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Zack and Luca: Humiliation

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This story contains bathroom control, humiliation wetting, public wetting, and themes of vandalism (though the public humiliation is more the focus). The characters are in a loving relationship and everything is consensual.

I've had this fantasy bouncing around in my head for a while, and decided to make an account to write it down. It starts out pretty tame but will quickly escalate to extreme public wetting. It's going to be broken down into several chapters as Zack and Luca gradually get more and more brave with their kink.


Chapter 1: The first Wetting

-- Luca's perspective --

Zack and Luca had been dating for almost a year. Zack was a bigger ex-military guy and looked like he could eat you for breakfast. He was 6'3" with large muscles, an intimidating buzz cut, and a small scar on his cheek. His boyfriend Luca was quite a bit smaller. He was 5'9 with shaggy blonde hair and a cute lopsided grin. Nobody, whether they knew them or not, would have guessed that Luca was the dom. 

Despite his intimidating appearance, Zack was the most easily flustered and embarrassed person Luca had ever met. A bit of PDA, even just a kiss on the cheek of a suggestive wink while out in public, was often enough to turn Zack's face beet-red and reduce him to nervously stammering. Even at home Luca could still fluster the big man with minimal effort with a casual offhand lewd comment. And Luca loved it.

They started experimenting with bathroom control about a month ago. They had messed around with pee a bit before, but nothing too drastic - just pissing on each other in the shower a few times. When Luca first proposed the idea of controlling when Zack was allowed to go to the bathroom, Zack had turned red and clutched his coffee mug so tightly that Luca thought he might break it. He had agreed though, just as aroused by the thought as he was embarrassed.

They tried it for a day to start, and Luca never made him hold that long, instead just enjoying the bit of control he had over him in telling him when to go pee. But over the course of the last month, Luca started to make him wait longer and longer between bathroom breaks, sometimes even pretending to forget just to see how long it would take Zack to ask him. 

He had asked Zack before if he would be okay if he was driven to actually wet himself, and Zack had nodded from behind the book that he had immediately pulled up to cover his face. This wasn’t Luca’s intention though - mostly he just wanted to watch his boyfriend squirm with desperation before desperately running to the bathroom as soon as he was allowed. He enjoyed the feeling of power it gave him, and he loved seeing how nervous and embarrassed Zack got when he was right on the edge. But one day, about a month in, he pushed Zack too far.

-- Zack’s perspective –

They were sitting on the couch watching a movie, and it had been several hours since Luca had let him pee. They were barely halfway through the movie and Zack was squirming as he tried to keep it together, shooting desperate glances at Luca to try to convey his need. He knew Luca could feel him squirming too - the little brat was snuggled into his side, eating popcorn and acting like nothing was wrong. When Zack finally hissed his name, Luca just gave him a cute innocent smile and went “hm?” like he didn’t know what Zack needed.

“Luca… I have to go…” he mumbled. 

“You can make it through the movie, can’t you?” Luca asked in that innocent voice he always liked to use when he was pretending not to know how he was driving Zack crazy. 

“I can’t, not this time…” Zack grabbed his crotch to try to keep it together as a few drops leaked into his boxers. “I actually can’t Luca…” 

“Shh, I’m watching the movie. Be a good boy and hold it until the end of this scene, okay?” he asked. End of the scene… that’s more manageable… Zack thought. He nodded and squeezed his crotch tighter as he tried to watch the movie to distract himself from his desperation. 

But not a minute later, he felt it. Warmth spread through his underwear and under his butt, though it took him a moment to register what was happening. As soon as he realized he was pissing himself, his eyes widened. He instinctively scrambled to his feet to try to protect the couch, which already had a puddle under where he was sitting. But this left him standing in front of Luca, eyes wide and heart pounding as he pissed his pants.

The piss ran down his legs, soaking his pants and socks and puddling on the carpet around his feet. His light gray sweatpants turned a dark gray. He tried to stop, to cut off the flow, but he couldn’t. He could do nothing but stand there, his face bright red, as he peed his pants in front of his boyfriend. 

-- Luca's perspective –

He really hadn’t meant to actually make Zack piss himself, at least not yet. Zack had said he’d be okay with it, and he was hoping to get there eventually, but he really was going to let him go to the bathroom after this scene. As soon as Zack jumped up, Luca felt the wet spot on the couch. He immediately turned to watch his boyfriend pissing, a much more entertaining show than the movie they had on. 

Luca’s mouth curved into a wide grin when he saw the look on the big man’s face. He didn’t think he’d ever seen someone look so mortified, rooted to the ground as he peed. It was a lot too - Zack peed for almost a full minute, and the whole time he never made eye contact with Luca. When he was done, Luca stood up and pulled Zack’s head down to give him a gentle kiss on the lips. 

“Good boy,” he whispered. He didn’t think it was possible, but he could have sworn that Zack’s face got even redder. 

Edited by CharlieMania
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Luca and Zack start to test the waters of public wetting

Chapter 2: In Public at Night

-- Luca’s perspective --

After that first time Zack wet himself, Luca comforted him with a blowjob then helped him clean up the mess. Then he toned it down for a few days, deciding to be merciful and give his poor boyfriend a break. He let him use the bathroom frequently and didn’t even tease him for peeing himself, as badly as he wanted to. 

After a few days, Zack approached him. His face was red, his eyes seemed to be actively avoiding Luca’s, and he was fiddling with his hands - that was how Luca knew this was going to be something fun. That’s when Zack confessed to him how much he had enjoyed wetting himself - the warmth, the shame, the taboo feeling of pissing in his pants - all of these he said turned him on beyond belief, and the orgasm he’d had after was one of the best he’d ever had. 

Luca, of course, was thrilled to hear this, and he told Zack as much. He’d loved seeing the mortified expression on Zack’s face when he realized what was happening, the way his sweatpants darkened and piss pooled under him, and the feeling of control he got knowing that Zack had pissed himself rather than disobeying him. 

So after that, he upped the ante. He found that he liked pushing Zack to the very edge, and sometimes over it, but he was fair. He would usually tell Zack how long he had to make it, e.g. “after this episode”, “once we’re done eating”, or “get me off first.” Usually Zack was able to make it, but every time Luca found himself secretly hoping that he wouldn’t and that he would get to see him piss himself again. 

