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Gig at Fountains Hotel

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Part 1. A Gig at Last

I am Peter, manager of and roadie for a struggling English Reggae rock band. We had the crazy idea of undertaking a Caribbean tour which was inevitably a total failure. Then suddenly two weeks ago I received a booking enquiry. It was the first we’d had in months and we were thinking of giving up on the "tour’ and returning to the UK.

I was pleased to talk to Celia the manager of Fountains Hotel in neighbouring St Marie. I negotiated a fee for a one night gig. She had heard our demo recording and were happy to pay rather more than I expected including travel from Jamaica where we had been stuck for two months without even the air fairs to return us to the UK. Celia even hinted there might be more gigs if this one went down well. Getting really excited I confirmed the booking which was for a ‘gala dinner’ on the evening of Friday 21st. I was to come at midday on the same day to discuss details and the band would arrive a few of hours later. The hotel sent a deposit and I booked the flights from Jamaica.

As an afterthought I checked out the Fountains Hotel on the web and found it was new and upmarket with cabins and pools in a natural jungle like environment. It was "wetlook friendly’ and it had a "clothing optional beach’. I had looked up ‘wetlook’ on the internet and viewed some videos of young women bathing or swimming in their clothes. Some of these were pretty erotic. I had seen a few before but had never really understood the attraction.

Arriving in St Marie I picked up a hire truck at the airport and loaded our equipment. The satnav guided me to the hotel which was way out of town in a rocky area between the forest and the shore. I arrived about an hour before the expected time. The smart iron driveway gate in the white wall surrounding the hotel was closed and I was asked to leave the truck outside and enter through a pedestrian gate to ccheck in at reception.

I walked into the entrance courtyard following behind a smartly dressed couple in their early 30’s who had just arrived in a cab. They were carrying a number of up market store bags. The pedestrian gate lead me into an entrance courtyard with lush greenery and an ornate fountain to one side. Straight ahead of me was the hotel reception. The couple stopped in front of the doors and fiddled with their clutch of bags. The man then said oddly,“Come on I cannot wait to see you in your new dress, we can put the bags just inside the door whilst we get our mail, then take these bags to our room and go straight into the pool.”

The woman was dressed in an obviously new summer dress. It was a floating knee length design, white cotton with a prettily embroidered decoration around a deep v neck. It looked to be expensive. He was also in seemingly new clothes, white designer shorts and a colourful shirt. She wiggled her butt and flicked her hem up provocatively. “You naughty boy you are totally obsessed with that pool,” she said with a grin and a laugh, “but I want to do something else first.”

I wondered whether the dress she was wearing was the one they were talking about as he had could already see her in it. They finished organising their bags and walked into the lobby. I hurried after them fascinated to see what happened next.

They had stopped a few paces into the lobby and stood looking around. It was a large hall with a high curved ceiling and a complex fountain taking up nearly half the space. It consisted of six jets which projected vertical columns of water ten feet straight up and arching ones with much finer jets. Both types emerged from the flat paved floor and were arranged in a line on either side of a path down the middle of the room leading towards a large reception desk at the far end. The thin streams from the arching jets crossed over each other about four feet above the ground so that they landed beside the jets on the other side in such a way that anyone using the central path was bound to get wet, probably not very wet if they moved quickly but definitely wet. There was a line of drain slots in the floor to allow water to escape. There were other paths around the sides of the room which would enable people to approach the desk and the various exits and stairs and remain dry if they so wished. Either side of the reception desk were wide open doorways leading out into a bright open space with the sign ‘Pool Terrace’ over the doorway.

The couple put all their bags down on a dry section of floor to one side. He then gave the woman’s hand a squeeze and said, “you go first I’m getting overcome with excitement.”

She replied with a little smile and licking her lips, “you are going through too I want to see those shorts go transparent.” With that she calmly stepped forward along the middle path and stopped so that the first pair of fine jets hit the sides of her breasts. The water ran down and dripped off her hem laving a semi transparent line down both of her sides. She then turned around allowing one jet to play across her breasts whilst the other went across her back. Once she had turned through 180 degrees and was facing her man she laughed and said “How do you like that pervert.”

He grinned and stepped towards her. “More more more, show me more.”

She took two steps backwards until she was opposite the next pair of jets and positioned herself so that each jet played on a breast. Her dress was now becoming saturated, with water running off it and down her legs into her canvas wedge shoes. “Now it’s your turn,” she grinned. “Come to the first jets only. I want to see you getting slowly wet.”

I stood transfixed by the sight of the woman and unable to move except to step to one side so I could see past her partner. I couldn’t help staring hard at this vision of beauty. I felt very aroused. She was watching her man get soaked, and staring unashamedly at his crotch. She instructed him to turn around as she had done then, whilst his back was to her, she looked me in the eye, smiled and winked. When he was facing me again I could see he had an enormous erection tenting his shorts.

Tearing my eyes away from the woman momentarily I noticed the woman behind the reception desk was watching, whilst talking on the phone. She was looking at me not at the couple.

The man, now turned fully round to face his woman, shook himself back to attention and stepping forward picked her up and kissed her hard. I enjoyed the way her dress clung wetly to her body showing her form and a beautiful ass through the thin fabric. He then carried her over to one of the main fountain jets and stepped into it. The fierce stream splattered up between them scattering water in all directions including a little onto me standing ten feet away. The stream then passed under his crotch and lifted the back of his shirt before being released and resuming it’s strong vertical flow.

Then having been set down again the woman stepped over the third and last main stream which caught her skirt and lifted it right up revealing her tanned body and pretty lacy panties. Her man with some difficulty then arranged himself so that a stream went up the leg of his shorts ballooning out the thin fabric. He sighed and grinned as an even bigger erection tented his shorts.

“Come on pervert lets go and get in that pool.” She walked back through the fountain to collect their bags and carefully holding them away from her wet dress skirted the fountains. They headed into the hotel up the stairs towards the rooms.

I stood transfixed, unable to move, and the woman behind the desk, who had now finished her phone call advanced through the fountain to greet me. She was wearing a dark blue linen business suit with a lightweight jacket and a fairly narrow skirt that finished just above the knee. The breast pocket of her jacket was embroidered with the hotel logo. She had a white shirt under it which hung outside her skirt and was partially unbuttoned to reveal a lot of cleavage.

Whilst she was behind the desk she had looked smart and professional. She paused at the first small jets and stood there allowing them to play on her. The water ran down her clothes and dripped off the hem of her skirt. She turned left and right to let the water play over different areas then for some time straight onto her cleavage. She held this pose whilst smiling at me until it ran out under her skirt and down her legs. There seemed to be a lot more water coming out from under her skirt than there was going in the top, almost as if she was peeing herself hard, but that couldn’t be. Could it?

She then stepped sideways to stand over one of the large jets. Only a little landed on her head and shoulders but the jet poured up under he close fitted skirt until it sprayed out in all directions from the loose weave.

Leaving the fountain she walked towards me dripping water all over the floor. Now she looked wild and soaked as she came towards me holding out her hand. We shook.

