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Cathleen's new living diaper.

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Something I whipped up because I was really horny... Contains slavery, Forced piss drinking, Centaurs, and futa/hem. Enjoy!  

“I’m afraid you have Urinary Incontinence,” The doctor said to Cathleen. “Luckily, it does seem to be temporary. “ He added while wearing an apologetic smile. It had been a few days after her accident, and when she realized she couldn’t stop herself from peeing all over her carpet, she rushed over to the hospital to see what was wrong/


“Wh- What do you recommend?” Cathleen asked. Feeling a little despondent.


“As it’s going to be temporary, wearing a diaper may be the best solution for the time being.” He said while pulling out a business card. “Here I have a friend in the business of ‘Living Diapers’ for cases just like this. I really can’t recommend one enough,” The doctor said. Cathleen took the card, thanked the doctor, and left. Her hooves click-clacked across the ground as he large body walked through the halls of the doctor's office, heading straight for the ‘diaper store.’


Cathleen clopped into the darkened store. Everywhere she looked, there were other centaurs gazing at the humans in cages. Centaurus had long ago enslaved the humans. At first, they were used for all sorts of things like labor and whatnot, but now they have mostly been reduced to live-in assistants. She walked to a human man who was strung up in a glass container. He was blindfolded and gagged while wearing nothing, and Cathleen looked on with a contemplative gaze. 


“Hello, Miss? Can I help you with anything?” An older centaur woman said while walking up to Cathleen. 


“Ahh yes…” Cathleen said while blushing. “ I was recommended this place by my doctor,” Cathleen said while handing over the business card. The woman looked at it for a moment before looking back at Cathleen, a smile on her face.


“Ahh, one of our living diapers! Yes come to the back I’ll show you what we have.” Cathleen followed the centaur women from behind following her into an even darker room. Humans were strung up along the walls their eyes still covered with blindfolds. Instead of ball gags, however, they all had what seemed to be thin tubes that ran down into their throats. 


“Here is our selection. Do you know how our living diapers work?” She asked while showing Cathleen the ‘products.’


“Uhh no…” Cathleen said with a slightly stilted voice. 


“Well… maybe it’s best if I just show you.” The attendant said. Cathleen’s eyes went wide when the employee pulled up the hem of her skirt, revealing her hairy underarage. Cathleen almost turned away so as not to glance at the centaur’s genitals by mistake, but she gawked at the human strapped to the centaur. The human woman’s stomach was placed up against her master’s; Her mouth was forced with an apparatus and filled with the pulp centaur's pussy. There was a tube running from the poor woman's mouth. It wrapped around towards the back of the centaur, eventually sealing around a holed bag placed around the centaur’s dark asshole. “As you can see, my living diaper here is forced to drink up all my waist. The seal around my pussy it so strong there would be no way it would spill out onto the ground. We pride ourselves on no-leak diapers, after all.”


“Ah… I am… a hermaphrodite, so… would that still work?” Cathleen asked, eyes not leaving the centaur’s diaper.’


“Nope! Not a problem at all! With the breathing tube we have installed, as long as the breathing bag is placed somewhere exposed, your diaper won’t die on you! As you can see, I have mine placed around my ass just to make sure my diaper holds in all my farts all well.” Cathleen was star-struck. It seemed amazing, and the attendant, sensing the sale, went in for the kill. “I will even show you how convenient and seamless it is to use in public.” Cathleen was confused, but then a whole new layer of shock covered her face when she watched the attendant let out a huge sigh. “Mmmhaaaaaaaaa,” She moaned out. Cathleen heard the sharp sound of liquid filling a container as well as a harsh his. She watched as the living diaper’s throat swallowed the centaur’s piss as it clearly torrented into its mouth. The torrent of piss was very clearly contained inside the diaper’s mouth, and not a drop escaped. Cathleen felt her cock twitch when she thought about the dark lips of the centaur she was watching poring piss into the warm mouth of her diaper. “I don’t ever even take it off unless the hubby wants some ass, of course!” The clerk said while turning around her human half and slapping the back of her horse ass. “Thanks to the genetic breeding. These special humans are built to only live off of centaur waist, so feel free to leave it on to collect all your fluids! Even… when you get a little lonely at night…” The clerk said, waggling her eyebrows.


“I’ll take one…” Cathleen said while thinking about how great her life would be with her new diaper. 


“Great! Let’s walk back towards the register…”




“Hmmm, let’s see…” Cathleen said, reading the instructions in her new diaper kit. The ‘diaper’ she had bought was now lying down on the floor. He was naked while he held his mouth open in waiting, his blindfold still on. A thin tube slithered out from his throat, ending in a small bag with holes in it. She lowered herself to the ground, kneeling with her two front legs. Her thick cock was already rock hard just thinking about how her meat would be surrounded by a warm cave 24/7. Her flat tip slowly pierced the threshold of her diaper’s mouth. She felt the bottom of her meat rest on the tongue of her new piss slave. She slowly invaded the man’s throat as she thrust into the diaper. She felt the walls of her diaper tighten around her cock as she fully sheathed herself into her diaper. She fastened the straps to her bare horseback as she stood back up, her diaper resting comfortably against her stomach. She grabbed the breathing bag and placed it around her balls. She always had trouble washing her balls in the bath, so they always smelled really musty. Luckily, she wouldn’t have to worry about that again now that her diaper could huff all her ball stink from now on. Now that she had her diaper installed, she put on her outer clothes and went on a stroll to test things out. As she walked down the street, she reveled in the pleasure of feeling her cock rubbing deep inside the warm fleshy interior of her diaper. After walking around for a while, though, she slowly got used to her meat rod inside the tight hole. That was until she felt her blatter twinge. She tried to hold it, but due to her internal injury. Her cock quickly exploded with piss, and she sighed with pleasure as she realized she was free to let go. She pushed her piss out with all her might, and the feeling of it pulsing through her huge cock made her shiver with pleasure. She felt her diaper swallow around her cock, making sure to take all her waist. She hadn’t drunk water in a while, so she was sure her piss was absolutely rancid by now. She almost felt her diaper fill up with her liquid, but every time she got nervous, the diaper would once again swallow, flushing away all her piss. “Ahhhhmmmm,” She sighed as she finished her secret piss…




Cathleen went to bed that night with her diaper still on… It didn’t need to be changed after all. That night she had a very nice dream of her fucking an ex-girlfriend. Her dream was so rudely interrupted, though, with her cumming into her diaper. Her balls clenched up against her diaper face as it pumped a gallon of sticky centaur cum into the throat of her diaper. She felt the need to once again go to the restroom and panicked like she was about to douse her bed in stinking piss. She remembered her new diaper, though, and stretched in bed before letting nature take its course.  “Damn, I don’t even have to get out of bed to piss anymore… This thing is awesome…” She said to herself in a blissful sigh as she yawned and went back to sleep… all while unloading gallons upon gallons of the waste into her new diaper.


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