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No Hiding Place on a hot bank holiday

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My adventure today, Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May 1999

Contains exhibitionist clothes wetting

True story written 24 years ago especially for my online friend Pp-Panties

Rikki Bare

In my quest for WS kicks today I decided to go for a stroll along the cliff top. Now this is a place I've visited many times before normally wearing black pants or shorts. Or arranging that my denim shorts are concealed by a very long T-shirt. The path is about two miles long. In some paces it divides and there are passing places about 10 feet apart. In others there is just a very narrow strip between the fields and the cliff edge. There is no cover and there are blind corners around hillocks and a few bushes, so it is common to think you are alone and suddenly come across another walker almost on top of you.

This time I decided to operate in such a way that I would almost certainly be spotted. I dressed in nice thick briefs and loose faded blue shorts made of fine close weave cotton, the shorts are about as wet showing as it is possible to get. On the top half I wore a short T-shirt of the same colour. This shirt just reached my waist band and thus could not be used to hide wet shorts unless I took it off and held it in front of me. I have done this before but resolved not to do so today.

Well tanked up I parked on the grassy cliff top and set off for my stroll. All I took with me was a small 'bum-bag' with a water bottle and a book to read. The pressure in my bladder was mounting as I proceeded down the path passing a group of young men in a car, also parked up and two or three other people. After about 200 yards I came to one of my favourite spots, a grassy hollow sheltered from the wind and in full sun with a great view across the sea. I settled down here to read my book for a while and took another large swig of water.

The water triggered emergency messages from my bladder and I found myself leaking almost involuntarily, just a little dribble but it felt so hot and good in my briefs. No sign on my shorts so I released a little more, intentionally this time and felt it hissing into my briefs, oops I released a lot more than I intended and grabbed my dick through my shorts the stop the flow. Now it showed. Not lower down where I expected it but right where I grabbed a sudden hand shaped wet patch where the light cotton was squeezed against my absorbent briefs. Some also dripped straight down the leg of my shorts onto the ground without showing. I crouched and squeezed my legs together. Now there was a second wet patch where piss had been squeezed out of my briefs. I sat down and made myself comfortable on the grass and opened my book as a watched the wet wick across the cotton turning it from dark to light. There was a sharp slightly wavy line between the two.

Now my bladder began to protest again so I decided to let it flow. Sitting with my legs pressed together and knees drawn up I started to pee in earnest. I soon had a pool of trapped piss in my groin on the outside of my shorts, I watched the moving dark line for a while and then opened my legs and felt the hot piss flood around my balls and anus. Now I was well and truly soaked back and front. I lay back and managed to read a few pages before I heard voices approaching along the path.

I could have rolled over and hidden my wet state from view but I steeled myself and didn't move. I was lying on my back knees up a little and holding the book over my head to read it. My wet shorts were in full view. The people, a couple of middle aged women, passed within 10 feet of me. They gave no audible sign of seeing and I didn't look up but it is difficult to imagine they could have missed.

I let them get well on down the path before getting up and continuing my stroll. Inspecting my shorts as I set off I showed pretty dramatically wet but I re-emptied my bladder just to be sure. The glistened and the wet patch spread into a classic 'A' pattern running off the hem and spreading round but leaving the sides perfectly dry. Feeling behind I could tell I was also showing a great wet patch on my ass.

I met nobody for about half a mile and refreshed the stain once more before I rounded a tight corner and saw a woman of about 45 approaching only about 30 paces away. My heart raced and I quickened my pace to where the path divided into two 10 feet apart and separated by rabbit cropped turf. The woman was on one and I chose the other. As we passed she was staring straight ahead whereas before she had been looking around at the view. Yes she had seen OK! But wasn't acknowledging the fact.

The next people I came across were going the same way as I, was a whole group of teens, a couple and three others. I chickened out and stopped for a while to let them get ahead. While I was waiting I stood looking out to sea and released another almost involuntary flow; when I am already wet I find it very difficult not to just piss as soon as my bladder has anything in it.