“That’s better, it’s so good to cool down. I couldn’t cope with wearing this formal outfit if I didn’t have the opportunity to cool off in the fountain every hour or so. I’ve been really busy on the phone for hours and was getting so hot. I am Celia, general manager, sometime receptionist and part owner of this flashy madhouse.” She gave me a lovely smile and continued, “You must be Peter the manager of tonight’s band. We spoke on the phone. I noticed that you took a step back when the water splashed despite looking hot and sweaty so I take it you aren’t into wetlook yet, except as an observer,” she nodded in the direction of the two guests who were disappearing up the stairs, “So I suppose I’d better not give you our usual special welcome hug.” She stared down at the bulge in my tight blue jeans and winked. “But maybe I can convert you later. Lets go to the bar and get you a bite of lunch. We can then go through the itinerary and layout for tonight’s dinner so you can get on with setting up your gear.” She buzzed on an intercom and called on ‘Madeline’ to take over and then lead the way through the door to the right with water still dripping off her hem.

I thought, to myself, "this is certainly going to be an unusual gig," as I followed her into the bar lounge. There was sign on a smart board by the door which read:

Welcome to fountains hotel. All our furnishings, both indoors and out, are water tolerant and you you are welcome to use them in wet clothes. However they are not tolerant of dirty water. If you clothes are contaminated with salt, chlorine, mud or urine please take a shower before you sit down, you may use any shower or fountain in the hotel or in the grounds. If its just urine use the hand held bidet sprays by the doors.

I looked around and spotted the device. It was a sort of wand with a trigger and a flattened nozzle on a fine hose hooked into a carrier on the wall. The pavement in front of it was hollowed and had a drain hole in the centre. A sign beside it showed a guy in pants with a dark stain down the front. He was sticking the nozzle downwards into his belt.

The bar was furnished with a series of tables and sofas and a bar along one side. It was also virtually empty, lots of people could be seen at tables outside on the terrace. Each table was set out with the usual beer mats and condiment set. They also had a drinking water tray with glasses and a large carafe of water. The carafe had bright yellow writing on it.


Celia, was still soaking wet when she seated herself at one of the bar tables and waved me to a chair the other side. As I sat down my attention was drawn to her wet shirt clinging to her chest and showing a minimal white frilly bra through the thin cotton. This took my attention away from the distinct dampness which was soaking my butt. Evidently someone in wet pants had recently sat on the upholstered chair. I had to admit to myself that the damp seat felt good in the extreme heat.

Celia looked so cool in her dripping wet suit I was beginning to feel like getting wet myself. The first thing she did was fill two of the glasses and hand one to me. She then drained hers in one go and refilled it. “Drink up it’s essential we keep hydrated.”

Once settled she waved the waitress over and ordered lunch. The waitress was a local woman with African features and a very dark skin. “Hi I’m Bella, welcome to Fountains.” She had black braided hair and was dressed in typical bar staff clothes of a short white long sleeve thin cotton shirt and lightweight black miniskirt. Bella told us the food would be ready in about fifteen minutes and brought us each a beer to go with it.

Celia started telling me more about Fountains and we discussed tonight’s event. During our conversation two pretty girls came through from the lobby. One was in blue jeans and pink sleeveless t-shirt the other in a denim mini skirt and white cotton shirt with long sleeves. Both were barefoot. One said to the other “are you going to go in slowly and seductively this time?”

“No I’m not, I’m tired of being ogled by horny boys, I enjoy it most of the time but now I just want to swim, I’m going for the quick dive.” They disappeared through the doors onto the pool terrace and almost at once I heard two splashes as they entered the water.

When Bella brought our lunch her short black cotton skirt was dripping wet and plastered to her legs. The bottom hem of her white shirt was soaked as well and it had been splashed further up around her breasts. She wore no bra and seemed totally unconcerned by showing her breasts through the thin fabric. Bright yellow French knickers were showing through her skirt.

Celia chatted with her in a friendly manner. “I love your pretty pants Bela.” She smiled and thanked her. Celia turned to me. “Bela wears a different colour design every day says it improves her tips. What will you choose tomorrow Bela?”

“Tomorrow I will go Commando, Special request from a group of guests,” replied Bela with a grin.

I asked Celia if displaying in this way was usual amongst the waiting staff. She assured me it was. All staff were employed on the condition they followed the wetlook path when at work and most took full advantage and were not shy.

When we had the music sorted I had to go and unload the gear. Celia gave me directions to the delivery entrance and then accompanied me back to the reception hall. The desk was now staffed by a young woman in a long sleeved shirt dress the same colour as Celia’s suit, it had the hotel logo on the pocket. She came out from behind the desk and I could see her skirt was short, ending well above mid thigh. She was fairly light skinned and had bare tanned legs and red mesh sports shoes.

“Thank you for holding the fort Madeline. Have you been busy?”

Madeline replied, "The phone hasn’t stopped and a whole party of guests has just checked in which I was dealing with while talking about a booking to somebody in Germany. Fortunately the guests happily played in the fountains until I was able to register them. I was so jealous watching them cool down but felt I couldn’t leave the phone to join them. I’ve written notes of all the phone messages for you."

"Well done, now you need to cool off, then we can go through them."

Madeline lifter the flap and came out from behind the desk and Celia went straight behind it sitting down on the padded office chair. It squelched audibly as she sat down and she looked quizzically at Madeline who looked embarrassed. Celia said frowning, "I thought you hadn’t cooled off at all yet and I know this chair was only slightly damp when I left it."

As Madeline turned and looked at Celia I could see her apparently perfectly dry dress was totally wet at the back. She felt behind herself with a very apologetic expression on her face. "Sorry Celia I was so busy and couldn’t hold it."

Celia shrugged and remained seated. "No problem, we all do it. Please get your shower so that we can get on with these calls. When we have finished you can rinse the chair in the fountain so that it doesn’t get smelly.”

Madeline then went straight into the fountain with a sigh of great relief. I watched with increasing arousal as her dress became transparent and several shades darker. It clung wetly to her and her tan showed through everywhere. She bobbed and ducked around to rinse her hair and stood over a big jet allowing her skirt to be blown up and thoroughly rinsed in the back. As it went up I saw that as I suspected, she was commando under it.

I was getting very hot and sticky and a strong desire to soak myself came upon me. I resisted this and walked fairly quickly down the central aisle. The small cross over jets sprayed my jeans and shirt and by the time I reached the door I was pretty wet but still not totally soaked. I went outside and took the van round to the unloading dock.

At the dock I was met by a man in a shirt the same colour and style as Madeline’s dress and with the hotel logo on the pocket. He wore this with khaki shorts and red shoes like Madeline’s. There were damp patches on his clothes indicating he had probably been soaked quite recently. The most prominent wet patch was in his crotch. It looked exactly like he had pissed his pants. Seemingly unaware or unconcerned about this he held out his hand, "Hi I’m Mick. Can I help you?"

"Hi Mick, I’m Peter the roadie for tonight’s band."

"Pleased to meet, you look as though you need to cool off. Lets get this lot unloaded then you can swim before setting up."

I made an excuse, "No I don’t think so. Don’t want to get water in the amps. The gear is waterproof once it is set up but the connections need to be kept really dry.”

"Ok I see your point, I can lend you a towel if you want. I know it looks like we never use them but sometimes needs must."

"Lets just get on with it."

