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When we lived in Portland there was a place calle High Rocks where people went on hot days to cool off

There was the river that went through there. The place was very popular so you had to get there early to get a spot.

There wasn't any washrooms there so finding a place to pee was required.

One day my husband and I went to High Rocks as it was going to be a hot day. We got there about nine thirty in the morning and picked our spot. I then went to find a place to pee. I found a place behind some blackberry vines where a clump of grass was growing out of a crack in the rocks.

Later I went to pee. I pushed my bikini bottoms to my knees and squatted over the clump of grass and peed on it.

Finished I wiped and gave my tissue a toss then pulled my bottoms up and went back to our spot on the rocks.

During the day I had to pee several times and used the same clump of grass to pee on.

My husband had to pee and went with me to my spot to pee. He got his wee wee out and peed into the blackberry vines. He wasn't watching where he was peeing and I noticed his pee going on a cluster of berries.

The berries were like clusters of grapes. He peed right on the berries not noticing where his pee was going. I finished peeing and soon after my husband finished. His pee was dripping off the berries.

We both peed there several times. I used the clump of grasss to pee on nf my husband the berry vines.

Once I went in the river to pee instead of using the clump of grass

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