And sometimes, Zack didn’t make it. He wet himself again at the dinner table about a week later, and though he didn’t say anything, Luca knew exactly what was happening by the shame on his face and the loud pattering sound on the wood floor. He pissed himself again in bed one night, horrified as they both laid in the spreading puddle. Once he even pissed himself as he was fumbling with his belt in front of the toilet after Luca had said he could go.  Every single time it happened Zack would look just as embarrassed as he helplessly flooded his pants, and every time it got him off to no end.

Within a couple of months, Luca decided it was time to step up his game a bit. He had something he’d been wanting to try but hadn’t wanted to scare Zack away from it too early. He was always in control of Zack’s bathroom use, even in public, but he had been nice about it in public. He always let him pee before they left the house, and if they were in public for a long time he found him plenty of opportunities to use the restroom. But Luca wanted so badly to see Zack squirming and trying to hold it in with the threat of being seen by others, maybe even wet himself in public. 

So one evening, he decided to test the waters. Zack had been drinking plenty of water and he was starting to squirm while he read a book in an old armchair in the living room. Luca waited until he was really starting to shake, before he smiled at him. 

“Let’s go for a walk,” he told him. “And you can pee when we get back.”

-- Zack’s perspective --

Zack nearly dropped the book when he heard Luca. Instead he just stared at him for a moment as he tried to find anything to say, and his mind started to race at the thought of going out into the night while this desperate to pee. He felt a pang of arousal in his gut and he gulped, surprised to find that the thought excited him. The fear quickly outweighed the excitement though and he gulped.

“Luca… you can’t be serious… in public?” he asked finally. He saw the teasing smirk on his boyfriend’s face soften into a genuine smile.

“Is that okay?” Luca asked. “Tell me if I’m taking it too far.” Seeing the genuine look on his lover’s face put Zack at ease a bit, as he remembered that Luca would never make him do something he genuinely didn’t want to. He could say no and Luca would back off immediately. He found himself nodding slowly, though his cheeks were warm. He dropped his eyes, not able to make eye contact with him. 

“Yeah…” he mumbled. “You’re a bitch but… yeah, it’s okay.” This earned a small chuckle from Luca, and Zack shakily got to his feet. It was dark out, he was wearing dark pants, and there weren’t usually many people out and about past dark in their neighborhood. As they left their small home, he kept reminding himself that there would likely be nobody around, and even if he did piss himself it probably wouldn’t be visible.

The whole walk, Zack was squirming and trying to squeeze his legs together, at times even checking that nobody was around before grabbing his cock and squeezing hard to keep himself from leaking. He made it that time though, and he sighed with relief as he pissed in the toilet when they got home. 

Of course Luca wasn’t done though. These walks became a nightly occurrence, and Zack knew that Luca was just waiting for the time when he would inevitably lose control. And eventually that night came. He was already bursting to piss by the time they left, and thankfully he was again wearing his black jeans. They were about ten minutes from home when it happened. Zack was squeezing his crotch so hard it hurt but spurt after spurt of piss were starting to leak into his underwear. He stopped walking, squeezed his legs together, and tried to will his desperation away. But instead it was like a dam broke. 

All at once he was pissing hard and uncontrollably, completely flooding his pants as he stood illuminated by a street lamp. He frantically looked around but thankfully there was nobody to see. His puddle grew around him on the pavement. Despite his shame, he found that the warmth running down his legs felt good against the chilly night air. He finally released his crotch, recognizing a lost cause, and instead covered his face to try to hide his shame. 

-- Luca’s perspective --

Luca had been disappointed every night when they returned home with Zack’s pants dry. He wanted so badly to see him piss himself in public. So when it finally happened he was grinning ear to ear the whole time he watched his boyfriend peeing. In the dark the piss wasn’t really visible on his black jeans (a shame, and Luca made a mental note to remedy that next time) but he could see the puddle spreading across the pavement.

He was sure that to Zack it felt like an eternity that he stood on the sidewalk wetting, but Luca thought it was over far too soon. When he was sure Zack was done, he grabbed the big man’s hand from his face and pulled it down before interlacing their fingers. Then they started to walk again, Luca humming and swinging their arms gleefully, knowing that Zack had to walk the rest of the way home in soaked pants. They passed a woman on the sidewalk as they walked, and even though she surely couldn’t see it, Luca could practically feel the humiliation coming off of Zack in waves. 


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Luca pushes Zack a bit further… but an unexpected surprise leads to more humiliation than he’d planned on.

Chapter 3: The car

-- Luca's perspective --

Luca was starting to push Zack further and further in public. Seeing Zack pissing himself on the sidewalk, illuminated by the streetlight, was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. It was exhilarating. But now he wanted more. He wanted to see Zack standing in a crowd of people pissing into his pants, almost crying from humiliation as a dark stain on his pants incriminated him. So with this fantasy in mind, he became less nice about letting Zack have frequent bathroom breaks when they were in public.

This particular day was sunny, and they were at a small music festival downtown. Zack was wearing blue jeans that Luca had seen him wet before, and he knew that they turned much darker when they were wet. He hadn’t let Zack pee in almost 2 hours, and he knew that he had been chugging water since it was so hot out. He could see Zack pushing his legs together uncomfortably. Then Zack leaned down to Luca’s ear.

“Luca,” he whispered. “I really have to go.” They were standing in the middle of a crowd watching some guy strum a guitar and sing, and Luca didn’t think he was very good. 

“Poor baby,” Luca responded in an unsympathetic voice. “Now hush, I’m trying to listen.” Zack looked around the crowd and then down at his pants, and Luca felt a rush of excitement from how helpless the bigger man’s expression was. 

“Luca, seriously…” he said. He’d brought up the idea of more public wetting to Zack already of course - he wouldn’t make him do something like this without asking him first. But looking at the crowd and hearing the stress in Zack’s voice, he decided that this may be too extreme. At least not yet… He looked up at Zack and smiled. 

“Alright. Let’s go home then, and you can go when we get home. Sound fair?” he asked. Zack looked relieved by this, and he nodded. 

“Yeah, alright.” 

