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Peeing at the lake vs. into the lake

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Nearby, there is a lake with a separated nude area. I love going there, however didn't manage to do often so this year. But today I took the chance of the good weather and arrived there at around 10. The parking lot was quite empty, so I saw some good chances for the one or another naughty pee.

I searched for an area where the grass was not that wet anymore (it rained yesterday and during the night) and decided for an area where the grass was shorter. Immediately after undressing, I sat at the edge of my towel, dick in the grass and released a yellow (had coffee before) stream, creating a foamy puddle in the grass. Man, did I miss this feeling! 😅

I brought three liters of water with me and constantly drank from it. I went swimming and soon after I returned to my towel, felt my bladder again. I went to the area most far away from the lake where some bushes are and went behind those. I checked if people are lying around and decided that everyone is far away enough. I spread my legs and without even touching my dick, I peed a solid stream onto the path I was on, creating a nice foamy puddle of approx. half a meter in diameter. I left the scene as if nothing happened.

When I took my next swim, I decided to empty my bladder into the lake. I didn't realize how full it was, but I peed forcefully for at least 30 seconds. Before doing so, I had clamped my dick between my legs to feel more of the warm stream.

After returning to my towel, constantly sipping from the water, I decided it's time for another little walk. There was a guy lying to close to me to pee discretely into the grass again. Also, near the bushes, where I did my second piss, people where lying too close to not be seen. So I decided for "the path". "The path" leads to the lake and is surrounded by trees and bushes, however there is nothing to do there, no grass to lay down or similar. So I guess, "the path" is only there, because people are doing the same thing as I was planning to do. Sometimes, you also find used tissues there. At the beginning of COVID, when the toilets were locked and the lake was still too cold for swimming, but people started sunbathing, also a lot of women used "the path". I remember one situation, where a guy, who had just arrived, asked a woman "Are you leaving already?" And if it was the most normal thing in the world, she lifted her hand with a tissue and said "Yep, one last pee and I'll be gone." She entered "the path" and came out without the tissue a minute later. Most women took there used tissues to the bin a couple of meters next to "the path", but although everyone could see and hear what she is going to do, she decided to leave it in the bushes. I loved the whole situation! 😊

So, I entered "the path", crouched down and peed a solid, but not that forceful stream on the muddy ground. It formed a nice puddle again. I shook it off and left again. After nearly finishing the second 1.5l bottle, only options left for peeing discretely, were "the path" and the lake, since more and more people arrived. I decided for "the path" again. This time standing, pulling back my foreskin and forcefully shooting a jet onto the earth. Since I was standing on a small hill, my pee made a small river towards the lake. Lovely view.

After I finished the three liters of water, I decided for a last swim and there emptied my bladder again into the lake, before calling it a day and leaving.

How do you guys and girls handle your peeing in such locations? Does peeing in the grass, where others might accidentally lay in it later, make me a bad person? How do you decide where to go (in the water vs. on land)? There's one thing I do not like about peeing into the lake: Our pee is a fertilizer and with all the pee of thousands of people visiting the lake, the water quality can become poor. Algae are more likely to form and reduce the level of oxygen, killing the fish. A couple of years ago, we had a great summer and I was at the lake nearly everyday. Let's say at least 50 times. I always have a lot of water with me and also drink a couple of beers when going there by bike. That means, I peed at least three liters each visit into the lake and this sums up to 150 liters of urine from me alone. Thus, water quality is a good excuse for me to pee into the grass and on paths. 😇
I always pee into pools, hot tubs and oceans, but I try to avoid heavy pissing into small bodies of sweet water. However, I would always do so before using a toilet.

Tomorrow, I plan to be there even more early and take more water with me. 🙃

Edited by princepee
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