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Posts posted by justme1

  1. 26 minutes ago, Peefun said:

    So much pee porn is staged so it can be filmed, with actors/actresses -

    oh okay, I see. I wonder how they produce so many at a time, especially if there is multiple people and then you have the editing, rendering, marketing, website hosting etc, etc. now i starting to think they just throw water on the floor and the pee puddle are just an illusion, lol.

  2. not trying to be a troll here but I told my friend about this site and the other day they showed me a website by the name of lovewetting" which it seems to be professional pee porn? is this even real, how do I know they are not using adobe after effects or cleaver editing tricks  and how the hell are these women able to film themself urinating in public without getting caught, is there bodyguards or something???


    Just Curious, Thanks

  3. don't know how the heck i got here, i was up late night (3:00am) trying to type peanuts (as in the cartoon) fans and type in pee fans instead as i was not paying attention, i started lurking on this site because i was curious never knew people were into this kind of stuff, you learn something new everyday , yay

    • Haha 2
  4. hi people of earth and how is everybody i

    never thought i would sign up on a site like this but there is something i always wanted to ask this community,

    if someone made a television show (lets say Netflix,ABC,etc.) about a woman (or man or both?) who has an over-active bladder and urinated either on themself or in a place they shouldn't at the end of show would you watch it? Also how common were public urination back a few decades ago (70s,80s,90s) compared to now? and how rare are professional recordings from pre-90s (before interwebs)  are? and was it more taboo than then now?

    stupid questions i know, it sounded better in my head *cries from stupidity*  

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