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Posts posted by Tmg765

  1. Just curious. I have found a lot of great pee pics and other things on Tumblr so I started one myself just for basically keeping track of all the pictures I like that I run across in one place and I guess maybe share with others who might like them.

    This is all kind of new to me so this might be old hat to you all here and not worth mentioning but I thought I would ask. Maybe a network of pee tumblrs would be cool :)

  2. I dont mind rewatching something if it turns me on enough and as for what does it for me in a video its usually if I can see the woman gets pleasure from letting go and peeing whether because she has to really bad or that it turns her on to pee for someone watching.

    Good thread :)

  3. Haha ya, hey you are gonna do it anyway why cant I just watch? :)

    It seems like there are women who truly enjoy it and get turned on by it or they want to sell pictures or videos of it. Which is fine too of course.

    That kind of gets to my point aside from the money that can be made by doing it I wonder how many women actually get sexual pleasure from either peeing for or on someone who wants them to.

    I would really like to meet someone, just as a friend even who actually gets turned on by doing it.

  4. Good morning all.

    Being new here and generally new to this wonderful fetish or interest or whatever word best describes it, I have not met too many people in my life who share this desire. Yet!

    So my question today is kind of general I guess. It seems to me that there are a large number of men who really enjoy this and who are outspoken about it, at least here so is this something that is largely a guy thing?

    I know there are women here who participate a lot, and that is awesome :) But in general outside of this wonderful forum do you think that there are just as many women who have this desire as there are men?

    I personally have only met one woman in my life who enjoyed it but I know many guys who are just horny toads and will get turned on by about anything. :)

    I guess I need to work on making new female friends who love this like I do so I can do proper research on the topic. Probably kind of hard to do that as I am sure most women online probably just think guys are just looking for a hookup or to ask for pictures/videos of them.

    Anyway kind of meaningless question in the big scheme of things but I want to be active here and it was something I was honestly curious about.

    Thank you all :)

  5. I would have to say a learned or taught thing for me.

    I had a recent, now ex girlfriend who was really into it and to her it was a way to sharing something very intimate and more so in her own words a way to mark each other as almost each others property.

    At first I thought hmm well i have always been kind of interested it in but had never thought about it that way. It really added more of a turn on factor honestly and now its a huge turn on for me after a year of learning how intimate and erotic it was with her.

    Interesting topic.

  6. Personally for me there are two different situations. One I just want to get off and its late before bed, those are usually just quick stroke until I cum.

    But the much more enjoyable times are when I have the time to take the time to really enjoy it. Masturbation has always been a big part of my life, even when I was married I always tried to take time for it and myself. Now that I am divorced and I have chosen to not remarry as of yet masturbation is an even bigger part of my life so if I can take the time and really get into it and enjoy I prefer to.

    Usually its a matter of watching some videos, hopefully not the over produced kind as some have stated here. Take my time over hours and edge up to it and build up to it.

    I have found a vibrator against my cock has a very good effect that doesnt build too fast and doesnt push me over the edge when I dont want it to but makes for a very hard cock in the end :)

    Masturbation in general and watching or talking to a woman about her masturbating are huge turn ons here.

    thanks for asking the question. I think it is a very interesting thread.

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  7. I have only had a few mutual masturbation experiences but have enjoyed it and found it to be very arousing.

    Watching a woman masturbate has always been my #1 turn on. Just something so intimate and sensual about it really does it for me.

  8. Just thought I would start a thread to ask a question that I was curious about.

    Personally I find as I explore what turns me on when it comes to women peeing that the color does make a difference.

    I find the pictures where the lovely ladies pee is nice and clear much more of a turn than if it is stronger or yellowish.

    Do most people who enjoy this also find a difference in their attraction to it more or less so based the color or is it mainly other factors?

    Just thought I would ask :)

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