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Desperate in class

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This was one of my first pee experiences from when I was in high school. This one class I had, the theh set up the tables so it was basically a U-shape. I sat across from this girl I had a slight crush on, named Victoria. So one day we we're working on a pretty big assignment, right after the start of the class I saw her cross her legs and though "does she need to pee?" But kind of brush it off and get to work. About halfway through I look and could see her shifting in her seat, and crossing and uncrossing her legs. "She's got to pee! Maybe she'll wet herself!" She happen to be wearing a nice grey pair of spandex that day. But being the nerd I am I quickly finnish my work, now I have what would usually be a boring last 15 minutes of class, but not today! By this time she's not trying to hide the fact at all that she's very desperate. Full on holding herself, hand shoved in her pussy trying so hard not to pee herself. She tried all she could to complete her work but wi th the pressing need to pee, she just couldn't concentrate. With about 5 minutes left Victoria asked the teacher "can I please go to the bathroom" in which she quickly was denied. She then followed up by saying "It's an emergency! I've really gotta go!" The teacher replied sorry, rules are rules, you'll have to wait until the end of class. By this point I'm trying to hide my raging hard on. And Victoria has given up all hope of finishing and had both hands shoved up desperately trying to stop the flow. Just staring at the clock, just praying for class to be over. Finally the bell rings, she jumps up hands still shoved in her crotch, and makes a beeline for the door. Only one thing stands in her way, me. I grab her shirt and pull her off to the side trying to be oblivious to the fact she's about to wet herself. I ask how did your project go?She's now almost in nears dancing on the spot and told me "Let me go! I'm gonna pee myself!" Then she gasped, pulled her hand away and right to her pussy. A golf ball sized wet spot had appeared on her grey spandex. She then took off as fast as she could for the girl's bathroom at the end of the hallway. I follow behind and watch as she fumbles trying to open the door and think "nothing more to see her" and keep walking to my next class, when I heard her stream. Oh my god! You could hear it in the hallway! Everyone was laughing! She came out of the bathroom so red faced! She even got a couple congrats on a great stream. Man I still get a hard on when I think of this story. Wounder what ever happened to her? Guess I'll never know. Tell me what you think about the story! Thanks, Scooter.

Edited by Zevashea
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