With Mick’s help the equipment was soon taken onto the stage and set up. I located it leaving the right space for the ceremony and did basic power testing. After this I was even hotter, the dampness I got from the fountain had all evaporated and the sweat was dripping off me. I was also dying for a piss. The beer and coffee from lunch had worked right through me. I thought ‘Perhaps I would yet give in and get wet.’ The open side doors lead on to the terrace where there was a large pool and a wet bar area. The water glinted seductively. I looked over and saw the couple I had followed into the lobby. They were still in their new clothes and swimming and diving. They both had taken their shoes off and, as I discovered when her skirt went up as she jumped in, she was now commando. I also saw Bela bring out a tray of drinks to one of the ‘wet’ tables. Having server the beers she put the tray down on an empty table and plunged into the pool, swam two lengths before retrieving the tray and taking an order from the next table.

Whilst we were working we chatted and I asked Mick about his view of wetlook. He said that he really enjoyed it and so did his girlfriend. "I have twice the benefit we both get the sensations and I get to look at Pam. She looks incredible in wet clothes especially pyjamas." he added with a grin, "She likes me in them too."


"Yes when wearing pyjamas we are fully dressed but minimally and keep really cool too." he said as he humped a big amp into position. "When we get back to our cabin after work we change into our pyjamas and soak in the bathtub or plunge into a pool. When we have had enough we go into the dining room with the water still draining off us. Pam’s pyjamas cling beautifully to her body. She likes the way I show through everywhere and I have to work to keep my fly closed."

Mick then asked, "are you coming to swim?"

"Well maybe but I’ve nothing to change into until the band arrives with my bag."

“Why change? Just keep cool let your clothes dry naturally.”

. . . . .

I was still prevaricating and trying to decide when Celia appeared. She said, "Peter have you finished setting up?"

"Just done."

"That’s good then I have got time to show you around before the band get here. They just phoned to say they have landed and will be here in about two hours."

"OK. Sorry Mick I’ll have to swim with you some other time." I followed Celia out on to the pool terrace.

"We could swim here now if you like but I think it would be more fun the go down to the river and I can show you the waterfall where we get all our power and the water for our constant fountains."

"Wow! yes please. I am a bit of an environmentalist and was rather concerned that you might be wasting a lot of water or a lot of power on pumps."

"We are also very environmentally aware and I assure we waste neither power nor water. That’s one of the great things about wetlook you don’t need air conditioning. Let me show you how we do it. One thing I suggest is that you put anything you want to keep dry in this locker." I put the plans for tonight in as well as my phone and wallet and she locked it and gave me the key which had a large flotation fob.

Celia unbuttoned her still rather damp jacket and lead the way down a winding paved path through dense bushes, trees and plants. A real rain forest it seemed to me. There were cabins scattered in clearings with gardens and pools around them and streams and waterfalls everywhere. The paths made no attempt to avoid wet areas and on some wading through a foot of water was required. After walking for a few minutes, I just avoided wet feet the view opened out on to a mown grassy area where Celia told me people could sit and watch the sunset away from the hubbub of the resort.

Below the grassy clearing the path continued downwards to a meadow and the river. The sea could just be seen on my left and the river went over a weir into a reedy marshy tidal area. The weir had a fence along the top of it and another fence about 4 meters behind it. A track led down into the water between the two fences and re-appeared on the far side of the stream which was around 5 meters wide and flowed strongly. Upstream from the weir it widened out into a large pool with several people w paddling and swimming in it. As I was now coming to expect they were all fully dressed.

Celia stopped for a few moments to admire the view. "This view was one of the reasons we chose this place, another was the resources, come I will show you but you will need to get wet. The only way to cross the river dry is in the Land Rover, and that’s not going to happen."

I was resigned to a dunking by now and followed Celia down the hill. We arrived at the place where the path joined the track as it disappeared into the water.

"We have a choice, to wade along the causeway and keep our tops dry or cross further up where it is about 4 feet deep. I usually prefer the latter, it’s more fun and the water is cleaner because of the mud that collects behind the weir and the truck churns it up."

"I’m still not sure about getting totally wet."

"Don’t worry you will soon dry again. If you want to see where the water and power comes from, you will get wet. We have to go under a waterfall to get there and you will get a total shower from that."

At that point I decided to give in to the inevitable. Also my need to pee had grown to desperation proportions, "Lets swim across I don’t fancy the mud."

Celia said with a smile, “You will be able to have a piss too. I see you are too embarrassed to just let it go when you need to.”

“Is that acceptable?” I asked in surprise, “just to wet your pants?”

“Oh yes anywhere outside or in a fountain. Not indoors though except in your own cabin. Don’t pee in the main pool either. Didn’t you see me go in the fountain when I came to greet you?”

“O my god I was right!” I replied “I thought so but couldn’t believe my eyes.”

She laughed. “You’ll soon get used to it. Why don’t you experiment now before you go in the river?”

The idea of peeing the only pants I had with me until the band came with my outfit for tonight was really scary. Even swimming in them was bad enough but at least I would cool down at last. But I was desperate really desperate. I tried to let go but a lifetime of conditioning prevented me.

Celia, was still dressed in her blue business suit but she had swapped her black pumps for trainers, she lead the way along the bank and then waded in at a little beach without pausing.

I followed her hesitantly experiencing all sorts of emotions the bottom of my jeans became soaked. The water splashing up my legs was less disturbing than the first splash on my feet but then my crotch got suddenly soaked as I stepped into an unexpected hollow. I first was shocked by the coolness and then realised how good it felt.

Now I suddenly could pee and I released a torrent. When I ran dry I bent my knees to soak the rest of my jeans and rinse my piss away as quickly as I could. Then the bottom of my shirt. Wow I was beginning to like this. I dipped down further, wetting another six inches of shirt, this felt so good that I waded forward more quickly.

I was following Celia who was now three yards ahead breasting the water chest deep and splashing water over herself by waving her arms around. She then stooped and plunged forward ducking completely under. I copied her dipping my arms under and churning the water over myself. Finally I too put my head down and submerged completely, swimming a few strokes before surfacing.

The river didn’t get any deeper and we were soon wadeing through the shallows to the far bank. Water drained off me, another great sensation. We set off up an uneven and rocky path.

"Yo said there was a power station up by the waterfall. How did you get the equipment up there along this path?" I asked.

"The smaller stuff we carried and we hired a helicopter for the big things like the generators. Come on it’s not far."

We were now climbing steeply and soon we could look down at the hotel thirty feet below. Then we turned a corner and had to negotiate a stream which not only flowed along the path but was fed by a torrent falling from twenty feet above our heads and splashing right onto the rocky path.

Delia was right, I would have got totally wet even if I had taken the muddy knee deep option. We scrambled up crude steps and emerged by a concrete tank with a channel from the river filling it and flowing out over a ledge to form the waterfall that had just dunked us when on the path. Two large diameter pipes came out of one side one ran down the cliff to a small concrete building twenty feet below. "That’s our generator, plenty of power night and day. There is so much rainfall in the mountain even in a dry period that the river never runs low. The other pipe is our water supply including that to the fountains it runs across the side of the hill to a reservoir above the main courtyard. From the fountains and our processing plant the water all rejoins the river downstream from the weir.

