him or her grab my ass and tongue kiss me. That was it lol, I wasn't comfortable and I told my hubby but he was busy driving my brothers g/f to work at that particular time. Of all days and times but he'll meet me. He was unusually cool about it. Maybe it's cause it's a fundraiser for kids over all and he's a sucker for stuff like that. He'll buy crap from a kids legit fundraiser and never use or eat it. I was wearing my hair up with curls hanging by the side of my cheeks, glasses lol, contacts suck at times, I had a green long sleeve shirt that had a belt wrapped around, black knee length skirt that wasn't lose but semi tight, with black pantyhose, black thong and bra set, (lace) and loafers with small flat heels. It was a restaurant with a private room. He went by the name of Warden. Mr. Warden to be exact. I went in and the waiter escorted me to a dark room. I'll be honest, I was getting really nervous. All it is , an ass grab and tongue kiss, maybe he has a wife and wanted to cheat without sex? I never heard his voice but I'm guessing he was texting the guy in the room. I didn't like this, even my boss told me it's not worth it but $1500 is what we can make at the Christmas bake sale maybe , I'd rather have $1000 extra in the treasury. My hubby taught me how to break the pinky lol, I was prepared anyways. Plus my hubby was gonna be here and I can text or call with voice command if needed. I relaxed abit. I was instructed to sit on the desk and cross my legs and straighten my skirt, seductively. Omg this guy is a nut job. I did as he asked Then I asked him "sir, um, I'm here for u to grab my ass, kiss u, get the money and go, and my hubby is waiting". His assistant said "it's been awhile since he has been in accompany of a beautiful young lady and just would like to absorb it all." I was like "okay.." He had his assistant blind fold me and to stand up, reassuring that nothing more will come unless I initiate it. I was told to stand and I felt his lips on mine and his hand on my ass and squeezed hard but not to hard. He was a good kisser, like my D but his breath was super minty, my eyes watered lol. I heard him sit down and I was taken back to the door and unblindfolded. His assistant was told to ask me how much are we at, I squeaked out $500 shy sir. He told me he'll give the $500 if I can make it worth while. I was thinking another kiss or ass squeeze or maybe to touch my breast?? I said depends. His assistant left the $1500 after counting it then left with the doors closed. I was nervous some, i heard a dark deep voice asking me to turn around so my back ended faced him. I said I would if he didn't try anything, he agreed. So I did as he asked, then asked if I would cheat on my husband, I said no, he knew of this arrangement. I felt strong hands on my arms and his minty breath by my ear. I was told to keep my eyes foward. He told me for $500 to grind my ass up against his private area, seductively , to pretend he was my husband. I grinded but was told he doubted that it was like I would do for my husband. Creeper!! I told him I wasn't comfortable with this and to keep the $500 lol. He told me then maybe bend down, touch my toes and pee. I yelled "fuck u" and proceeded to slap him but his hand caught mine and he kissed up it. I saw his face and I got angry, lol it my hubby. I was like wtf?! He laughed at me and told me to sit down. He turned on the light and told me how sexy I looked in this outfit. He explained that all week I've been busy at the school prepping and then after that he was busy doing 16hr days and we just couldn't get a break, but he had this day off and played it well. He explained that it was Jennifer's older brother that posed as his assistant. I never met before. I needed to pee and the $500 was there. Hmmm lol. He wanted to spend time with me and saw this to be a good opportunity. So I stood up, turned around and bent over like he wanted.it was hard to pee but it came out gushing down my legs and dampened the back of my skirt just a little. I pushed out what I could and stood up. It's been so long lol, he wanted to wait until we got home, let the feeling escalate and make wild love lol. I stood up and you could see the streaks clearly. I was abit embarassed. I had no change of clothes but he had some air scent thing. Well anticipated I thought lol. I was able to hide the fact this time. ( we started to role play  after this ^^ )

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