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Posts posted by Korvidz

  1. I was grocery shopping last night and I decided to check the clearance section, where I found some 11ct Ninjamas nighttime underwear for only around $5 at 50% off. I've been kicking around the idea of trying diapers for a while (not into ageplay, just like to pee lol) but I've always been scared off by the price. So I figured this is the perfect opportunity to try them out! I figured they would be a tight squeeze since they're designed for children/preteens, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity.

    Well, it was a tighter squeeze than I hoped. I can't get the things on without ripping the side of the pant down the seam. Disappointed, I just held the thing in my hand and pissed directly on it to test the absorbency. I loved the way that the smell of piss intermingled with the fresh smell of the diaper, and I began to feel my fetish evolving.

    Now determined to make this work, I went into my tool box and came out with a roll of duct tape. I channeled MacGyver, stretching the diaper taught and affixing it with three pieces of duct tape directly to my skin, two on the ripped edge along the seam and one supporting it from the back just above my buttcrack. I now had, basically, a functional diaper.

    The next issue to tackle was the fact that I didn't have to pee anymore, since what little I had in the tank had already been used before I got crafty. So I started drinking some Truly seltzers I have lying around in the fridge (I don't drink much, I needed to clear up the space anyway.) I wanted to make myself desperate and squirming.

    By the time it was 1am, I was pretty drunk but somehow I still didn't need to pee. I piddled a few pathetic squirts into the diaper before climbing into bed, resolving to test the diaper's full capacity in the morning.

    Well, it's the morning. My duct tape situation had become a little loose overnight, so I re-affixed the diaper, put on some blue jeans over it, and assessed my desperation level. Not high enough. Minutes after waking up, I pounded a full glass of black iced tea (makes me piss like a race horse) and 3 glasses of water. That's when I started typing up this post.

    Before I even managed to type out a single paragraph, I suddenly became extremely desperate, to the point where my bladder was hurting. I've read horror stories about holding your pee too long, so I decided it was time to let loose. Sitting down at my laptop, I peed a HUGE amount into my diaper, which hadn't been changed since last night.

    I ended up filling it to capacity, flooding the diaper. I felt hot piss running down my legs, and dark streaks appeared on my jeans. Perhaps I should've modulated my stream for a slower flow, but I wanted to do a stress test, see how much these puppies can handle. I suspect that even if I had released it slowly, it still would've spilled out because when I took the diaper off, it was soaked through and wet on the bottom. Between last night and this morning, it was just too much volume of liquid for the absorbent material to take on.

    The jeans were only mildly wet, not enough to justify changing them. So I changed my diaper, put my pants back on and returned to the back porch to keep writing this post.

    I kid you not- I didn't even get to start typing the second paragraph before I was already on the verge of wetting myself AGAIN. That black tea really does the trick. I stood up and released another full bladder into the diaper. It wasn't quite as much as I peed the first time, but still larger than my average pee. This time I had no leakage and my jeans didn't get wet(ter). The diaper definitely has room for more.

    So it seems like my duct tape strategy works! There are more discounted packs of Ninjamas at the grocery store still, but I think I'll just shell out for some adult ones that actually fit me, lol. One thing's for sure, I LOVE wearing a diaper. I'm embarrassed to admit I'm the type who pees in bottles if I'm currently engaged in working on something, playing a game etc. Even to the point where I purchased a smell-proof bottle designed for peeing while camping or hiking. But this takes the cake. I love the feeling of peeing myself but historically I rarely do it because I don't want to deal with the cleanup.  This changes everything. I get the convenience of not having to go to the bathroom, the pleasure of peeing myself, and the ease of not having to clean anything up.

    I haven't disposed of the full, soiled diaper yet, I placed it into the empty Ninjamas bag and I keep going back to hold it, feel the weight of my pee, and smell it. The old pee from last night has made it more pungent, it's very appealing. As I type this I'm getting desperate yet again, and I couldn't be more excited to let loose!


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  2. You could try taking photos & measurements (Or better yet, find a 3D model) of the thermos you have and send the files to a 3D artist on Fiverr. They could design a custom funnel which you could 3D print online or at the STEM section of the library in most major cities. I imagine between the design and the printing it would be less than a $50 job.

    2 hours ago, rojo92 said:

    Thank you so much! I was thinking about the same, the only problem that she has is with the funnels. She has tried a flexible silicone funnel and it always leaks. Apparently the only funnel that she can use is the plastic one that comes with those bottles (in the picture) but it's hard to find a thermos that fits that funnel. Are you aware of any product out there that can be adapted to the thermos? Any other flexible funnels that are wider/better?

    I appreciate your input!



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