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The corner booth

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Sonia groaned. She’d already gotten up twice from her corner spot in the booth to pee, and she didn’t want to make everyone get up again. Especially the cute guy beside her, he’d think she had some kind of problem. But she did have a problem: she had to pee again, and bad. The drinks were going right through her, and she could feel the belt around her waist digging into her bladder. She was wearing just a lowrise bodysuit under her favourite short yellow dress, with a large black belt across her midsection.


Shifting in her seat, she hoped silently another girl at the table would announce a bathroom trip. She could barely pay attention to the conversation, she was so focused on keeping her bladder under control. At the same time, Sonia kept drinking, since she didn’t want anyone to notice something wrong.


After a couple minutes, all the squirming she was doing under the table had pushed her dress up. Now her bare bum was on the wooden bench, with only the thin piece of cotton bodysuit between her pussy and freedom. She knew she had to get up soon, she was just waiting for a natural break in the conversation. The last thing she wanted to do was blurt out a need to pee.


Suddenly, she felt the urge get overwhelmingly strong, and a spurt shot out of her peehole, soaking the crotch of her bodysuit. She gasped and clamped her legs together to stop it, but she could feel a tiny puddle under her thighs on the bench. The hot guy beside her heard her gasp and asked if she was alright. “I’m fine”, she stammered. Now she definitely couldn’t get up right away, or he’d know why she gasped.


Instead, Sonia sat there, her thigh muscles clenched to hold back the flood of pee that now was trembling at the edge of her urethra. She realized nobody had noticed her small leak, and thought maybe she could let a little more out to relieve the pressure. She slowly looked around and saw the tables attention was all away from her, and then she carefully relaxed her vagina muscles. She had surreptitiously put one hand under the table to hold herself, and it was resting on her very damp bodysuit fabric between her legs. As soon as she relaxed, she felt a sudden hot wetness fill her hand and then a stream run down her leg. She clamped her legs shut again, feeling more pee pool under bum.


“Oh god”, she thought. “If I get up now, this guy will see the puddle on the bench. I can’t wait much longer.” She also couldn’t let out any more pee without risking the puddle spreading on the bench out from under her bum. Then, seeing the drink on the table in front of her, she had a crazy idea.


As another leak slowly soaked into her hand, which was now dripping, she grabbed her drink with her other hand and pretended to have a sip. Then, she put it back down, but deliberately put it on the edge of the table. As soon as she took her hand away, the drink fell towards her, crashing into her lap and spilling all over the crotch of her dress and the bench. “Oh no!” Sonia yelled, as she released the hold on her pee.


But her desperate brain hadn’t thought it through. As soon as she yelled, everyone looked over at the commotion only to see a hot stream of piss shooting out from under her dress. She had to go so bad that it hissed loudly and splashed all down her legs. “Are you fucking pissing?” The hot guy beside her asked, incredulous. Sonia tried to stop by grabbing herself, but only succeeded in sending the pee onto the bench, rapidly expanding the puddle under her bum. “Oh my god, I’m sorry, I can’t stop, oh my god” she wailed as tears started to fall. Her tired muscles were just too weak, and she couldn’t stop. She peed for over a minute while everyone watched, incredulous. When she was finally done, she got up and ran out, crying.  She’d never been more embarrassed.

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