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Assisted Pisser

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It was just me and my best friend Cameron in the house. I had broken my leg, meaning I was tired and bored so I invited him to come around and spend the night with me. As soon as he arrived at the door with pizza and alcohol, I remembered why we were such good friends. We slouched down in front of the telly, stuffing ourselves with food and beer.

After a few hours, I began feeling uncomfortable. I needed to pee.

"Back in a sec." I growled, removing myself from our comfortable cuddle nest. I padded into the bathroom and lifted the lid of the toilet. Shit, I forgot. It was blocked. Grumbling, annoyed, and beginning to get pains in my stomach, I tried to unblock it. No such luck. It was too full with dirty water to just pee anyway, it would all overflow. I couldn't piss in the sink because of my leg. I couldn't go in the bath because again, my leg stopped me.

I hurried back into the living room.

"Cameron. The toilet's blocked, can you help?"

"Yeah, sure, just let me finish th..."

"NO." I interrupted. "NOW." Sensing my tone was urgent, he suddenly got up and followed me into the bathroom. He tried fiddling around with a few things but nothing budged.

"Sorry." He said, standing up and washing his hands. I let out a little squeal. "Are you okay?" Shaking my head, I replied,

"I have to piss so fucking badly." I began holding my crotch, scared I was going to piss myself.

"Erm.." Cameron looked around frantically. His eyes drifted towards the bath. "I could give you a hand?" I looked at him, confused.


"I could hold you so your cast doesn't get stained in pee. I'll sit you on my lap and spread your legs, simple." I was amazed.

"You'd do that for me?" He scoffed.

"I'm a friend."

Every second passing got closer to me pissing myself, so I nodded, starting to unbutton my jeans.

"Here." Cameron said, undoing them for me and pulling them down, my thong along with it. He suddenly scooped me up in his arms and we climbed into the bath. He squatted down, placing me on his legs. He held my thighs apart.

"I won't look." He promised.

"Shut up." I kissed him, passionately. I'd always wanted to do that. I moaned, and my piss came flying out, a long, dark, golden stream flowing into the bath. It began bubbling at the plug , I was going too fast for it to drain. Cameron started rubbing my clit, making me piss even harder. The warmth seeped into us both, his stained, wet, warm jogging bottoms rubbing against us both. I shoved my hand down his trousers and began rubbing his throbbing hard cock. My piss began to slow down, and I started aiming for his feet. He groaned in pleasure.

"Friends, ey?" He winked.

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