We climbed down some steps to the generator hut and after looking in it for a few minutes rejoined the main path. The path now ran steeply downwards and little further along we came out into a beautiful clearing with a deep shaded pool into which the whole river plunger as a marvellous waterfall.

"The channel we have just looked up comes from just above that." Celia said. "Now I am going to have a proper swim, will you join me?"

"Great yes," I heard myself saying.

Celia took off her jacket and shoes, then removed her skirt. She kept her shirt on to ‘preserver her modesty,’ It almost did although her lacy panties were on view and, soaked with water, totally transparent. She then slipped into the pool.

Taking a cue from her I removed my sandals. I kept my jeans and shirt on as this seemed appropriate especially as I was commando. I plunged into the beautiful water and swam over to dunk myself under the waterfall where I was caught by the flow and carried down into the depths. I had to swim strongly to the side before it released me and I surfaced gasping fro breath. "Wow, just wow that was great," I shouted and struck out for the bank.

We both swam around for a few minutes and then had to go. I climbed out and replaced my shoes. Celia then replaced her suit and we headed back down the river dripping onto the path with our shoes squelching. The feeling of the water slowly draining off me was once again very pleasurable.

. . . . .

Returning to the hotel we walked out onto the pool terrace to see my keyboard player, Danny, sitting at a table in the shade holding a Red Stripe beer. "Hi Pete wow this is some place you have found here."

"Hi Danny you’ve already chilled out I see, I was worried about upsetting the women and remained dry until an hour ago. Where are they?"

"Playing in the fountain at reception. I couldn’t drag them away."

"OK it’s great that they like it."

Yes they are totally hooked and Chrissie looks absolutely fantastic with her rasta dress totally clinging wetly to her. The other two look pretty good too. Do you want a beer?"

"Yes please, This is Celia, she’s the general manager and part owner of this place. She is also our employer."

Danny looker Celia up and down noticing her wet and slightly muddy suit but resisting saying anything. "Hi Celia, you have a real cool place here I’m Danny, keyboards and bass guitar."

"Hi Danny, pleased to meet you I’ve heard your stuff on Spotify and I am really impressed."

"Thanks Celia I’m looking forward to tonight it should be a blast."

Bela came over to us freshly soaked and dripping, waterproof note pad at ready. "What can I get you?"

"Two more beers please’

Celia told Bela to put beers for the band on her tab and then said she was going off duty and had to have a shower. She told us she would see the rest of the band when the dinner started and left us.

"You been swimming with the boss, wow that’s crazy man. Swimming in clothes is common in Jamaica the kids do it all the time but it’s usually just in shorts and a shirt. This place is something else like I’ve never seen except on the net."

Danny looked around at the people sitting at the other tables and further away in a ‘wet bar’ beside the pool. This was separated from the pool and the water level was a few inches lower than the and water from the pool flowed gently over the top of the glass separator. There was a sign on the post that divided the bar from the pool where the paving sloped gently down into the water.


The water in it was a stream, the outfall from the constant fountains. The tables were lined up facing the pool so that people sitting at them could watch the swimmers. The first four tables stood in about a foot of water so people could wave their legs in the water but their seats remained dry. Occasionally more water than usual would flow over due to the activity of bathers and peopl would get damp. The next 6 tables were in around 1.5 feet of water. The table tops remained dry but the seats were submerged. Further down the slope the water got deeper until it was chest deep. Here there were some small tables for stand up drinkers. Beyond this here was a ladder for people to climb over to enter the main pool.

"Mind you there some pretty sights that I could get used to." Danny’s eyes swivelled as a particularly attractive woman got up from her seat at one of the tables in the shallow area. The butt of her red jeans had a big wet patch on it. She felt it and looked at her crotch which was also had a small wet triangle. "Oops it shows I’ve wet myself” she remarked to her friend.

"Sure does," laughed her friend who’s white mini dress was probably just as wet but would not have showed in the same way.

The woman dipped down to immerse her pants completely. Leaving them smooth and gleaming. As she emerged the water poured off her, pooling around her feet. Gorgeous but not as captivating as some.

We sat back with another beer to people watch together. We both had to admit that wetlook was stimulating and added a certain zest. I was still unsure it was right to support it but decided it was not really different from any other way women acted to attract and titillate men and each other.

Danny suddenly sat up eyes popping "look at that!” he pointed towards the doors from Fountain court on the other side of the pool shallows.

Following his gaze I saw the three other members of our band emerge into the sunshine. All were totally wet.

Chrissie was dressed in a dramatic long loose flowing rasta coloured dress. It was very thin cotton and clung beautifully to her tanned body showing her black panties and braless breasts through it. Her pale blond fine braided hair hung both front and back and dripped onto her dress. Danny only had eyes for her and ignored the other two.

Esha wore loose cotton shorts and top both white with rasta coloured décor. These was so thin that they almost disappeared and clearly revealed that she was totally free of underwear. The details of her dark skinned body showed through gloriously.

Cedella was wearing a close fitted sleeveless tee shirt and cuffed denim shorts. Her shirt was a plain tangerine colour darkened by the water clinging tightly to her full breasts and showing her large dark areola.

Seeing the three beauties coming towards me splashing through the shallow pool edge and ignoring the spray from a fountain beside the pool they all looked delicious and I once again felt sad that none of them was interested in me, at least not sexually.

The three women caused quite a stir and several guests approached to find out who they were and I said that the four of them were the band for tonight. Surprisingly several had heard our music on the net and wanted photographs and autographs.

I decided to chill and ordered another beer. In the hot sun my shirt had dried and my jeans were only damp in places. It was however clear to anyone who looked that I had been in the water. A voice came from behind me.

"I see you finally went swimming then."

I looked round to see the woman I had watched in the fountain when I had first come in. She was now clean and dry in clean blue jeans and a pink long sleeved tee shirt. She also had red socks and light weight canvas sneakers on her feet. I stood up and offered my hand. Introducing myself and the band. Her name was Miranda and she was interested in the band and looking forward to tonight’s event. With her was a tall, very slim brunette wearing a close fitting short light weight sweater and black leggings. She had heeled gold sandals on her bare feet. Miranda introduced her as Suzannah.

"Please to meet you Miranda I see you changed out of you beautiful, and beautifully wet dress. Hi Suzannah pleased to meet you."

"Yes I went to the beach and got it all salty and a bit itchy so I decided to wash it." Miranda replied. "I also felt like being clean and dry for a change."

Both women looked rather too hot in outfits more suited to an average day in England than a Caribbean heatwave and Suzannah was wiping her brow and beads of sweat were forming around her exposed midriff and damp patches were showing under her armpits.

We chatted about the hotel and the band and wetlook but after a while Miranda grinned and said, "I’ve had enough of being hot and want to cool off. But this time I want to do it slowly, will you please help me kind sir?" She held out her hand to help me rise.

I stood up with a grin of anticipation on my face. "Suzannah you look a bit hot in that outfit," I ventured.

"You are right I am getting hot. I need to stop sweating before it marks my top," said Suzannah grabbing my other arm by the wrist as my hand had my beer glass in it. "I know lets go for a paddle."

"Good idea that’ll cool us off." said Miranda. We all three walked the few paces to where the paving gently sloped into the pool.