Luca drove a small red sedan that Zack barely fit into the passenger seat of. They were about 20 minutes from home when there was no traffic - but given the festival, Luca had a feeling they wouldn’t be so lucky. Lucky for me though! He was right. They hadn’t gone a mile before they were at a standstill and Zack let out a loud groan of frustration. As they inched forward in traffic, Luca made a point of stopping and starting a bit too fast, the car lurching every time, and Zack glared at him. 

“I know you’re doing that on purpose.” 

“Doing what on purpose?” He flashed his best innocent smile at Zack, who was glaring holes into him. It would have looked intimidating if his face wasn’t bright red, or if he wasn’t desperately squirming in his seat and bouncing his legs. Zack just glared harder, and Luca shrugged and turned back to watch the road.

-- Zack’s perspective --

It felt like they had been in traffic forever. He checked his watch and saw that it had been about 20 minutes. They would be home by now, and Zack would be pissing in a toilet, if it weren’t for the traffic. But instead they were stopped in the middle of the interstate, lurching forward a few feet at a time and almost making him lose it every time the car stopped. 

Luca had left a little too much space in front of him, and another car cut in front of them. Zack reached over and slammed down on the horn, and Luca laughed. 

“So rude!” he teased, and Zack just glared at him as he let the other car in front of them. Then he lurched forward again and Zack lost it. 

It was a trickle at first, just barely leaking into his pants, but he couldn’t stop it and soon a loud hissing sound filled the car as he started to piss himself. The crotch of his pants darkened, and he immediately tried to cover the dark spot with his hands. It was unlikely that anyone in the other cars could see, but he couldn’t stop thinking about them looking over through the window and seeing his soaked pants. The piss quickly formed a warm puddle under his ass on the seat before running down the sides and front of the seat, down his calves and into his shoes. It pooled on the floorboards and still he was pissing, regretting all the water he’d drank as he flooded his pants. 

Luca, of course, was watching him the whole time with that same obnoxious shit-eating grin he always had when watching Zack make a fool of himself. Zack tried to glare at him but he knew it just looked pathetic - face red, pissing himself, and with his cock completely hard and tenting his pants. Finally his stream died down and he was left sitting in a cooling puddle of piss. Usually after he wet himself, he would get out of his wet clothes right away. Then Luca would either give him a blowjob or ride him before they cleaned up the mess and Zack tried to forget what had happened. But this time all he could do was sit in the mess, soaked and rock hard, and wait.

-- Luca’s perspective --

As soon as they were free of the traffic, Luca started to speed home. A part of him wanted to drive slowly just to leave Zack sitting in his own puddle for longer, but he was also desperately horny from seeing him wet himself and he wanted to fuck. He rubbed his legs together, completely hard, and didn’t even notice that he had started to go 90 in a 70. That is, until he heard sirens behind them. He turned to look at Zack, whose eyes had gone as wide as saucers. Then he grinned. 

“Heh, whoops…”

“Don’t ‘whoops’ me! You did that on purpose!” Zack snapped. Luca smiled at him. 

“I didn’t actually… I just wanted to get home and ride you. But this is even better!” He pulled over and happily rolled down his window as the cop walked up to the car. He could see Zack desperately trying to hide his accident with his hands, but he couldn’t cover it up, and Luca actually thought that having his hands there was even more incriminating. 

The officer that approached the car was a middle aged woman with dark red hair, and Luca gave her an apologetic smile as she walked up.

“Afternoon, officer.”

“Good afternoon sir. License and registration please.”

“Sure, here you go.” Luca reached over Zack to open the glove box and pull out his registration before giving the documents to the officer. 

“Are you aware that the speed limit is 70?” the woman asked. She looked bored and impatient, like she didn’t really want to be here, and Luca wondered if he might be able to get them out of a ticket. Heh, sorry Zack… He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, pretending to be embarrassed. 

“Ah, I’m very sorry ma’am… we just had a bit of an accident in the traffic and got in a bit of a rush to get home. It won’t happen again.” He glanced at Zack, and the officer’s gaze followed his until it landed on Zack’s soaked crotch. Her eyes widened and she turned a bit red as she immediately looked away from the accident and back at Luca. 

“Right… well, I’ll let you off with a warning this time then…” she said, clearly feeling quite a bit more awkward now. “I just need to go run these documents real quick then I’ll let you go.” She hurried back to her car, and Luca turned to smile at Zack, who looked like he’d just seen a ghost. 

“I’m going to fucking kill you…” Zack mumbled, though Luca thought that he could hardly kill him if he couldn’t even make eye contact with him. Luca just grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek. 

“You love me,” he replied. Then he squeezed Zack’s bulge and rubbed it slowly, delighted when Zack instinctively jerked his hips up. “And you love this… I bet it turned you on even more when she saw you, hm?” He released him and looked back over right before the officer approached the window again. He collected his license and registration.

“Have a nice day, sir…” the officer said, before quickly making her exit. 

“You too!” Luca called after her, before he rolled up the window and drove home. 

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On 6/17/2024 at 3:33 AM, CharlieMania said:

Luca pushes Zack a bit further… but an unexpected surprise leads to more humiliation than he’d planned on.

Chapter 3: The car

-- Luca's perspective --

Luca was starting to push Zack further and further in public. Seeing Zack pissing himself on the sidewalk, illuminated by the streetlight, was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. It was exhilarating. But now he wanted more. He wanted to see Zack standing in a crowd of people pissing into his pants, almost crying from humiliation as a dark stain on his pants incriminated him. So with this fantasy in mind, he became less nice about letting Zack have frequent bathroom breaks when they were in public.

This particular day was sunny, and they were at a small music festival downtown. Zack was wearing blue jeans that Luca had seen him wet before, and he knew that they turned much darker when they were wet. He hadn’t let Zack pee in almost 2 hours, and he knew that he had been chugging water since it was so hot out. He could see Zack pushing his legs together uncomfortably. Then Zack leaned down to Luca’s ear.

“Luca,” he whispered. “I really have to go.” They were standing in the middle of a crowd watching some guy strum a guitar and sing, and Luca didn’t think he was very good. 

“Poor baby,” Luca responded in an unsympathetic voice. “Now hush, I’m trying to listen.” Zack looked around the crowd and then down at his pants, and Luca felt a rush of excitement from how helpless the bigger man’s expression was. 

