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I've always had an intense interest in watching women peeing but only recently have I think I come around to the taste- if you what I mean.

I have a store I like to visit, frequently visited by all ages so it has a nice assortment of college aged and milf type women in a collection of yoga pants, skirts, leggings, etc. The store has 2 unisex, single user restrooms adjacent to the display areas so it's very easy to see who goes in, even if you can't see in (believe me, I've tried.) Because I absolutely adore seeing women who hover, my spidey-senses seem to have adapted over the years to detect things that clue me in to that type or behavior. This means in some circumstances making sure I'm the next one to use the restroom after a woman to look for evidence.

The other day I'm hanging out nearby- not on top of the restrooms, but close enough so I have a good grasp of anyone going in. As I was in the area I see a young mother (early thirties, straight hair, mid-length skirt) go in to use one of the restrooms. I know I can't see or hear anything but I stake out a position so that way I can go in after she's done to see if I can find anything.  She emerged after about 3 minutes and walked back towards her husband and kids. I then went in to the restroom, flipped on the light and locked the door. I looked over at the toilet and bent down to take a look.

As I kneeled down for inspection I noticed some splashes of pee located in a couple of different areas on the sides of the seat- definitely evidence that the young woman had christened the seat with a hover, as opposed to sitting or covering the seat. Towards the front of the seat I saw a couple of larger droplets, typical of either the start or end of a stream. I don't know what possessed me but as I stared down at the mainly clear/ slightly yellow drops, I put my finger to the seat to touch it and feel the wetness she had just left. Before I even realized it I put that finger in my mouth to taste the present she had unknowingly left me and I was shocked how much I enjoyed it. There wasn't a whole lot, but the tangy taste from it was wonderful. I licked my lips and only then did the aroma hit me- light but definitely feminine.

I think I continued to kneel for a few more seconds before I figured I'd better get my composure and get finish up. I wiped the seat up from her at that point- figured I'd be polite in case I had another opportunity later- then flushed and headed out. I walked past the young woman as I was leaving later to try get a good mental picture of her for my memories for later.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed the taste and now I'd like to taste it again. I have a few more places I know of around town with a similar restroom setup so I may find myself seeing if I recreate these events in the not so distant future.

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