"Ooh this water is very warm, too warm," said Suzannah as her toe dipped in and her open sandal filled."

"I can’t feel it yet," said Miranda as it splashed her sneaker. "Oh! now I can," she said as a little wave broke over it and soaked her sock. She quickly slid the other foot forward causing that to get wet as well. "You are right Sue it’s too warm, I wonder if it’s cooler further in?" She took two steps forward and we both followed. We were all now in six inches of water and Suzannah’s leggings were were getting wet around the ankles. The bottom of my jeans were now becoming soaked again and Miranda’s light blue ones had dark cuffs under the water.

We waded in a little further until we were just over knee deep and the waves caused by other people splashing around near us wet us up to mid thigh. "Yes it’s definitely cooler in here, lovely," Miranda smiled, "I’m tempted to just rush in and really cool off but I’ve done that so many times in the last three days and want to do it differently this time. Pete can you help me?"

I had a sudden brainwave and drained my plastic beer glass. Bending down I filled it with a grin. "Who wants the first cooling?" I lifted the brimming glass high and waved it first at one woman and then the other.

"Me, me," they said in unison. I chose Suzannah as I wanted to see what she was wearing under the sweater. I carefully poured the whole glassful over her left breast.

"Oooh cold," she squealed then, "lovely do the other one."

Her sweater had turned several shades of blue darker and the shape of her breast showed through. As I thought she wore no bra. I obliged with another glass full on her right breast and watched as the water ran down her front making a dark line and soaking the top of her leggings.

"My turn now," Miranda almost begged. I gave her breasts the same treatment but only half a glass on each. Her tee shirt turned from pink to almost maroon as the water soaked into it. I had not poured enough water to reach her jeans so I dipped my glass again and poured it carefully on her naval which was just showing below the hem of her short shirt. She looked down in mock horror. "Now you’ve done it pervert." The water had filled her crotch and spread down turning her inner thighs dark blue.

Suzannah burst out laughing. "Definitely looks like you pissed yourself!’

"Now I’ve got to go and change before anybody sees," sobbed Miranda, Seeing my face she burst out laughing. “It’s OK nobody cares, you are supposed to keep your pee to the wet bar where it will be washed away but all do it and rarely try and hide it.”

Then still down there she said, "I’m going to get you for that," and splashed water hard over me. Suzannah joined in and soon I was totally soaked. I watched with total enjoyment as their sleeves became saturated.

No longer bothering with the glass I splashed them both until they were as wet as I was.

"Lets swim," called Suzannah. I quickly waded the four paces to the nearest wet table to get rid of my glass. I also took off my sandals and threw them onto the side and all three of us headed into deeper water. Swimming in clothes in a warm swimming pool was totally different to the cold river by the waterfall and I was hooked on the sights and sensations of wetlook once and for all.

Edited by Rikki Bare
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Gig at Fountains Hotel

PART 2 The Anniversary party

The sun was getting low when we tired of swimming, diving and ducking each other. We returned to the tables where we found Miranda’s husband, Richard sitting talking to the band. He was clean and dry and looking smart dressed in slim cream slacks and a red retro polo shirt. He had on red socks to match the shirt and cream canvas slip-on’s.

Miranda went straight over to him and bending down gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "You look smart where are you thinking of going?" Water ran off the long sleeves of her tee shirt onto his shoulders.

"Careful you are dripping over me and I’ve just got clean and dry." Richard complained.

"Sorry Rikki I should have been more careful," Miranda laughed. "never mind you won’t notice a few drips very soon."

"Why is that then?"

"Because next I’m going to do this." She plonked her butt covered in soaking wet jeans on his lap and then hugged him to her.

"Oww – you little devil. I was going to stay dry at least until I’d finished this beer." Richard hugged her back and called to Bela, who was just emerging from the bar with a full tray, for eight more beers. Bela waved and gave him a thumbs up and carried the tray to a group of customers standing chest deep in the pool where they took their drinks off and carefully held them above the water. She then turned around and dipped down to refresh her wet shirt before returning to the bar to get the next order.

"But I’ll just have to drink it whilst wet. Don’t think you are going to get away with this. This will just be an extra.” He picked Miranda up and threw her over his shoulder. Then he ran along the pool edge to the deep end and still carrying her leaped in. They entered the water with a huge splash and emerged spluttering.

They returned to the table to a round of applause from the group, just as the new beers arrived brought by a still dripping Bela, who gave them a grin and said to Richard. "She deserved that you looked so smart in your your clean dry clothes."

He replied "I’ll get her properly when she is least expecting it."

More laughter and Miranda grinned from ear to ear, "Promises promises. Now I want a soak in the jacuzzi back in our room." She winked at the group took Richards hand as they headed for their suit.

Suzannah and I were left sitting at the table with beers in our hands. Water dripped onto the table from her wet sleeves where she leant on it. She traced a pattern with her finger in the puddle and looked me in the eye. "I expect you are wondering about me?" she said with a little smile.

"I’m sure enjoying sitting here with you," I replied, "and yes I am wondering why a beautiful, gloriously wet woman wants to sit chatting to me."

"Well you are nice to chat to and your wet shirt clings beautifully to your body. Almost as nice as if you weren’t wearing it."

"Would you rather I took it off then?"

"Oh yes if you were allowed to that it would be great. Maybe tomorrow we can go across the river to the nudie beach and you will be able to unhide your body."

Trying to keep eye contact, my eyes kept slipping down to her breasts with their sharply defined nipples poking through her clinging wet top, I looked at her puzzled.

"I’d better explain," she said. "Wetlook is not my favourite way of swimming and appearing. I really don’t like clothes at all and would be nude 24/7 if I was allowed to be." she grinned, looking at my expression. "So why come here you ask? Well it’s a sort of a compromise. We, that’s Miranda and me, chose Fountains because thrt and Rikki are into wetlook. You might say it’s her obsession, and because it also has a clothing optional beach which is mine."

"I took a long swig on my beer to calm myself. "so you are a real nudist then?"

"I am totally into “body freedom” I believe people should be able to go nude or dressed everywhere at any time without being censured or attacked. Unfortunately we all have to compromise and I do this by wearing the minimum of clothes at all times. Apart from this outfit," she squeezed her wet leggings, "all I have with me is dresses skirts, minimal shorts and tee shirts."

I noticed she made no reference to underwear but kept quiet.

Suzannah must have seen my expression because she added, "and of course I never wear underwear."

‘Ye gods! where was this woman coming from! Telling a very new acquaintance the she went knickerless.’ I smiled like an idiot and nodded my eyes gravitating once again to her pointed nipples.

"Don’t get carried away now Peter, I’m not flirting with you, at least not yet." Suzannah grinned but looked a little embarrassed at the same time. She put on a serious expression and squeezed a little water out of the hem of her top, it made a darker trail on the her drying leggings. "Let me explain, it’s all about this ‘body Freedom’ thing. I’m more comfortable without underwear and therefore I don’t wear any. Nobody’s business but my own."

"I’m not here to pick anybody up. In fact when we booked it I was intending coming here with my boyfriend but we split up two weeks ago and now I’m playing gooseberry with Miranda and Richard. Not that I mind I’ve got a great room with a giant bed all to myself and there’s a jacuzzi big enough for four in the living room of the suit."