“Luca, seriously…” he said. He’d brought up the idea of more public wetting to Zack already of course - he wouldn’t make him do something like this without asking him first. But looking at the crowd and hearing the stress in Zack’s voice, he decided that this may be too extreme. At least not yet… He looked up at Zack and smiled. 

“Alright. Let’s go home then, and you can go when we get home. Sound fair?” he asked. Zack looked relieved by this, and he nodded. 

“Yeah, alright.” 

Luca drove a small red sedan that Zack barely fit into the passenger seat of. They were about 20 minutes from home when there was no traffic - but given the festival, Luca had a feeling they wouldn’t be so lucky. Lucky for me though! He was right. They hadn’t gone a mile before they were at a standstill and Zack let out a loud groan of frustration. As they inched forward in traffic, Luca made a point of stopping and starting a bit too fast, the car lurching every time, and Zack glared at him. 

“I know you’re doing that on purpose.” 

“Doing what on purpose?” He flashed his best innocent smile at Zack, who was glaring holes into him. It would have looked intimidating if his face wasn’t bright red, or if he wasn’t desperately squirming in his seat and bouncing his legs. Zack just glared harder, and Luca shrugged and turned back to watch the road.

-- Zack’s perspective --

It felt like they had been in traffic forever. He checked his watch and saw that it had been about 20 minutes. They would be home by now, and Zack would be pissing in a toilet, if it weren’t for the traffic. But instead they were stopped in the middle of the interstate, lurching forward a few feet at a time and almost making him lose it every time the car stopped. 

Luca had left a little too much space in front of him, and another car cut in front of them. Zack reached over and slammed down on the horn, and Luca laughed. 

“So rude!” he teased, and Zack just glared at him as he let the other car in front of them. Then he lurched forward again and Zack lost it. 

It was a trickle at first, just barely leaking into his pants, but he couldn’t stop it and soon a loud hissing sound filled the car as he started to piss himself. The crotch of his pants darkened, and he immediately tried to cover the dark spot with his hands. It was unlikely that anyone in the other cars could see, but he couldn’t stop thinking about them looking over through the window and seeing his soaked pants. The piss quickly formed a warm puddle under his ass on the seat before running down the sides and front of the seat, down his calves and into his shoes. It pooled on the floorboards and still he was pissing, regretting all the water he’d drank as he flooded his pants. 

Luca, of course, was watching him the whole time with that same obnoxious shit-eating grin he always had when watching Zack make a fool of himself. Zack tried to glare at him but he knew it just looked pathetic - face red, pissing himself, and with his cock completely hard and tenting his pants. Finally his stream died down and he was left sitting in a cooling puddle of piss. Usually after he wet himself, he would get out of his wet clothes right away. Then Luca would either give him a blowjob or ride him before they cleaned up the mess and Zack tried to forget what had happened. But this time all he could do was sit in the mess, soaked and rock hard, and wait.

-- Luca’s perspective --

As soon as they were free of the traffic, Luca started to speed home. A part of him wanted to drive slowly just to leave Zack sitting in his own puddle for longer, but he was also desperately horny from seeing him wet himself and he wanted to fuck. He rubbed his legs together, completely hard, and didn’t even notice that he had started to go 90 in a 70. That is, until he heard sirens behind them. He turned to look at Zack, whose eyes had gone as wide as saucers. Then he grinned. 

“Heh, whoops…”

“Don’t ‘whoops’ me! You did that on purpose!” Zack snapped. Luca smiled at him. 

“I didn’t actually… I just wanted to get home and ride you. But this is even better!” He pulled over and happily rolled down his window as the cop walked up to the car. He could see Zack desperately trying to hide his accident with his hands, but he couldn’t cover it up, and Luca actually thought that having his hands there was even more incriminating. 

The officer that approached the car was a middle aged woman with dark red hair, and Luca gave her an apologetic smile as she walked up.

“Afternoon, officer.”

“Good afternoon sir. License and registration please.”

“Sure, here you go.” Luca reached over Zack to open the glove box and pull out his registration before giving the documents to the officer. 

“Are you aware that the speed limit is 70?” the woman asked. She looked bored and impatient, like she didn’t really want to be here, and Luca wondered if he might be able to get them out of a ticket. Heh, sorry Zack… He looked down and rubbed the back of his neck, pretending to be embarrassed. 

“Ah, I’m very sorry ma’am… we just had a bit of an accident in the traffic and got in a bit of a rush to get home. It won’t happen again.” He glanced at Zack, and the officer’s gaze followed his until it landed on Zack’s soaked crotch. Her eyes widened and she turned a bit red as she immediately looked away from the accident and back at Luca. Then, Zack fuck Luca like phima1

“Right… well, I’ll let you off with a warning this time then…” she said, clearly feeling quite a bit more awkward now. “I just need to go run these documents real quick then I’ll let you go.” She hurried back to her car, and Luca turned to smile at Zack, who looked like he’d just seen a ghost. 

“I’m going to fucking kill you…” Zack mumbled, though Luca thought that he could hardly kill him if he couldn’t even make eye contact with him. Luca just grinned and gave him a peck on the cheek. 

“You love me,” he replied. Then he squeezed Zack’s bulge and rubbed it slowly, delighted when Zack instinctively jerked his hips up. “And you love this… I bet it turned you on even more when she saw you, hm?” He released him and looked back over right before the officer approached the window again. He collected his license and registration.

“Have a nice day, sir…” the officer said, before quickly making her exit. 

“You too!” Luca called after her, before he rolled up the window and drove home. 

Your story is really captivating. I look forward to the next part.

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Luca decides it’s time to up the ante once again by pushing Zack to his limit in a dark theater.

Chapter 4: The movie theater

-- Luca's perspective --

Luca was having a hard time hiding his smile as they drove to the movie theater. Zack thought they were just going to have a nice time at the movie, but Luca had other plans. The movie they were going to see, Oppenheimer, was a full 3 hours long and Luca had no intention of letting Zack use the restroom. He did let him pee before they left the house - he still wanted Zack to have a fair chance. But as they settled into their seats, Zack with a giant cup of Dr. Pepper, Luca was already starting to fantasize. 