Standing there I was in full rear view for a man who came up behind me walking pretty fast. If he had glanced at me at all he must have seen my wet bum and probably piss running down my bare legs as well. I proceeded on my way for another hundred yards and then found a tempting hillock to sit on. My bum was cooling and I wanted to warm it up. Sitting there my next little flow did the job nicely tickling my balls delightfully on the way past. Another couple passed while I was seated but they wouldn't have got a very good view and probably noticed nothing.

Thus I reached the end of the cliff path. The area was more populous than further back and I chickened out. There were couples and family groups scattered all over the grass around the approaches to the steep path down to the beach. This path is also very narrow and people have to push past one another. There was a whole group of kids scrambling up and down on it so I stopped and sat down in a fairly private place to ponder what to do.

If I continued I would have to run the gauntlet of all those families and couples, somebody might object and the younger kids would surely comment. Besides I have no desire to get attention from children. So I decided to turn back, but not just yet. I read some more of my book as if I had not a care in the world. This was not to provide the escape I had intended.

Whilst I was reading about a dozen people in three parties passed, I was well away from the path, and cut off my retreat, they settled down among some ruins about 100 yards down the path. Now I would have an audience whichever way I went. Well that was what I had set out to do so I couldn't complain. The cliff path was steep, I would have to come up again and there were still the kids so I chose to retrace my steps and walk past the other groups.

My shorts had started to dry in the hot sun the edges of the wet patch were shrinking back soft and blurred totally unlike an advancing front. "Perhaps if I wait a while people won't notice," I thought. But my bum was still very wet and it would take a long time to dry on the front, besides I wanted to piss again. "Oh well if it's obvious I might as well make it really obvious," I thought. I got up and set off down the path. When I had got about half way to the group I let go again and totally refreshed my stain into a great A with runs down my legs, the works. I was approaching them totally soaked.

The first couple were walking pretty quick back towards me and I diverted to let them pass, about 5 yards sideways. Looking over my shoulder I caught the man looking back at me. He looked away very suddenly.

The next party were four late teens three girls and a boy who was arm in arm with one of them. This was too much and when they were about 20 paces away I sat down again with my back to them just off the path, but still in full view of them as they passed. Besides they had had a total front view for several minutes before this. This was the only verbal feedback I got and was the high (low?) point of my adventure. One said "……now he's just sitting there." "Must be embarrassed I suppose," Another woman replied. I missed the beginning of the sentence and only heard at all because their words were carried on the breeze but they had clearly been discussing me before.

YES! A REACTION AT LAST! Somebody had noticed and discussed it within earshot. Not exactly dramatic but definite attention. I got up and carried on down the path passing several other people, some much closer than before, but got no apparent response. Nearly back at the car I spotted an elderly man with a dog approached on a converging path. I was ready to pee again and decided to try for a bigger stain. I crouched a little as though I was trying to hold it and pissed forcing all I could out. I filled my briefs and as it was unable to easily flow down it spread sideways making a blotchy and wider stain, very dramatic if not quite so 'classic'. I continued up the path without stopping again and passed right across his line of vision, still glistening and dripping. No way he could have missed that! But he showed no reaction, not that I looked hard. I have not yet dared make eye contact whilst wet.

Back at the car I opened it up to let it cool and sat outside on the grass for a while still peeing and reading, I had got another water bottle out of the trunk. I had no further audience and half an hour later, I called it a day, got changed and went home to write this report.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Here in Australia our long weekend in June is the Kings Birthday (Yes, I know he was born in November), It is also winter. But not that cold where we live. It is a busy weekend too.

One of the few times my wife Caz has ever wet her jeans. We went out for lunch on the river in Brisbane Qld and then walked along the river walk later, we had gone about a kilometre thought we would turn and head back. Caz looked at me and asked “a bit more water in the river wouldn’t hurt would it”?

I looked down and you could see the pee running down her legs and over her shoes, she did quite a bit and it pooled around her feet. She took my hand and said let’s go.

It was noticeable and funnily enough we got one or two second glances but not a lot. People see what they want to see, I think.

So, from and old Aussie to and Old Englishman, I am looking to hearing more of your adventures


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