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Maid Of Nights

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Posts posted by Maid Of Nights

  1. 16 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Must admit like a lot of the fiction, I gave it a fairly quick skim through - a great context and the school gang of bullies works quite believably.  An exciting twist at the end too. 

    thanks for your compliment 🙂 that actually makes me very happy to hear that you actually like it i was kind of worried it would be trash XD

  2. 27 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Thanks for posting @Maid Of Nights

    For future info, if you're 'Copy & Pasting', before you click on Submit Reply you'll see an option to 'Remove Source Formatting' which will put your content into plain text so it'll show properly on all browser colour schemes.

    This time around I've done that for you - it was black on dark grey.

    i was wondering why i couldnt make it look clear. thanks for helping me with it 🙂 what do you think of my story though? did you read it?

  3. i found this story on some sight but the person who made it had no clue how to write a good story at the time so i remade it myself. took me 4 hours and this is my first time making my own story so i hope yall enjoy it 🙂 

    HIGH SCHOOL DESPERATION So I guess I should start with the first day I discovered the feeling of wetting myself. This was an anoying day. I just transferred to a new highschool and in my senior year I was really shy. My name is Jasmine and I'm 18 years old. My shyness led to some other girls poking some fun at me. I woke up this morning and I decided to wear a nice outfit since it had been a friday. I put on a pink braw and pair of panties and I walked over to my closet thinking about my outfit. I put on a black pleated skirt that I wore up to my stomach right above my belly button, and a black T Shirt that I would have tucked into my skirt. After I got dressed up i left the house and got in the car with my mother. She knows I have bladder problems so she‘ll keep a diaper in her purse in case things get a little to wet or a little to squishy. She dropped me off at school and asked "I noticed you‘ve been having recent accidents, do you want the diaper?" and pulled out a diaper with Cinderella on it. I told her "Mom, first of all that‘s a baby diaper and second of all I‘m not gonna have an accident I'm fine." she laughed and said "Yeah sure, my daughter Jasmine won‘t have an accident on a nerve racking day." and drove away. Being a stubborn teenage girl, I thought nothing of it, but in hind sight I made a big mistake and I way gonna pay for that. Because I had to pee and I forgot to use the bathroom at home since I was so excited about transferring schools and meeting new people. I don't wanna bug my mom about it because she would have still treated me like a child if I did so ill just wait until I can use it at school. 

    It was first period and normally the bathroom doors are locked until lunch time. As well as this first period was when I had P.E. That day was an unsupervised period, so people could really do what they want. In the locker room It didn't take me all that long to change because I didn't really wear too much I guess. While i was changing out in the locker rooms a group of 3 girls approached me. There names are Roxy, Levi (pronounced lee-vi) and kaiya. They are all 18 and we all go to the same senior classes together Levi asked "So do you have a diaper on under that skirt princess?" They all laughed and I said "yea I wear diapers, you got a problem with people who have disabilities?" They replied "We saw your mom give you a diaper at the student parking lot." I told them "okay" but they still continued to bug me anyways until everyone else was out of the locker room. When everybody cleared out I saw two of them start to look around at which point they eventually said "That‘s it, everyone‘s gone." All 3 of them mobbed me and tried to grab me, however I happen to be very athletic so I dodged them and ran out of the locker room. After I lost track of them made the i worst mistake possible, and I went to a nearby waterfountain and stress drank a bunch of water. My bladder was already a bit full and this wasn't helping. 

    After first period it was math. They found me and then followed right behind me as if I were apart of their group. They happen to be in all 6 of my classes so there's not much I can do about it.. They surrounded me when I sat down. This put them at a favorable position. I thought to myself "Ill just ask the teacher to give me the adult bathrooms key." but she was absolutely oblivious throughout the whole period to my hand being up in the air. I decided I‘d get up and ask her but as soon as I lifted my butt out of the chair, Roxy and Levi put out their hands on my shoulders and forced me back down into my seat which made me actually pee a little but it was not anything noticeable. 

    About three class periods later I was in my 4th hour. English class. They sat in the same positions around me as they did in math. I was squirming by this point and they were all giggling. Once again I tried getting up but was forced back into my seat. Unfortunately, my English teacher was also oblivious to my hand waving up in the air. Kaiya sat to my left whispered "Jasmine accept it and wet your pants already. You‘re not gonna make it princess." I said "No, it‘s not sanitary and my crush is in this class." I decided to get back up one more time and push my hardest. I got up, felt the hands on my shoulders but kept pushing. The pressure got to heavy for me though I got forced back down harder than ever but this time, surprisingly this didn't make me spurt any pee. The teacher looked at us in suspicion and yelled "what are you doing!? I'm trying to teach a class here if you kids keep distracting I'm sending all 4 of you to the office!" I then replied "but miss-" the teacher then cut me off "no buts! This is your last warning, DO NOT DISRUPT MY CLASS AGAIN!" I did not respond back to that and the 3 girls were struggling not to laugh at me as they saw how desperate I was. I was squirming like crazy trying so hard not to pee. My crush glanced at me for a brief second but then looked away and continued doing his work. 