It wasn’t until about halfway through the movie that Luca noticed Zack starting to get a bit fidgety - the first sign that he needed a restroom. From that point on Luca could hardly focus on the movie (not that he’d been that into it anyways - this was more Zack’s type of movie). He kept glancing over at Zack as the larger man shifted in his seat. Finally, about 2 hours in, the moment Luca had been waiting for when Zack leaned over to whisper in his ear. 

“Luca… can I go out to pee?” he asked, and Luca smiled.

“Hmm… no,” he responded just as quietly. “I wouldn’t want you to miss any of the movie.” Even in the dark theater he didn’t miss the way Zack glared at him, but he made a point of ignoring the look and instead looking ahead at the screen. A few minutes later he gave Zack a kiss on the cheek and stood up. “Be right back, gotta pee,” he said before heading out to take care of his own business. 

-- Zack’s perspective --

Zack could hardly believe his boyfriend’s audacity when Luca left to go to the bathroom just minutes after he’d asked. When Luca came back he stomped on his foot, not hard enough to hurt him but just to make a point. And of course the little shit just patted him on the knee and kept watching the movie, never taking his eyes off the screen. I know him, I know he doesn’t give a shit about this movie. Dick.

He’d stopped drinking his soda, knowing that he was screwed if he put any more liquid into his body. But the pressure in his bladder continued to mount, and he hesitantly checked his phone to see what time it was, ignoring the glares this earned him. Still 45 minutes left in the movie, and he was starting to shake with desperation already. He had no chance of making it. 

“Luca…” he tried again, the desperation now audible in his voice. “I have to go, now.” Luca did look at him then, but he just smiled innocently and shrugged. 

“You can go after the movie,” he told him again. “If you really couldn’t handle it, you’d use your safeword.” Zack didn’t miss the more genuine look Luca gave him after that, and he realized that Luca was inviting him to use his safeword, to give him a way out if he really couldn’t handle this. Despite his frustration and embarrassment as the pressure in his bladder grew, he couldn’t help but smile just a bit at the gesture. But then he glared at Luca again. 

“Fuck off,” he whispered, then turned back towards the screen. He took a deep breath, trying desperately to hold it together. He managed to hold on for another 20 minutes, his panic rising, before finally he couldn’t do it anymore. It was the midst of a quiet scene, and although nobody looked at him, he was sure that everyone could hear the hissing sound as he started to pee. He immediately covered his face, appalled by what was happening, but he was helpless to stop the flow once it started. 

Piss flooded his underwear, then his pants, before pooling in the seat under him. The theater had those cushy leather reclining chairs, so very little dripped onto the floor. Instead, the puddle grew under him as he pissed out most of an extra large soda. By the end, he was left sitting in a massive warm puddle, the movie all but forgotten as he panicked over the realization that he would have to walk out of the theater in his wet pants. 

He glanced at Luca, but his boyfriend didn’t seem to have realized yet what had happened. He closed his eyes and took shaky breaths and tried to calm his nerves through the rest of the movie, still sitting and soaking in his cooling mess.

-- Luca’s perspective --

Luca felt a twinge of disappointment when the movie ended and he’d heard nothing further from Zack. It’s not too late… won’t it be fun if he pisses himself on the way to the bathroom? He smiled at his boyfriend. 

“There, that wasn’t too hard, now was it?” he asked. But then the lights came on, and he saw the mortified expression on Zack’s face. Immediately he looked down at his crotch. It was hard to make out in the dim light, but that was definitely a wet patch on the front of his pants. Luca had to bite his lip to keep himself from moaning when he realized that Zack had pissed himself. Shit, how long has he been sitting in a puddle? He smiled and ran a hand through his boyfriend’s hair. “Ready to go?” he asked. 

Luca had to practically drag Zack out of the theater. Once they were out in the brightly lit hallway, Luca could see that his crotch and ass were completely soaked, and his gray sweatpants were noticeably darkened. The theater wasn’t particularly busy, but it wasn’t empty either. Zack didn’t say a word as they walked down the long hallway, through the lobby, and across the parking lot, and Luca delighted in the strange looks from the people who noticed Zack’s situation.

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Luca decides to stop giving Zack more frequent bathroom breaks when they’re in public, and whatever happens happens.

Chapter 5: The bus

-- Luca's perspective --

Luca had cum so hard after Zack wet himself in the movie theater, and despite his boyfriend being so humiliated he almost cried in the car on the way home, he was pretty sure Zack loved it just as much. Still, he loved the big oaf, and seeing him that overwhelmed and ashamed from something Luca had done to him worried him enough that he decided to bring it up after. 

But it turned out that he had nothing to worry about. Zack reassured him that he got off on the shame and the humiliation like nothing else, and that the meaner Luca was about it the more it turned him on. 

“To be honest, walking out and knowing people were looking at me… that they knew what happened… I kinda wanted to strangle you, but I’d also never been so turned on,” Zack admitted to him. Then he smiled at Luca, a big goofy smile that warmed his heart. “Besides, I trust you enough to do this with you. I’ll safeword if it’s ever too much.” 

With his anxieties eased, Luca started thinking about how he could take it further from here. He loved seeing Zack humiliated in public, and now he knew how much Zack loved it too, so the door was wide open. He decided that he would just cut back on Zack’s bathroom use in public. If he could push him to the edge everywhere they went, sooner or later something fun was bound to happen. 

The day finally came a couple weeks later. Luca’s car was broken down and Luca didn’t care for riding on Zack’s motorcycle, so they were using the bus while the car was in the shop. They were on a date at a nice restaurant, and Luca hadn’t let Zack piss since they’d left the house a couple hours before. By the time they paid, Zack was squirming. 

“Luca, can I go now?” he asked quietly as they got up out of their seats. 

“Hmm… No, you can go when we get home,” he promised him, then grabbed his hand. He thought he was being perfectly reasonable. Between the walk to the bus stop, the bus ride, and then the walk home it probably wouldn’t be more than half an hour before they were home. Zack seemed to find this agreeable too, as he nodded and followed Luca out without much argument. 

The bus was crowded, and Zack and Luca weren’t able to find a seat. Instead they both held onto a metal pole, fairly packed in among a dense crowd. Luca didn’t think Zack would have any trouble making it home, and he felt a small twinge of disappointment at that. But halfway home, the bus stopped for a suspicious length of time. Luca tried to look outside, but packed in as they were he couldn’t tell what was going on. The minutes stretched on with the bus barely moving, before finally the driver made an announcement.

