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Quiet V

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Posts posted by Quiet V

  1. I would never bring up peeing to friends or family. I’m also not in a relationship but that’s not related to pee. I’m just not good at relationships more than friends and I don’t pick up when someone is flirting. Sometimes I am a little lonely and I distract myself. but mostly seeing friends at work and sometimes hanging out outside of work is enough for me.

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  2. There is a New Zealand horror comedy movie called Housebound. The main character pees in one scene but nothing is shown just sound. She stops peeing when she hears a noise the continues. From what I remember the subtitles where slightly amusing describing it.

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  3. I was really young and I don’t remember which happened first. My mom was friends with a woman who lived down the road and I spent a lot of time with her daughters. I remember we all went to the toilet together. There was another time when I was with playing outside with a couple of boys in the neighborhood they peed and dared me to or something. I had forgotten about both until I read this topic.

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  4. 17 hours ago, pguy2981 said:

    Why would naughty peeing be difficult around someone else if they enjoy it the same as you?

    Because I won’t tell anyone about in real life so meeting some who also enjoys it would be impossible.

  5. On 3/19/2024 at 2:58 AM, peequed said:

    I'm probably in a minority niche in that I enjoy peeing in naughty places, but I very much don't want to be peed on and it doesn't turn me on to pee on someone else.   So for me, it's not necessarily something I need a partner to be into, but It'd be nice if I could tell them about it without the fear of them thinking I'm a weirdo.

    I’m the same though I mostly naughty pee at home so living with someone would make it difficult.

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  6. 5 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Hi and a HUGE welcome to the friendliest community.   You are absolutely, certainly, most definitely NOT alone in having this interest - or in being shy about acting it out in real life.

    You are very welcome here with us, although do be warned - it could change your life (for the better).   Feel free to join in with any conversations, get involved as little or as much as you wish.  Ask if you've got any questions - and as staff we're here to help if anything is bothering you.


    Hi, and thanks for the welcome.

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