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Posts posted by PeeGirl95

  1. When my husband and I first got together he did not even mention his peeing fetish, his is actually quite a nice one, I pee on him occasionally and he is only really interested in me peeing outside.

    He first mentioned it when we were out walking the dog, he did it quite cleverly, we had been going out for about a year, so I was nice and comfy in his presence, when I announced, rather red faced, that I had to pee. I asked if he would think any different of me if I jumped behind a bush and have one.. his reply was of course not, I told him that I would like him to come with me and keep watch so that if anyone was to walk past they wouldn't be able to see me, which he did, very gentlemanly like and faced back towards the path.. not once did he try and grab a peek or turn around. It was that evening over a bottle of wine that he admitted that he quite liked the thought of seeing my bum peeing outside. I didn't really find this strange due to the fact that I was fully aware that he was a major fan of my bum lol.

    However... I decide when I want to pee and not. Sometimes just because were out and I need a wee, doesn't mean that I always want to pull over and squat on the roadside/forest. He respects this, I fully appreciate that it's his fetish and I enjoy fulfilling his requests, but he also respects that I don't want to all the time being it "my time" or the weather is horrible.

    Hope this helps...


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  2. I was just driving to get us a subway (literally 30 minutes ago), and decided I would let him watch me pee, I pulled into a layby and there was a little hill leading up from the edge of the layby to a fence, so I stood at the top, pulled my jeans and knickers down, letting him watch out of the car window below me and with a big push let out a huge arch of pee back down the little slope I just walked up and watching it splash on the tarmac below by the car door. I wasn't properly hidden from view so if someone had been going past and looked they would of seen the show as well :)

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  3. Me and my boyfriend were at a festival once, and we all know what festival toilets are like, and the queue was massive, but we weren't that desperate so we waited, when it got to our turn, only 1 portaloo was available, so we both went in..

    Now as it has been stated previously they aren't the biggest of things so this is how we conquered it.....

    I was wearing a skirt (which I always do at festivals, without knickers, its easier to sit on the grass to pee, you don't even need to get your bum out just make sure your not sitting on your skirt :) ) anyway, i stepped up onto the toilet seat and placed my back against the wall, and lifted my dress, squatting slightly, and my boyfriend stood facing me and we both pee'd... it worked quite well, but i had to ensure i let it dribble out slowly so I didn't cover him in pee...

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  4. I would just pee where i was lying if there was nobody in the near vicinity, but not through my bikini, i would sit up and pull it to one side with my boyfriend sitting in front of me. If there was someone close by I would suggest going for a 'swim' for the purposes of having a pee, but i would pee and then have a swim about, I wouldn't literally get in, pee and then get out.

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  5. I do pee in swimming pools, when we were on holiday recently they had a non heated pool, which we used to cool down from sunbathing, because of the hot weather and cold water every time we got in I needed to pee, so my boyfriend ask me to wrap my legs around his waist when i needed to, because he liked the warmth on his.... :) I would never get out of a pool to pee, but as Crissy P says if we are lying on grass or sand Ill just pee where I'm lying :)

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  6. Hi,

    Kevin, It's not a fetish I have, I don't find it disgusting or anything, it's just something that has happened to me on occasion, and I was wandering if any of the other girls on here have had to in the past also, so I don't feel all alone in the 'needs' department.

  7. I get shy at times, it also depends what mood I'm in. I don't get shy at all with my boyfriend but like Sophie says, if your in a busy loo, and you know there are people waiting, and there is nothing more embarrassing than trying to push a pee out, and you let out a little trump lol.

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