“Sorry folks, looks to be a pretty bad backup, sounds like there was an accident a couple miles up. Not sure how long the delay is going to be.” 

The panic on Zack’s face was palpable, and Luca grinned up at him.

“Heh… Sorry, even I wasn’t trying to be this mean,” he told him, but he didn’t feel all that guilty. Instead he was starting to feel thrilled at the thought of what might happen.

-- Zack’s perspective --

For once, Zack couldn’t completely blame Luca for his predicament, though he still could tell Luca’s “sorry” was bullshit. He was taller than most of the passengers on the bus, so he had a clear view out the window. The traffic on the interstate was backed up as far as he could see. The bus rolled forward inches at a time, sometimes coming to a complete stop.

Fucking hell, not here! Here, he didn’t have the cover of a dark theater, a private car, or a quiet night. Even the restaurant would have been better, with the table offering some degree of cover. But here he was in broad daylight, packed into a crowded bus, trapped here for the foreseeable future. And he was wearing his light gray sweatpants, one of the least discrete articles of clothing he could be wearing. He’d pissed in them once before and the contrast of the dark stain had been striking…

He had to pee, but he’d held it longer before. It still wasn’t so bad that he was desperate. He still had a chance… He held onto that hope as the bus rolled along, but the traffic showed no signs of easing up. As the minutes dragged on his need grew and grew until the sinking realization set in - even if the traffic dispersed immediately, he wasn’t sure if he could make it home. 

And then came the panic. He looked around as if he could somehow find a way out of his problem, something to prevent the inevitable. I could try to see if anyone has a bottle… I could demand to be let off the bus and go pee in the field… I could try to just let out a little to ease up the pressure… But he knew he wouldn’t do any of those things. He knew that if he “let out a little” he wouldn’t be able to stop. And besides, as his shame grew, so did his arousal. 

Finally he angled his body towards Luca, hoping that would at least shield him from view a little bit. And finally he couldn’t hold it anymore. He squeezed his eyes shut to try to forget where he was as piss exploded from his cock. A moment later he opened his eyes though and stared down at himself. First the dark wet spot spread across his crotch, then down his legs. He felt the warm liquid running into his shoes, and saw it start to puddle around him. 

To his horror, he still wasn’t stopping as the puddle grew. It spread out around Luca’s feet first, then to strangers, who hadn’t yet realized they were standing in Zack’s piss. Luca was grinning like a little psychopath of course, and didn’t seem to be at all bothered by standing in the puddle. 

Finally his stream slowed to a stop, and Zack was mortified. He was almost grateful that the bus was so densely packed, since it made it harder for people to see his soaked pants. He startled when he felt Luca ran a hand gently down his chest. 

“Feel better?” he asked him in a teasing voice. Zack’s only response was a pathetic little sound. A few feet away, a guy looked down and frowned as he stepped away from the puddle. 

“Did someone spill something?” He asked. Despite Zack’s best efforts to use Luca’s body to shield his humiliation from view, the eyes of the passenger who’d first noticed the puddle landed on Zack. Then he looked away and muttered something under his breath. 

As other passengers started to realize what had happened, most of them just uncomfortably looked away and tried to not get involved, and to give the puddle a wide berth. One woman pulled a bunch of napkins out of her purse and threw them down, though she didn’t say anything to Zack.

This was going to be a long ride home.

Edited by CharlieMania
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As much as Luca loves pushing Zack to the edge, he wants to give something else a try. He proposes his new idea to Zack…

This one breaks format a bit. Instead of telling one story in detail, it’s going to touch on several different times that Zack wets himself. 

Chapter 6: A New Adventure

-- Luca's perspective --

Luca loved pushing Zack’s limits, getting him right to the very edge before letting him use the restroom to see whether he’d make it or not. He didn’t think he’d ever stop doing that… but he wanted to try something new too. 

Until now, he always tried to be fair. He would tell Zack when he’d be allowed to pee and he’d be true to his word, always giving Zack a chance to make it. But sometimes all he wanted was to watch Zack piss himself, and he didn’t want to play games for it. 

It had been a month since Zack peed himself on the bus. Since that incident, it seemed that there were no limits anymore. Zack wet himself under a table at Texas Roadhouse just a few days after, and Luca had insisted that they stay and finish their meal anyways. He’d pissed himself in the middle of a fairly crowded clothing store while waiting for Luca to come out of the changing room (Luca may or may not have intentionally been trying clothes on very slowly). He’d even pissed on a moving roller coaster, and Luca almost felt bad for the other park guests who may have been sprayed. Almost.

It was so much more fun when he got Zack to lose control, and he could tell that Zack felt the same even if he was always horrified in the moment. So Luca decided to bring a new idea to him. One night they were cuddling on the couch. Zack was reading a book and Luca was laying on his chest.

“Hey Zack?”


“If I told you to piss yourself, would you?” he asked. “Ow!” he added when Zack immediately dropped his book on his head. Still, he was delighted by how flustered Zack immediately became. 

“I- Luca, I… What, you… you mean like… like right- right now?” he stammered, and Luca giggled at his inability to get the question out. 

“Just in general,” he responded. Then he smiled up at him. “But also right now.” Zack was just staring at him with huge eyes now, and Luca was almost embarrassed to have asked. So he kept going. “Think about it… It would be so much fun if I could just tell you to piss, whenever I felt like it. I love how obedient you are… I want to see you piss your pants just to please me.” 

Zack was silent for another moment, but then Luca heard a hissing noise, and he realized that Zack was doing it. He was really pissing himself, right now, on the couch with Luca laying on him. And it’s not an accident this time, he realized with a rush of arousal. I told him to pee so he is. He smiled as he felt his thigh, which was nestled between Zack’s legs, get wet.

“That a yes then?” he asked Zack, who looked like he might die of embarrassment. The bigger man still seemed to be mute, but he slowly nodded. 


Luca didn’t bring it up again for a few days. When he finally did they were at home, since he wanted to test the waters before going further. They had just had sex and were lazily making out in bed. Their legs were tangled together and Zack was partially on top of Luca. He was panting when they pulled away from the kiss, and he smiled at Zack. 

