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Pee experiment (AI + myself)

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I watched as the device scanned the crowd in the bar, highlighting the women who were already in need of a bathroom break. It was a scientific experiment, of course, but I couldn't help feeling a surge of excitement as I realized what was about to happen.

"Okay," I said, my voice shaking slightly with anticipation. "It's time to make our selections."

The device began to work its magic, sending out small pulses that only the chosen women could feel. It was enough to make them fidget uncomfortably and glance around for a restroom.

As their gazes shifted downwards, I saw their bladders highlighted through their clothing by the device's magic. The look on their faces told me that they were more than ready to participate in our experiment.

Once we had made our selections, we ordered drinks for each of the chosen women and watched as they were delivered to their tables. The bartender gave us a knowing smile as she went about her work; she had agreed to be part of our little experiment as well.

As the women sipped on their drinks and chatted amongst themselves, I couldn't help but marvel at how easily they had been won over. It seemed like such a simple concept - offer someone an opportunity to earn a year's salary for holding their pee - and yet it was working like a charm.

After some time, we watched as the first woman began to squirm in her seat. Her hand flew up to cover her mouth as she looked around frantically for a restroom. I glanced at the device and saw that her bladder was now full to bursting.

"Looks like it's time," I said with a grin. "Let's go."

We made our way over to her table and introduced ourselves before explaining why we were there.

"I'm sorry," she stammered, embarrassment flooding her features. "I really need to go."

I gestured towards the device resting on the bar and said, "I know. That's actually why we're here. We'd like to offer you a chance to participate in our experiment. If you agree, we'll give you ten times your yearly salary."

Her eyes widened in disbelief as she asked, "What do I have to do?"

"Simply continue holding your pee until you can't take it anymore," I replied. "We'll be measuring the size of your bladder both before and after the experiment, and you'll have the opportunity to empty your bladder in front of us if you're comfortable with that."

She bit her lip and glanced around nervously before saying, "Okay. I'm in."

I smiled at her appreciatively and gestured for her to follow me as we made our way back to the hotel.

With each passing minute, the other women grew more desperate. The drinks were doing their job, filling their bladders to capacity and making them squirm uncomfortably in their seats.

One by one, we approached them with our offer, and one by one they agreed. It seemed that the promise of so much money was enough to outweigh any embarrassment they might feel.

Once we had gathered all of our participants, we made our way up to my hotel room. The women lined up nervously as I pulled out a measuring tape and began taking their pre-experiment measurements.

As I moved down the line, I couldn't help but notice how aroused many of them were becoming. Their faces flushed with excitement as they watched me measure the bulge their full bladders created under their clothing.

The air was thick with anticipation as I finished measuring each woman's bulge and set up a small folding table in front of them.

"Okay," I said with a smile. "Who would like to go first?"

A young woman near the front of the line raised her hand tentatively before saying, "I will."

I nodded and gestured for her to step forward. She placed a hand on her lower abdomen and took a deep breath before saying, "I'm so ready to let this go."

I smiled reassuringly at her as I set a small cup on the table in front of her. She positioned herself over the cup and closed her eyes in concentration.

After a few moments, I heard the unmistakable sound of liquid hitting plastic, and I watched as an expression of relief washed over her face. Her pee filled the cup quickly, and she sighed with contentment as she finished emptying her bladder.

"Thank you," she said with a smile. "That felt amazing."

 nodded in agreement, my eyes never leaving the sight of her pee streaming into the cup. It was incredibly arousing to watch, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have that warm liquid pouring out of me.

As each woman took their turn, I watched in awe as their full bladders emptied into their cups. The expressions on their faces ranged from relief to sheer ecstasy, and I found myself growing more aroused with each passing minute.

When it was finally my turn, I could barely contain my excitement. My bladder was so full that it hurt to hold it in, and I eagerly positioned myself over the cup.

As soon as I relaxed my muscles, a rush of warmth flooded through me as my pee began to flow. The sensation was incredible - like an intense wave of pleasure that started in my pelvis and radiated outwards.

I moaned with pleasure as my pee filled the cup below me, completely lost in the sensation. It felt so good to finally let go after such a long time holding it in, and I never wanted it to end.

Eventually, though, my stream slowed to a trickle and then stopped altogether. I looked down at the 

nearly full cup in amazement - I hadn't realized just how much pee I had been holding.

As I stepped back from the table, a woman near the back of the line raised her hand and said, "I'd like to try something a little different, if that's okay."

I nodded and gestured for her to continue as she explained, "I've always had a fantasy of peeing on someone. Would you be willing to let me pee on you?"

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at me, their eyes filled with curiosity and anticipation.

I felt my heart rate quicken and my cheeks flush with heat as I considered her offer. It was definitely an unexpected turn of events, but it also sounded incredibly exciting.

After a moment's hesitation, I nodded and said, "Yes. I would love that."

A chorus of excited whispers erupted around me as the women exchanged glances. It seemed that many of them shared the same fantasy - they just hadn't been brave enough to say it out loud.

As they took turns emptying their bladders onto my body, I couldn't help but feel like the luckiest person in the world. The warm liquid cascaded over me in a steady stream, washing away any doubts or inhibitions that I had ever had.

It was one of the most intensely erotic experiences of my life, and by the time they were finished, I was drenched from head to toe. My hair clung to my scalp in wet tendrils, and every inch of my skin glistened with moisture.

The air was thick with arousal as we all stood there in stunned silence. The women looked at each other with awe-filled expressions before breaking into smiles and laughter.

"Wow," one of them said breathlessly. "That was amazing."

"Mm-hmm," another agreed with a nod. "Definitely an experience I won't forget anytime soon."

I grinned at them appreciatively before saying, "Thank you all so much for participating in our experiment. I don't think any of us will ever look at a full bladder the same way again."

They nodded in agreement and began to gather their belongings. Our time together was coming to an end, but the memories we had made would last a lifetime.

As they filed out of the hotel room one by one, I stood there and watched them go with a smile on my face. It had been an incredible day - one that I would never forget.

And it was all thanks to a magical device that allowed me to see women's bladders through their clothes.


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