    The bell soon rang for lunch, me and the 3 other girls left out the classroom and I was still struggling not to hold myself and look like I had to pee, in my mind all I could think about was peeing however and my bladder was crying for mercy. As I walked with the girls I then asked kaiya "why are you doing this?" Kaiya then responded "because we feel like it and your weak sterengthless ass deserves it for being a tard" lexi and Roxy nod in agreement, I asked her "Do you like watching girls pee themselves? Are you a urophile? Are you gay for me?" Kaiya then knocked me into a nearby locked locker, so I did not fall into the locker but this caused me to spurt for half a second into my pink panties, and then kaiya said "I am NOT a gay lesbian! And your not sexy either you slut!" Roxy asks kaiya "so why did we agree to do this then?" Levi also says "yea she is right. We happen to be into this we only followed through because we thought you were into this too" I couldn't believe there were no staff around to see this. Because we were in a hallway part of the school that's pretty much almost vacant. Barely anyone comes to this hallway and the schools low budget couldn't afford cameras here either. Kaiya says "hmmm what do you mean? There's no way I'm into this-" I ask "well then. Why are you doing it if your not Into me? You totally think it's hot to watch me pee right? Kaiya blushes, she actually thinks I'm hot. Kaiya says "okay okay fine, I think it's hot okay you win!" Roxy and Levi laugh in disbelief, Levi says "we were just playing you whore your a disgusting individual!" Roxy replies "I can't believe how sick you are kaiya. Let's go Levi and leave this thot to play with her loser toy." Levi and Roxy walk away going to the lunch room. I softly rest my hands on kaiyas shoulder "kaiya..."

    I say, kaiya says "you bitch!" She gets ready to punch me but I kiss her on the lips while im still dancing a little to hold my pee and this seems to stop her and she just wraps her arms around me and hugs me while kissing me on the lips back for about 10 seconds. She then slightly pulls back and we stop kissing. Kaiya says "I'm sorry for messing with you so hard okay, i-i-i just wanted to be with you and I didn't have what it took to ask you out I just assumed you would make fun of me for being gay..." I then reply to kaiya and say "it's ok, your still beautiful either way. To hell with having a crush on someone who won't like you. I think I want to be with you, you sexy angel. Also I can still hold my pee for you if you want but I don't think im gonna make it, I think im about to blow" I grab my throbbing pussy as hard as I can and clench my muscles to try to hold it in" kaiya says "come on I know an empty room that hasn't been used in years we can go there if it's unlocked." I waddle with kaiya to this completely empty classroom inside the seemingly abandoned hallway. Luckily the door was unlocked and we could go lock up in there for the rest of lunch. The door can only be unlocked from the inside too there's no cameras and the windows have black paint on them. Kaiya turns on the light but I'm at my breaking point right now kaiya takes off her clothes leaving only her bra and panties. She instructs me to do the same so I do but as soon as the clothes come off and I put them to the side my bladder tries to give way and I start spurting I kneel forward and keep my legs closed so hard and put as much pressure on my pussy as I can 

    "Come on no don't start now come on hold it hold it hold it fuck!" I say huffing and panting and trying with all my strength to hold it, while it slowly comes out now.. kaiya says "your precious bladder can do it hold it in for me!" "I'm trying the best I can I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying fuck please hold it stop stop stop!" I say. Kaiya gets on her knees and beneath me the pee is just dribbling now but it's trying go hard to come out kaiya says "remove your hands please" in response I say "If I let go I'm gonna pee!" Kaiya repeats the same command a second time and so I remove my hands. And she grabs a urethra plug from her bra pulls my panties aside and inserts the urethra plug into my urethra in my pussy. My pee hole. As soon as she did it the pee stopped dribbling and I could let my urethra muscles relax but when it tried to pee my eyes started tearing up and tears rolled down my cheeks I felt like I was crying as my bladder desperately kept trying to pee beyond the plug but to no avail. I thanked kaiya and she smiled at me and blushed. Then she stood up. the urethra plug will stop me from peeing until I remove it. My weak feeble bladder had never went through this torture before. Kaiya tickled my pussy with her fingers and my bladder tried even more to pee. Which caused even more tears to fall down my face as I cried in pleasure. I pulled kaiyas bra Off and I sucked her nipples and held her closely. My boobs were not that big so she had easy access. Instead she pulled down her panties and said "your a bad girl... come get your treat slut" I obeyed and kneeled down on my knees and locked my mouth on her pussy sucking it and giving her tongue. 

    I keep going faster and faster and eventually she cums all over the inside of my mouth. Her cream tastes so nasty but it's so sexy at the same time. She then asks me "can I drink your pee jasmine?" I say "only if you beg" she replies "please dear princess I'm gonna die of thirst if you don't give me a drink of your delicious golden nectar" and I respond "aw shucks I can't say no to such a pretty face. Put your face under my pussy I'm gonna remove the plug" I pull down my panties and I sit on the counter and spread my legs, then I remove the plug and the pee starts spurting out at full force, I was holding it for so long I felt like I was having a never ending orgasm she quickly locked her mouth onto my pussy and drank some of the pee. Then she took her mouth off and started rubbing her hands on my pussy as quickly as she could. Piss was getting everywhere splashing all over me and her getting all over the counter eventually she made my pussy feel so good that cum vaginal fluid starting gushing out along with the piss and I moaned so loudly as me and her got soaking wet. I kept peeing and peeing and peeing and Cumming until there was nothing left. Nobody outside the room heard us since nobody was there, but now lunch was over and there was nothing in the room to clean up with. So we just got dressed and snuck out the back and walked home. Kaiya became my girlfriend and that's how I discovered the urophollia kink. The end.

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