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Being a female dog on the road

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Good morning. I hope this post finds you well!

More or less one month ago, I have been hosted by a friend of mine. He not only knows everything about my pee fetish, he is a peefan too, or rather, we knew each other in the peefans' Italian forum. He lives alone, at more than 300 km from my house, in a big city where I don't know anyone at all. It goes without saying that we took advantage of being together to have some intersting peeing and wetting experiences, in addition to visiting his city and the region around it, that is very intersting, full of castles and ruins of the first world war.

Coming back to the topic, we made several very funny games, but I would like to talk you about one of them that I played one evening: I really wanted to act like a female dog. I'm sure that you know that if you drink a lot and, the first time you need to, you pee and keep yourself hydrated, the second time that the need to pee appears it grows very faster and so on every time that you pee and the bladder becomes full again. And, this time, I was playing with the second stimulus, so I knew it would have grown quite fast. I was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of grey cotton trousers. 

I waited for the stirring to be intense enough and I proposed to my friend, despite the fact we were watching a movie, to pause it and have a little walk around his house. Since he lives in outskirt and it was later than 11 p.m., almost nobody was on the road. We walked some minutes (while my need to pee continued to increase and I was quite desperated) and then we reached a cycle lane. We walked along it until the point where this lane ends and it forms a little square. That was the moment when I decided to start playing. I squatted and I left the flow for 2 or 3 seconds. I felt the wetness around my bum, but, unfortunately, I didn't see any drop falling on the ground because the underwear and the trousers kept everything inside. So I stood up, walked for some meters, squatted again and left another spurt, like the previous one. This time the pee came out from the trousers and it formed a little spot on the concrete. Then, we went down the cycle lane, in the direction of home and after some second I saw a particular point, in the middle of the lane, that captured my attention, so I squatted and left some pee on it, then we went on walking. There wasn't light enough in that part of the path, so I didn't want to pee without seeing the spot on the ground. My attention was captured by two gates, on the cycle lane, and both had a light, so I squatted on both of them and let a little spurt of pee. Then, I tried to pee in the grass, but it wasn't so funny, again because the spot on the ground wasn't very visible. I kept on leaving some little puddles on the ground (3 or 4) and, eventually, when we reached home's road, that is a very very steep ascend, I squatted in the middle of the streed and I completely emptied my bladder, forming a little stream between my feet.

Then we got back home, but I continued drinking. After half an hour, a light need to pee started arriving, but we continued watching the movie. I thought I could arrive at the end and then have fun again with my pee. But... I was making a mistake! In just 10 minutes the need to pee became terrible, so I prayed my friend to go outside right now, otherwise I would have wet his sofa. We went on the road and I was looking for a point that would have been intersting to pee on, but I didn't have time enough. The pee was starting coming out without my control so, even if I was in the middle of a square, I squatted down and released the whole load that I had in my bladder. During this long pee a motorbike passed quite close to me, but I don't think the driver noticed anything and, in case... I don't care! In that moment I din't have other choice but to pee right there.

The fourth stimulus grew up even faster. 5 minutes after is appearance, I immediately run outside, sat on the ground and peed myself.


These games, especially the dog's one, have a very deep meaning for me, because I used to do them in the past, when I was a child. These days with my friend permitted me to become again a kid and to live again the emotions and the sensations that accompanied me during my childhood.

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