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street pee in the city

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Last night we were going to our nation's capital for some fun.

We had both been drinking quite a lot that day. Before leaving, both of us consumed a 500 ml glass of lemonade. Already halfway there, after about 45 mins, when I suggested we ought to drink some more, my GF complained she had to pee very badly and really HAD to go pee now, she wouldn't even be able to hold it until the city.

We stopped at a motorway rest area (one without lights, no gas station etc). As soon as she squatted between the doors, in the dark, a huge stream gushed out onto the pavement. I myself took the opportunity to pee as well (I didn't have to go as bad, but still).

Off we went, drinking another 500 ml. Then we stopped once more to fill up our bottles again (from larger bottles), and had another 500 ml before arriving in the city. By then, both of us had to pee quite badly. We had brought along dry clothing, if needed. I was about to park in the most central city parking garage, but she begged me to keep driving, to get her to some place she could pee, since, she said, she would have trouble walking now and was really getting desperate.

Getting out of town would take at least 20 minutes. We drove across the town center (no easy way to turn around) when she suggested a dark corner underneath a railway bridge next to another parking garage, just out of the real city center. However we were at the wrong end of the city and getting there would take possibly longer than she (or I!) could last. We then passed another garage and quickly entered that one, doing a quick illegal U-turn. From there, it would be a 5-minute walk to a place where we could pee, I thought.

As we walked, she was getting more desperate. She doesn't show off any signs of desperation so quickly, so nobody would suspect anything, but when we had to wait for traffic lights I did see her moving around a bit more than usual. I was in pretty bad condition myself as well, I must add. I think she was just slightly worse off than me.

As it turned out, the location I'd been thinking of didn't work out. We had to keep on walking. I figured we could head to a local park I knew. But as we approached the park, we realized it was totally dark and had a fence around it... My GF said "I would pee ANYWHERE now". We kept walking towards the entrance to the park, and sure enough, our fear proved to be true: the gates were locked!

We were in a residential area, not really quiet but not busy either. Time was now really running out, especially for her, but for me as well. This was a time for improvising and taking some risks. I saw some kind of small dome thing for commercial posters standing on the sidewalk; behind it was perhaps a 1 meter area of relative darkness, somewhat hidden from traffic but totally not hidden from the sidewalk (or the eyes of observing motorists like police). It was between the sidewalk and the fence of the park. I told her "pee, now, go ahead". Quickly she lowered her pants and squatted, and a huge stream erupted and splattered out on the pavement. For each passing car I feared it would be police (we would be so embarrassed) or that a pedestrian or cyclist would pass and see us. Luckily her pee finished rather quickly. Next it was my turn. I peed against / through the park fence, and it just kept going.... my erection didn't make things any faster. I think I might have been peeing for 2 minutes or so, my bladder was so full and I was only able to pee with a very small stream. When I was finally done we quickly walked on and felt SO relieved and happy, and excited...

Now, after that, we went for a walk around the city for an hour or so without further desperation, then a 90 minute drive home, and off to bed. My GF hasn't woken up yet (I'm up for work) and hasn't even peed since then - that's about 12 hours ago by now. She didn't want to pee last night when we went to sleep - not even in a measuring jug we sometimes use (and which I sometimes bring for her to pee in when she's tired or lazy, so she can pee wherever she is in the house, as I sit in front of her or underneath her, holding the jug between her legs).

And... she admitted later that as we were walking next to the park, when she had remarked that she would pee *anywhere*, she had at that point leaked (quite significantly) into her pants. Enough to make her pants quite wet, though it wasn't visible to others.

Waiting for her to wake up.... knowing a full bladder always makes her extremely horny, I think I could be in for some fun!

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