“I want you to piss…” he said. “Right now.” Zack started to get up, but Luca grabbed him and pulled him back down on top of him and kissed him again. “No dummy, not in the bathroom. Right here.” 

“O-oh…” was all Zack said for a moment. He seemed to be thinking hard, before he asked, “are you sure? It’ll get all over you.” 

“That’s the idea,” Luca reassured him. And a moment later warm liquid exploded over Luca’s body before soaking into the bed under him. By the time Zack was done, Luca was soaked, and he was hard again. “Another round?” he asked breathlessly.


The next time, they were out at a coffee shop. They were sitting on a couch by a fireplace, and Luca hadn’t let Zack use the restroom in a while. He was starting to squirm, and Luca smiled at him. 

“Need to go?” he asked. 

“Yeah,” Zack admitted, and Luca decided to go for it. He shrugged. 

“Go ahead and piss here then,” he told him, and rested his head on Zack’s shoulder. Zack stared at Luca. 

“Are you… fucking serious?” he asked, and Luca just smiled. 

“Mmhm. Come on, you’ve wet yourself in worse places than this.” 

“Yeah but not… not on purpose…” Zack grumbled. 

“Hmm. Your choice, but I’m not letting you use the restroom. So you can either piss yourself now, or keep holding until you get desperate and piss yourself anyways.” 

“That’s not fair…” Zack replied, and for a moment Luca thought he was being too mean. But then he saw a wet patch form on the front of Zack’s jeans, and a few seconds later the couch under them started to feel wet. He heard a pattering noise, and saw that some piss was running down off the front of the couch and onto the carpet below. 

“Good boy,” Luca said, and kissed Zack’s cheek. 


-- Zack’s perspective --

One week, they had a friend visiting from out of state, Tom. They were all out at a bar on the way home from the airport, talking and joking like no time had passed. Zack was sitting in between Luca and Tom. Before Tom had moved away, he’d joined Zack and Luca in bed a few times, and though nobody had said it out loud they all knew that he would end up in their bed again by the end of this trip. 

“Is he still as easy to embarrass as I remember?” Tom asked, then snickered when Zack’s face immediately turned red. “Guess that’s a yes.” Luca laughed and kissed Zack’s cheek.

“Oh, you have no idea,” he told Tom, Zack immediately buried his face in his hands. Even before they started doing this, Luca had loved embarrassing him. And whenever Tom joined them, the two of them fed off each other’s energy and always managed to completely humiliate him.

“Oh? Well I’m intrigued, tell me more,” Tom said as he leaned forward with a wicked grin. Luca turned to look at Zack. 

“Mind if I tell him?” 

“Go ahead, not like I have any dignity left as it is,” Zack grumbled. And with that, Luca launched into the story of how they’d gotten into their fetish. Tom’s eyes were sparkling with excitement as Luca told him about the times that Zack hadn’t been able to hold himself and had wet himself in public, but he narrowed his eyes in disbelief at the most recent story. 

“No way… you told him to pee his pants in the middle of a coffee shop and he just did?” He raised an eyebrow. “Where do you get a boyfriend that obedient? I need one of those for myself!” Luca laughed and rubbed Zack’s back.

“He’s one of a kind. Wanna see?” He asked, and ignored the glare that Zack shot him. 

“Fuck yeah I do,” Tom replied. Luca turned to Zack. 

“You know what to do then,” he purred in Zack’s ear, and Zack glared at both of them in turn. He was completely red. 

“I hate you. Both of you. Stop encouraging him,” he muttered. But then he obediently relaxed his bladder, and felt warmth flood his pants. Piss showered down from the barstool onto the floor below as Zack relieved himself. It felt strange having two pairs of eyes fixed on him as he pissed, both completely entranced. Tom whistled. 

“Damn, you have him trained well.”

“I’m right here you know,” Zack said. Despite his grumbling, the way the two of them talked about him like an object turned him on to no end. Like he was just a plaything, a prize for Luca to boast over. Finally he finished pissing. Luca kissed him, quick and dirty, before Tom did the same. He was becoming dizzy with arousal.

“Let’s go home,” Luca said.

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When going on a trip overseas, Luca sees an opportunity. 

This will probably be the last chapter of this series, but I’m considering making another series featuring these two with an emphasis on piss vandalism.

Chapter 7: The Airplane

-- Luca’s Perspective --

They were going on a trip to Istanbul, and Luca had a wonderful idea as they were waiting at the gate for their flight. There weren’t many people at the gate, which meant it would probably be a pretty empty flight. Luca sent Zack to the bathroom a few minutes before boarding, and while he was gone he went to a vending machine and loaded his backpack with various drinks. when Zack was back, he whispered into his ear.

“I don’t want you using the restroom again until we land,” he whispered, and Zack looked at him like he’d grown a second head. 

“Luca, it’s an eleven hour flight,” he told him. “That’s not possible.”

“I didn’t say I want you to hold it,” Luca said. Then he stood up and got in line, smiling at the woman who scanned his boarding pass before heading to their seats. As Luca had expected the flight was relatively empty, which was good - he didn’t actually want them to get in trouble. Once they sat down, Zack turned to look at him. 

“Luca, you’re joking, right?” he asked, and Luca leaned his head on Zack’s shoulder. Zack was in the window seat and he was in the aisle, and there was nobody else in their row or in the rows near them. 

“Nope, not joking.” He reached over and ran a hand over the bulge in Zack’s pants. “You’re hard… I can tell you’re excited.” Zack turned red and looked away, though he inadvertently pushed his hips up into Luca’s hand. 

“God, fuck you… You seriously owe me after this.” Luca smiled. He reached into his backpack and then handed Zack a bottle of diet coke. 

“Good boy. Now drink up.”

-- Zack’s perspective --

Zack couldn’t believe he’d agreed to this. Eleven hours of sitting on a plane and pissing himself. And to make it worse, Luca was practically force feeding him drinks from his backpack. When did he even get those? By the time the flight took off he’d already drank a whole bottle of diet coke, and he was already feeling the pressure in his bladder. And by the time the flight attendants started to come around with refreshments and snacks, he could barely hold it. He wasn’t even really sure why he was trying to hold it, when it didn’t matter anyways.

The flight attendant was almost to their row when he gave up. He covered his lap with a book as he started to piss. He quickly soaked the seat under him before piss started to run down the back of his calves and into his shoes. 

