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Posts posted by JT2

  1. Hey all,

    I'm Joe and I just stumbled on this website figured I would share a sighting I had earlier today.  I didn't plan it it just happened.

    I was at a family barbecue,  gorgeous day beer was going down like water.  I went to my car for a pack of cigarettes and on the side of aunt's house that's where the bathroom is and there is a fairly decent size window.  So as I was walking up the bank I happened to turn my head and seen my cousin on the toilet.   We're second cousins actually and she's in her early 40's.   She didn't see me thankfully and as much as I love seeing girls on the toilet she's an exception.   Myself and her grew up together we're basically brother and sister so I went to the car got cigarettes and walked down the opposite side of the house.  

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