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Everything posted by CharlieMania

  1. Has anyone accidentally made a mess that was harder to clean up than you expected? I’m staying at an airbnb and was pleasantly surprised to find they have a washer, so I decided to try wetting myself. I’ve never actually indulged my fetish, only fantasized and watched videos, in part because I live with family. So I was excited to have a place to myself to try, and I figured it would be an easy cleanup with the washer. So I wet my jeans on a towel. Come to find out the washer was broken, and I sure as hell wasn’t gonna ask the host to come fix it while it was full of my wet clothes.
  2. Chapter 5: The Hotel Room Pt. 2 -- Luca’s perspective -- They were going on another trip, their first one since Zack had pissed in the hotel bed, and Luca wanted to take it up a notch. They would be staying in a hotel room for a whole week, and when they checked in Luca asked if they could have housekeeping stay out of their room for the whole week. The host said that was fine, and Luca ignored the curious look Zack gave him at his question as they headed towards their room. The room was very nice, Luca had paid a bit extra for something more luxurious. There were two beds, tho
  3. Chapter 4: The Restaurant -- Zack’s perspective -- Zack had started to get used to pissing on things in public. It seemed to be Luca’s new favorite activity, making Zack piss everywhere they went. He was at least relieved to have a break from the wetting, and as wrong as it felt, he had to admit he also loved spraying everything with his piss and leaving a mess. And since the library Luca had joined him a few times, adding to his puddle or making another one somewhere else. Today, they were out to lunch at a small diner. It was already 3 pm so the lunch crowd had pretty much cl
  4. Chapter 3: The Library -- Luca’s perspective -- After watching Zack piss all over the shelf in the department store, Luca was pretty sure he’d found a new favorite game. He wanted to see Zack piss everywhere they went, and his mind was racing with thoughts of the places he could have Zack pee. His next chance came a couple days later, when Zack had to go to the library to return some books. “I’ll go with you,” Luca said, unable to keep the excitement out of his voice. Of course this immediately rang the alarm bells for Zack, who gave him an odd look. “You’re up to somethin
  5. Chapter 2: The Store -- Zack’s perspective -- Zack and Luca were out shopping. They were redecorating their bathroom, and Luca was fussing over every little decoration. Zack didn’t particularly care what the bathroom looked like, but he thought it was cute how Luca carefully deliberated between different toothbrush holders and hand towels. The problem was, he had to piss. Luca had said he could go to the bathroom when they got home, and at the time that hadn’t seemed so bad. But he’d forgotten how long shopping with Luca could take. Luca was currently agonizing over which hangi
  6. This story contains piss vandalism, bathroom control, and humiliation. The characters are in a loving relationship and everything is consensual. This is a sorta-sequel to my other story about Zack and Luca (https://peefans.com/topic/30680-zack-and-luca-humiliation). If you didn’t read it, here’s what you need to know about the characters. Zack is a 6’3 ex-military man with a buzz cut, and Luca is a 5’9 twink with shaggy blonde hair. Luca is the dom and Zack, while looking intimidating, is the easily flustered sub. Luca enjoys humiliating Zack and has complete control over his bathroom us
  7. When going on a trip overseas, Luca sees an opportunity. This will probably be the last chapter of this series, but I’m considering making another series featuring these two with an emphasis on piss vandalism. Chapter 7: The Airplane -- Luca’s Perspective -- They were going on a trip to Istanbul, and Luca had a wonderful idea as they were waiting at the gate for their flight. There weren’t many people at the gate, which meant it would probably be a pretty empty flight. Luca sent Zack to the bathroom a few minutes before boarding, and while he was gone he went to a vending
  8. As much as Luca loves pushing Zack to the edge, he wants to give something else a try. He proposes his new idea to Zack… This one breaks format a bit. Instead of telling one story in detail, it’s going to touch on several different times that Zack wets himself. Chapter 6: A New Adventure -- Luca's perspective -- Luca loved pushing Zack’s limits, getting him right to the very edge before letting him use the restroom to see whether he’d make it or not. He didn’t think he’d ever stop doing that… but he wanted to try something new too. Until now, he always tried to be fa
  9. Luca decides to stop giving Zack more frequent bathroom breaks when they’re in public, and whatever happens happens. Chapter 5: The bus -- Luca's perspective -- Luca had cum so hard after Zack wet himself in the movie theater, and despite his boyfriend being so humiliated he almost cried in the car on the way home, he was pretty sure Zack loved it just as much. Still, he loved the big oaf, and seeing him that overwhelmed and ashamed from something Luca had done to him worried him enough that he decided to bring it up after. But it turned out that he had nothing to worry ab
  10. Luca decides it’s time to up the ante once again by pushing Zack to his limit in a dark theater. Chapter 4: The movie theater -- Luca's perspective -- Luca was having a hard time hiding his smile as they drove to the movie theater. Zack thought they were just going to have a nice time at the movie, but Luca had other plans. The movie they were going to see, Oppenheimer, was a full 3 hours long and Luca had no intention of letting Zack use the restroom. He did let him pee before they left the house - he still wanted Zack to have a fair chance. But as they settled into their seats
  11. Luca pushes Zack a bit further… but an unexpected surprise leads to more humiliation than he’d planned on. Chapter 3: The car -- Luca's perspective -- Luca was starting to push Zack further and further in public. Seeing Zack pissing himself on the sidewalk, illuminated by the streetlight, was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. It was exhilarating. But now he wanted more. He wanted to see Zack standing in a crowd of people pissing into his pants, almost crying from humiliation as a dark stain on his pants incriminated him. So with this fantasy in mind, he became less nic
  12. Luca and Zack start to test the waters of public wetting Chapter 2: In Public at Night -- Luca’s perspective -- After that first time Zack wet himself, Luca comforted him with a blowjob then helped him clean up the mess. Then he toned it down for a few days, deciding to be merciful and give his poor boyfriend a break. He let him use the bathroom frequently and didn’t even tease him for peeing himself, as badly as he wanted to. After a few days, Zack approached him. His face was red, his eyes seemed to be actively avoiding Luca’s, and he was fiddling with his hands - that w
  13. This story contains bathroom control, humiliation wetting, public wetting, and themes of vandalism (though the public humiliation is more the focus). The characters are in a loving relationship and everything is consensual. I've had this fantasy bouncing around in my head for a while, and decided to make an account to write it down. It starts out pretty tame but will quickly escalate to extreme public wetting. It's going to be broken down into several chapters as Zack and Luca gradually get more and more brave with their kink. --------------------------------------- Chapter 1: T
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