We continued chatting about the resort and wetlook for some time until Cedella and Esha who had gone to our cabin returned with guitars and the band, got up to go. "Come on Peter we need to do that sound check and then get ready for the gig." It was Esher who gathered us together as usual even though I am supposed to be the manager.

"Would you like to come and help?" I asked Suzannah.

"Sure I’d love to, what do you want me to do?"

"They play bits of all sorts of stuff and we stand around in different parts of the room and wave messages at them. “too loud”, “too soft”, “can’t hear the vocals,” that sort of thing."

"Cool I can do that." We headed into the ballroom where we were set up. We chatted and got to know each other between tests until the band was satisfied and packed up.

Suzannah said. "I need to go and get ready too but first I need to cool off, coming?"

I followed as she she plunged into the pool, swam across and back. Reached up and pulled me in, my hand seemed to accidentally put itself in just the right place. We ducked each other a couple of times and each headed for our rooms. Suzannah into the main hotel building and me to follow the band to our allotted cabin. I dripped coolly down the path through the woods.

As a result of all the beers an urgent need to piss came over me as I crossed the first small stream and I was able to release it into my jeans. It would only have showed if somebody had been watching carefully as the wet fabric glistened. I really enjoyed the sensation and the warmth compared to the cool fabric. The question came to me, “Would I ever be confident enough to pee in dry pants where people could see me?”

Our cabin was only a hundred yards through the woods. When I entered I found the band getting ready. Chrissie was standing in the large tub which dominated the living room having her long Rasta dress hosed down by a naked Cedella. Esha and Danny were also naked. Esha was hanging wet clothes on a drying rack and and Danny was working on his dreadlocks.

Chrissie shucked off her dress and handed it to Cedella. She beckoned to me to step into the tub. "Come on Peter your turn," she took the shower attachment and waved it at me.

I slipped my sandals off and stepped into the tub. I felt overwhelmed. The opportunity to get in a bath with a naked Chrissie didn’t occur every day. Looking at my expression she held up the the shower rose with a wicked grin. She aimed the water straight into my face, then proceeded to hose me down and rinse the chlorine, and unbeknown to her piss, out of my clothes. She shut off the water. "OK that’s it buster – strip."

I was reluctant to do so as I had found the whole incident arousing and my erection wouldn’t go down. Chrissie looked down at my crotch where my erection was straining at my thin wet jeans and shrugged. I unbuttoned and removed my shirt holding it towards Chrissie but not giving it to her and then steeling myself, undid my belt and slowly peeled my jeans down my legs. My penis sprang to attention. Chrissie took the shirt and looked straight at me. She shook her head with a little grin and handed both my shirt and my jeans to Cedella who took them and stretching the wrinkles out took them to the drying rack, leaving me standing naked in the tub facing Chrissie.

"Go get yourself dried off and changed you silly bugger. Make sure you look your best for your new squeeze. Or are you fancying the owner?"

I blushed deep red and wrapped a towel around my waist. Thus attired I checked out the cabin. It was basic in the extreme. Most of it was taken up by the living room which was furnished with a sofa and the large spa tub which dominated the room. A wide TV on the wall was located so that it could be watched either from the tub or the sofa. At either end of the main room was a ‘bedroom’ which was filled by a large bed and some hanging space for clothes. The partition was a bamboo screen and the ‘door’ was a bead curtain which gave the occupants a minimum of privacy. Tacked on the back of the main room was a minimal bathroom with basin and shower, I noticed there was no toilet pan but there was a hand held bidet spray. The sofa converted into a third bed that would be mine, and that was the whole place. There was a large porch across the front of the building where a substantial clothes drying rack was located. On the other side of the yard was a timber compost toilet shared with three other cabins.

On the coffee table was the usual welcome pack and an invite to tonight’s party.

The pack set out a dress code. Gusts must be fully dressed everywhere on the hotel side of the river except in their room or a cabin garden where nudity was permitted. Fully dressed was defined as a minimum of ‘a dress, or shorts or skirt and a tee shirt or similar top’. Bathing costumes were banned, they were defined as “any clothing designed for swimming whether one piece or bikini this included men’s briefs and board shorts. These were not to be worn at any time in the hotel. The clothing optional area was anywhere on the far side of the river. Here women and men were allowed to strip off and go naked, or could remain dressed. Bathing costumes were still banned.

‘Dear guests and staff of Fountains Hotel. Fountains is 5 years old this week and we are throwing a party for both guests and staff. All are invited on an equal basis. There will be a splendid buffet dinner and a live band who will play until there are no guests left standing. The buffet and the drinks will be free of charge and it will be self service.’

‘Dress up in your finest or come as you are, wet or dry. One way or another everybody will most probably be wet by the end of the evening so dress accordingly. You are encouraged to wear fancy dress – the more surreal the better. Staff may wear uniform if they wish provided it is wet but we’d prefer them to dress up as well.’

‘There will be dancing and prizes for dancing and for the best outfit, but be warned, to collect a prize you will need to retrieve it from the bottom of the pool still wearing your outfit. And then come back on stage to show off your prize and your wet outfit.’

Somebody, probably Cedella had laid out my smart clothes for the evening, on the sofa they had had to bring them with them as I had rushed out. A new colourful silk shirt and my best slim white jeans. I eyed them suspiciously, I would show through totally if my jeans got wet, which they probably would. Should I borrow some underwear from somebody? Who? Danny always went commando as I do so it would be one of the women. Chrissie was about my size but she always wore a thong and my package would not fit in it. Estha was far too small so that just left Cedella. I went and asked her. She laughed and told me she had given them up for the duration and hadn’t brought any over from Jamaica. So I had to give in and wear my skinny white jeans commando. Fortunately my shirt was quite long so I told myself I could get away with it.

When the others were ready, all dressed up in their wild Rasta stage outfits, we set out for the party. This time I carefully stepped over the little stream that crossed the path to the hotel as I didn’t want to get my smart brown leather shoes wet. The ‘Sunset Room’ which faced west onto a great golden sunset over the pool, was set out with tables down each side of the dance floor. It was lit with soft lighting and light jazz was playing over the sound system.

The band took their places and after a little time replaced the recording with their own introductory number. I took a seat at the end of one of the tables near the band to be on hand in the event of problems. At the sound of the music people began to drift in settling themselves along the tables. Most were dressed up, in either smart outfits or a variety of fancy dress. A few, mostly younger women, were soaking wet and had obviously come via one of the fountains. They tended to be wearing colourful dresses which clung to their bodied and glistened in the ever changing lights. I began to look forward to a great evening, perhaps I would get to dance a slow number holding a wet beauty to my body.

I looked across to the entrance and saw Suzannah, Miranda and Richard coming in. Miranda and Richard both looked great in smart party outfits but it was Suzannah who took my eye. She wore a knee length white muslin dress It had a body hugging bodice embellished with beautiful embroidery below her bust and around the plunging neckline which displayed a lot of cleavage showing she was braless and her well proportioned B cup breasts moved freely beneath it. The skirt was full and billowed as she moved. She had teamed this creation with gold minimal sandals with three inch heels.

I recalled that earlier she had said she never wore underwear and couldn’t help wondering what this dress would look like wet. It would almost certainly hide very little.