It was a lot, and he was still pissing when the flight attendant got to their row. His face heated up and he closed his eyes in the hopes that the flight attendant would think he was asleep and pass him by. But of course Luca wasn’t going to let him get away with that. The cheeky brat shook him by his shoulder and smiled. 

“Babe, want something to drink?” He asked as Zack finally stopped peeing. 

“Uh… No thanks…” he mumbled, knowing that Luca was plenty stocked on drinks. 

-- Luca’s perspective --

Luca wasn’t drinking as much as Zack, but after a couple hours he had to pee too. He got up and headed back for the bathroom, only to find it occupied. As he made his way back to their seats to wait, another idea hit him. He smiled as he sat down next to Zack. 

“Bathroom was occupied and I reeeeally have to go,” he told Zack, who just raised an eyebrow at him. 

“Not sure what you expect me to do about it.” 

“Mm… You’re soaked anyways. Can’t I just pee on you?” Luca asked, and Zack choked on the Fanta he was drinking. 

“You are fucking shameless,” Zack told him once he finally stopped coughing. 

“That’s not a no.” 

“No,” Zack retorted, and Luca hummed in understanding and leaned on his shoulder again. He’d just wait until the bathroom was open again. 

About 10 minutes later, he got up to go to the bathroom. But as he did, Zack grabbed his sleeve. When Luca turned to look at him, Zack was as red as a beet and desperately avoiding eye contact with him. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again. Then finally he spoke. 

“...Yeah. You can pee on me.” Luca blinked in surprise. But then he smiled and turned so he was facing Zack, leaning over him. 

“You sure?” he asked. 


Luca looked around to make sure no flight attendants were coming this way. Then he unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. It was surprisingly hard to let go - he had Zack pissing himself all the time, but he’d never been the one pissing somewhere he wasn’t supposed to before, and every instinct was trying to stop him. But after several seconds he finally started to piss. He pissed directly onto Zack’s lap, moving his cock around to completely soak both his thighs. He saw it puddling between Zack’s legs and spilling down onto the floor below and he shuddered. 

“Fuck, why didn’t I do this earlier?” he said as he finished. He shook the last few drops off before he zipped up and sat back down. 

-- Zack’s perspective --

The warmth from Luca’s piss felt amazing, and Zack also wondered why Luca hadn’t peed on him before. He couldn’t believe that he was sitting on an airplane right now, soaked in both his own and Luca’s piss with piss pooled on the floor beneath him. 

“Can I just use you as my toilet for the whole flight?” Luca asked. Zack had had a hunch this question was coming, but he still felt his heart skip a beat. 

“Jesus Christ, Luca. This is ridiculous. You know this whole thing is fucking ridiculous, right?” Luca only laughed, and Zack wondered how the other man seemed to have no sense of embarrassment. 

“Really? Just now it got ridiculous?” he asked, and Zack sighed. 

“Fine. But when we land I’m going to kill you.” 

Over the next four hours, Zack pissed himself three more times, and Luca pissed on him twice. His pants were completely soaked down both legs and his shoes were full of urine. The carpeted floor of the plane was soaked all around them, spreading into the next aisle. 

-- Luca’s perspective --

Luca was having a great time, though his only complaint was that they couldn’t fuck. He was incredibly horny, and pissing on Zack gave him a thrill every time. They were halfway through the flight and he had to go again. So after checking again to make sure there was nobody coming this way, he stood up and faced Zack. He started to piss in his lap again, but then on a whim he aimed his cock higher so his stream was hitting Zack square in the chest. 

The larger man jumped in surprise when Luca started pissing on his chest, but then he closed his eyes and moaned softly. Luca slowly directed his stream back and forth across Zack’s chest so his entire shirt was soaked by the time he was done. He paused for a moment to admire the sight before he sat back down. 

“Luca… that felt really nice…” Zack admitted quietly. Luca couldn’t help the giddy smile on his face. 

“I love you,” he whispered. 

The next time Luca had to go, he aimed even higher. He pissed all over Zack’s face and in his hair, and watched his urine run all the way down Zack’s body. By now Zack seemed to have completely forgotten the embarrassment of the situation. He just closed his eyes and let out soft moans of pleasure as Luca showered him with his warm piss. 

But by the end of the flight, as they were preparing to deboard, Zack seemed to remember to be ashamed. He was soaked head to toe in piss, and his backpack under the seat was pretty wet too. There was a puddle in his seat, and a massive puddle that spread under several aisles. 

“Fuck, they’re gonna find out when they’re cleaning the plane!” Zack hissed to Luca. “And they know our names from the tickets! We could get banned from flying! Hell, we could even get in legal trouble for vandalism!” Luca chuckled as he stood up. 

“Please, they probably won’t know it’s piss. I’m sure they clean up spills all the time.” 

“It’s a little more than a spill, Luca.” 

“So we get a fine, and we pay it. Or we get banned from the airline and we take a different airline.” He smiled at Zack, who seemed a little panicked. “Wasn’t it worth all that?” 

“Yeah…” Zack said. “Yeah, it was.” 

-- Zack’s perspective --

They deboarded the plane, and the flight attendants gave Zack a quizzical look. It didn’t look like he’d just pissed his pants - he was completely drenched, smelling awful, and avoided eye contact as they got off. He was dripping as they walked through the airport, and he had no idea what people must think. The worst part was that he had to piss again. He’d held it for the last hour and a half in the futile hope that he would dry off a bit before getting off the plane - though of course that was useless, since Luca just pissed on him again right before they landed. 

“Now that we’ve landed, can I use an actual restroom?” he asked, and Luca grinned. 

“Nah. Might as well make it to the hotel at this point.” Zack groaned in annoyance but kept walking with Luca. It was raining outside, not very hard but enough that once they were outside his soaked state didn’t look as strange. 

They climbed into the back of an Uber. They were about 40 minutes from the hotel, and Zack knew he didn’t stand a chance of making it. So once the Uber started to drive, feeling brave, Zack let go for a final time. Piss pooled on the seat under him and ran down onto the floor. It also spread across the leather backseat, and Luca looked up at him when the liquid reached him. Then he grinned and blew Zack a kiss. Zack knew his face was red, but he managed to smile at Luca and blow a kiss back at him.

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