I waved and they came over to me. We greeted each other and settled at the table I had chosen. I smiled widely at Suzannah. "Wow you look great tonight, love the dress," and referring to her tanned body showing through it, "so that’s what you were hiding under that wet sweater."

She returned the smile flirtatiously, "Hello Peter, flattery will get you every where." Eyeing my white pants and colourful shirt she said, "You scrub up pretty well too, quite the tasty gent."

We settled down to nibble at the pre dinner snacks and the first drink of the evening as the room filled up. There was one remaining seat at our table.

Shortly the waitress Bela, approached. She was wearing a short yellow dress which clung to her every curve and projection. There was water dripping off the hem and running down her leg. She asked. "Hi may I sit here?" I nodded with a smile. She added, "I’m wet and you may get a little damp, do you mind?"

By this time I was fully resigned to getting wet and just smiled, “no problem.” She sat on the remaining end chair. As the table was filled to capacity her thigh pressed against mine. I felt my leg and hip getting dampened. I decided to get into the spirit of wetlook and pressed a little against her appreciating the cool water.

We had finished the main course when Suzannah caught me once again looking at her breasts covered with the thin cotton. "What are you thinking Peter?"

"Sorry I can’t help wondering what your dress would look like wet. It’s not what I would normally think but this place is having an effect on me."

She picked up my water glass and handed it to me. "Do you want to find out?"

"Oh no your beautiful dress. I couldn’t."

A man, sitting opposite us, named Raoul, whom I had only just met grinned a wide grin and said, "Go on we would all like to see." His partner and several others at our table, including Richard and Miranda chorused agreement.

"Come on Peter, now’s your chance. I’m really hot and need cooling off."

I held the glass above her left breast and slowly tilted it. A few drops fell onto the embroidered neckline of her dress. The water ran down towards her nipple. The drops made a small patch of cotton go immediately transparent.

"Not enough," laughed Suzannah. "That wouldn’t cool a pea down."

Our audience called for more and I tilted the glass some more pouring half of its contents over her breast. The fabric virtually disappeared and quite a lot ran over her wide waist band and onto her skirt. "OOOH cold lovely!’ Suzannah almost screamed "Now the other one."

Loving the effect and glad that my growing hard on was hidden under the table, I complied emptying the rest of the glass over her right breast. The water trickled down into her lap making a clear wet path right into her crotch where her skirt was dipped between her slightly spread legs.

"You’ve soaked my crotch you naughty boy, you know I never wear panties now people will see my all when we are dancing." She said this with laughter and an expression of mock concern. She then picked up her water and added, "two can play at that game!’ Looking down at the bulge in my pants she splashed a good dollop of water right onto it."

I looked at her with alarm as it became totally obvious that I too was commando. I started to stutter something but she cut across me. "Don’t worry you are bound to get soaked before the evening’s out." She then stood up. "I want one of those terrific looking sweets. Come with me and choose one.

“But I look as though I’ve wet my pants!”

“That’s ok you will have to soon anyway.”


I stood up and she inspected me. Then she grabbed another glass of water off the table and pulling my waist band out poured the contents down it. The water ran down over my erection and down my left leg. “There it now definitely does.” She surreptitiously gave my wet erection a very quick stroke and lead me towards the sweet buffet.

I followed watching her. When she had turned round I got a lovely view of her buttocks where the water had soaked though to the back. showing her beautiful all over tan. I had no option but to follow her, wet crotch and all. As we walked towards the servery table eyes around the room were followed Suzannah and her wet patches especially her rock hard nipples poking her thin cotton top. She sashayed along obviously enjoying the attention. Several women and one man also stared hard at my wet crotch, all of them grinned and two women gave me a thumbs up sign.

Whilst we were choosing our sweets, Suzannah said quietly to me, with a sheepish grin and a little laugh, "you think I’m an exhibitionist, well I admit it, I am. I get a real rush from people eyeing me and lusting after me."

We returned to our table and the others around it. Richard was laughing at Suzannah’s antics. "Great you really got all their attention tonight. Are you now glad we came here rather than that nudist resort you wanted to visit with Trevor?"

"I must agree this wetlook thing is fun and wetlook fans are a great and lustful audience. I’d still prefer to be naked and have them staring at the real me." She dug into her sweet with gusto. We also enjoyed a third glass of wine each.

We chatted some more and shortly after we finished our sweets the band started up a smooth but irresistible reggae beat which prompted a general move onto the dance floor. Suzannah got up and dragged me to my feet and we started to move to the music.

The tempo increased and we were soon totally carried away by the rhythm. We were also dripping with sweat after three numbers, fifteen minutes. Suzannah moved us off the floor saying, "I need the bathroom. Back in a minute." She went out onto the terrace and left me to dance with Bela who had been dancing solo.

When Suzannah returned less than two minutes later she was totally soaked from just above her breasts downwards. Her lovely white muslin dress clung to her revealing beautifully that she not only really had no underwear on but also that she had very dark bush trimmed into diamond shape making a bulge in the muslin which clung wetly to her thighs. The music had paused and the band started to play a slow Tango. Suzannah pulled me to her wrapping her legs around mine and soaking my jeans and shirt by pressing her wet dress against me.

The next hour passed in like fashion with more and more people slipping outside and returning soaked. Being still mostly dry I was getting hotter and hotter and Suzannah’s dress was drying too. I also was needing a piss, desperately.

"We need to cool down," Suzannah told me, "lets swim."

I lead her out the doors towards the pool and started in the direction of the water.

Suzannah held me back. “Don’t you need a wee before we swim?. As you know we are not allowed to pee in the pool.” She guided me to a bidet area and I eyed the contraption suspiciously.

“Go on then empty your bladder. You use that afterwards.”

I reached down to unzip Suzannah stopped me. “No flashing now.”


“Just pee in your pants, it’s the official way.”

“See I as said it’s official, just do it and hurry up I want my swim.”

Swallowing hard I stood with my legs apart and tried to let go, nothing happened.

“Press them together as though you were trying to hold it.”

“Here I’m going to pee too,” Suzannah stood facing me with her legs apart and tilting her pelvis back peed full force straight down onto the ground. Some splashed upwards and as she moved a little caught the hem of her skirt.

I closed my legs and concentrated. Still nothing, then I managed to do a small trickle. This got me started and eventually I was peeing full force mostly down my left leg and into my shoe.

Suzannah laughed and smiled. “See you can do it!” She took the wand and rinsed me off including my shoe and we headed across the terrace arm in arm and waded into the water. The cooling wetness slowly engulfed me. It wasn’t until I started swimming that I became aware of my best leather shoes that I had been so careful to keep dry on the way to the party. ‘Oh well they were wet now and I had just peed on one of them, they would probably dry Ok.’ Swimming was awkward wearing them however and I put them onto the side before swimming and horsing around with Suzannah.

We kissed in the water and felt each others bodies getting more and more aroused. She gently unzipped my jeans and released my pulsating erection. Then she lifted her skirt and rubbled the tip of my engorged penis against her vulva. She was so aroused that it felt hot even in the pool water. I started to slide into her but her lubrication had been washed away and she eased me away.

"Lets go up," she whispered in my ear and taking my hand she lead me out of the pool to where our shoes had been left. I sat on the edge while she dipped down in the water and put my shoes on for me. I then did the same for her gold sandals. We then waded across the pool to the door of the hotel and left a trail of water and wet foot prints up the stairs.

The apartment was in darkness. Suzannah flicked on a light over the hot tub. "We need to rinse the pool water out of our clothes," She whispered as we slid into the water which was warm and slightly soapy. Immersed in the suds she then removed my clothes and draped them over the side. With my help her dress followed. We washed each other gently and this developed into sensually exploring each other’s bodies. Getting to a stage of extreme arousal I took the initiative and lifted her out of the bath and carried her towards her bedroom. She hugged me and kissed me as I carried her placing her still wet on the bed. She rolled on top of me as I joined her.

. . . . .

I awoke the following morning alone in a wide and very soft bed. There was no cover and I was naked. I needed a wee and was wondering where to go and where my clothes were when Suzannah walked into the room carrying, of all things a large mug of tea. She was also naked despite the fact that Richard and Miranda could be seen and heard talking through the door that she had left wide open.

“Morning lover boy. You were sleeping so beautifully I didn’t like to disturb you.” She held out the tea.

“Morning beautiful, I need a piss where is the bathroom?”

“Beside the kitchenette, over there, if you want to be proper about it, otherwise anywhere you like” she waved behind her into the living room.

Miranda appeared behind her. “Morning Peter great party last night. It’s a pity you missed half of it but, but by the sounds you were making when we came in you two were having your own party.” She looked me over obviously liking what she saw. “Best go piss before you wet Suzannah’s bed, when we went out it was hardly dry from the night before.”

I looked, the bed had a cream cotton sheet and now in the daylight I could see a big dried pee stain in the middle of it with smaller dried cum stains on top. ‘It really was OK to pee in the beds here then?!’

I decided not to try this just yet and realising that my nudity was not an issue for anybody except me I got up and headed towards the bathroom. As I entered the living room Richard appeared dressed in just a skinny thin sweater. He was holding a pair of jeans which he stepped into and pulled up over his naked lower half, fastening the button and carefully tucking his pubes inside as he zipped up. “I’m going for a sea swim, anybody coming?”

“Ok I will,” replied Miranda, “I’ll just get some clothes that’ll be OK in the salt water.” She disappeared into her bedroom.

Suzannah declined, saying, “Not for me, got other things to do, I’ll see you at breakfast.” She looked at me, wondering what I might do.

As I seemed to have been included in the question I said, “I have got to go and see the band and sort out my clothes. I would like to see you all at breakfast If that’s OK with you?

“You are very welcome as far as I am concerned,” said Richard.

“If you don’t show I’ll come and get you,” said Suzannah.

We all stood around waiting for Miranda. A wet patch started to appear on Richard’s clean blue skinny jeans. He suddenly noticed and grabbed his crotch. “Oops sorry folks, my bladder control has got a lot weaker lately. I have been wet most of the time for the last ten days and haven’t been bothering.” The wet patch had got as far as his left knee before he stopped it. “Oh well it doesn’t matter. I’ll rinse it in the sea.” He then sat down on the faux-leather sofa to put colourful socks and canvas sneakers. Whilst he was doing this he continued to pee. His piss pooled under him and started to drip onto the tiled floor.

Miranda emerged from the bedroom in a burgundy knee length dress with long sleeves. It was body hugging on the top and had a flared skirt. “Zip me up please Richard.” She saw his puddle and laughed. “I see you couldn’t wait to get to the beach.”

He got up and wiped some of the pee off the sofa onto the floor. He then dried his wet hands on her dress leaving damp patches on her breasts, and then as he zipped her up on her ass. As he did this he started pissing again. He pulled her to him and they kissed passionately whilst he was pressing his soaking jeans into her crotch. “Lets go,” and lead the way out of the door with Miranda followed with her dress obviously soaked.

Amazed by this exhibition I looked at Suzannah questioningly.

“He’s always like that, showing off putting out that it’s a silly accident.” she said. “In reality he just really likes pissing in his pants. Miranda told me this when we had booked this holiday and I discovered that it was pee friendly as well as wetlook and had a nudist beach. His shorts were pissed in shortly after checking in, and long before we went swimming.

With all this talk about pee my own immediate need took over. I headed for the bathroom. I had been struggling to hold it and now I was about to lose control. I just got as far as the shower tray before my pee broke through. I stepped in and turned the water on quickly. In my hurry I had left the door open. Without waiting for an invite Suzannah came in and joined me under the shower.

We soaped, rinsed and dried each other. This took some time as we had to explore all nooks and crannies of each other’s bodies. Then we returned to the lounge where we just had to try out the big couch. Thoroughly making love on the couch made us so hot and sticky with all kinds of secretions that we needed to shower again. Then we found there was a strange lack of towels so we had to turn off the water and dry each other by using hands to squeeze the water off.

Finally clean and dry-ish I finally asked a question which I had set out to ask when I first sat up. “where are my clothes? I know we left them on the side of the tub.”

“Lets search.” Suzannah lead me on a tour of the apartment and out onto the balcony where there was a long rack for clothes drying. Both her dress and my shirt and jeans had been carefully rinsed and placed on hangers. They were dry and ready to wear. Suzannah took her dress into her room and hung it up. She chose a much simpler mini and slipped it on. Dressed in my ‘party outfit’ of the night before I felt a little over dressed and said that I needed to go back to my cabin and get something that was more wet-look tolerant. My best white jeans wouldn’t cope with regular dunking to say nothing of being peed in even if this only happened when they were already wet.

We headed down and across to the courtyard café for breakfast. We ordered coffee and pastries from Bella who was, for once, completely dry. “Hi great party last night. It really rocked after you two bunked off. Did you have a good night?” She smiled and winked.

The rest of the band appeared up the path from the cabins. They were very casually dressed and looked in high spirits.

“Hi where did you get to.” called Chrissie “You missed a fantastic time and they all really loved us. Cedella got rapturous applause for one number and we did encore after encore and they wouldn’t let us stop until after one AM. Cedella even pissed her jeans on stage like an early punk. Now best of all Celia wants us to stay on. She offered a contract that will last three months with options to renew.”

It was not until I had jumped up and given her a big hug and kissed her that I realised that her dress was totally wet. The water soaked into my clothes and my jeans went transparent once more. BUT I didn’t care! We could stay here and I would get to fuck Suzannah again tonight and hopefully again and until she had to go home. I turned and dragged Suzannah to her feet and hugged her as well before she had time to object to me kissing Chrissie. More importantly before Danny objected.

Danny however was not in the mood to object to anything and just grinned. Then he said, “we all need to be in Celia’s office by noon to finalise the contract. As you are supposed to be our manager you need to get us a great deal.”

I called Bella over and ordered Champaign as well as coffees all round to celebrate. Bella told us “If you are going to celebrate with Champaign at breakfast there is only one place I will serve it. It has to be in real Fountains style, in the water.”

She returned three minutes later with a magnum of Champaign and glasses on a tray and lead the way into the wet bar area placing it on a table in the waist deep area. Like crazy kids we followed her.


A sequel ‘RESIDENCY AT FOUNTAINS HOTEL’ will hopefully follow sometime soon.


Edited by Rikki Bare
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