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Posts posted by Ghost778

  1. So I got this idea from posting in the live chat group. Choose my adventure. Pick from the following options, attach/book a day, and I’ll do my best to give you a short episode on how it went and I’ll post a picture if I can lol. Here are some options that are not listed. Option 9 - I work in an office building (you choose get creative option 10. I commute to work, once again get creative (you choose lol) 🥶

    •  1. Go in the bed, (but then I’ll have to do laundry 🙄), 2. Pee off the bed but it’ll land on my rug 3. Piss in the air and Fuck it, 4. Piss on the floor in the front all I’ll have
    • to do is mop. 5 a bottle (boooooo) 6. Sink 7. Bathroom (boooooo) 8. You choose
  2. So this story is about edgy experiences I had and to keep myself in good standing with life I’m going to change names of the places and times and say this was all “notional” lol. I digress, years ago I was way more into pissing than I am now. Every moment I had the opportunity, store, restaurant, etc, as long as it wasn’t crowded and I didn’t see anyone within a close distance that clearly wasn’t a milf lol game on. One day I’m in this general store and sadly I’ve since deleted all these videos because of me not having a place to share them at the time (kind of felt incriminating too lol) either way, I was at the general store and I would always go in check the dead spaces for cameras, browse, buy stuff and really do a good 360 check (I’m also a safe exibitionist if that’s even a thing lol) so I find this area that sells random little objects and mind you if you were looking at me you’d haven’t the slightest idea of what’s going on, these to older ladies are too my right hand side on the other side of the shelf. Not only do I piss on the shelf but I started masterbating. It was the rush of a lifetime. I didn’t cum because I didn’t want to get caught plus I was recording. Oh my youth. I was ballsy as hell back then. (In this notional story) lol what are some of your edgy, “notional” lol stories ?

  3. 14 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    When I'm on here I make no secret of the fact that in the rest of my life this is a whole big secret.

    And based on my situation, I'm reading into your initial post that the weight of holding the secret is a heavy one.  Yes there's all of us here, all with our own subtle twists and preferences, who you can share with.  But at the same time wouldn't it be wonderful to just be able to be open and honest with the real people around us.

    I guess our biggest problem is people are unpredictable and likely to hear what they choose to hear.  In a perfect world they could accept all and take the weight off your shoulders. But at the same time, unless you're lucky with their tolerance, their preconceptions, unbringing, beliefs and more, it could be anybody's guess how they would react. 

    Couldn’t have said it better myself 

  4. On 1/6/2022 at 12:30 AM, Kupar said:

    I think you are pretty brave to even raise it with your friends to be honest! But you are far from alone, as this site will prove 🙂 Welcome, and enjoy the companionship of like minded people. The kink is very diverse, and there are many people here who like different things - but a love of pee unites us. Have fun 🙂

    Thank you !! I’m definitely looking forward to it 🙂

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  5. On 1/5/2022 at 11:56 PM, Sexismygod said:

    @Ghost778 - I'm with you.  When I need to pee, my first thought is always "Where would be a fun spot?", not "Where's the loo?".  As it happens, I don't live alone so peeing wherever isn't realistic.  And trying to explain in advance and get permission is equally unrealistic.  I've chosen not to initiate discussions in this area but have been involved in conversations where the subject came up. Sadly, this is mostly of the "Did you hear about the disgusting ..." variety.  I definitely wouldn't open up to co-workers, even obliquely, so kudos to you for bravery in testing the waters.

    Happily, this site gives me the opportunity to openly discuss with likeminded people.  That's an acceptable compromise.  If I find someone to talk to IRL, it would be great, but I won't actively hunt for them.  As with my naughty pee games, I'll let nature take its course. 

    Right on, I appreciate it! Yeah when the conversation (sex talk) arises I usually try to make the transition from talking about how woman squirt to water sports and sometimes for the most part you can get people you agree that it’s okay but no one will out right say it. I just wish it was normal. Like you said though we’ll just lay nature take it’s course. 

  6. On 1/5/2022 at 2:06 AM, RDC said:

    Hi there Ghost778! What you're saying is exactly how I feel too. I would just LOVE to be able to piss wherever I am in the house, but unlike you I can do it only in my own bed and in the shower or bath. It is kind of frustrating not being able to live this fantasy out completely, but whenever I'm on a business trip I catch up by peeing around the hotel room. In that case I never use the toilet for peeing. I do it against the wall, in the closet, in drawers, on towels, under a couch or behind the headboard. There are two people who know about my fetish, and they respect it completely although they are not in to it. Sharing some experiences and photo's on this site helps me a lot to accept it as a part of who I am. Please feel free to share some of your own experiences as well if you feel up to it! Cheers!


    Hey! Yeah 100% when I’m staying at a hotel same thing game on I’m definitely doing it everywhere. I’m just glad to know there’s other people out there like myself. I’m glad the community has served you well and I’m definitely going to dive into it some more. 

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  7. There’s this chick called “littlesubgirl” she is the most insane public exhibitionist I have ever seen. She’s active real and I have no idea how she has the courage to do what she does. If you feel like seeing some ballsy stuff that’s who you gotta check out.

  8. Forgive me if I take a minute to respond but it’s Late over here. Either way I always had this weird obsession with Peeing everywhere around the house and it wouldn’t matter if I would be walking around laying down walking over to the sink sitting on the couch I just had this natural urge to just piss wherever I want. now keep in mind I would clean up afterwards with the mop and Clorox and you would never know. no one would ever know, most people complement how clean my places but with that being said I enjoy it so much just feels good to do it everywhere, I can explain it but I can’t talk about it because Obviously if I were to talk about it my credibility, my reputation would flatline. Recently I’ve slowly tried to tell the people who I do business with about what I do behind closed doors in a very tactful way and even with the small things that I tell them I can already tell no one into it. or at least is bold enough to say it out loud. What are your thoughts and is there anybody in this area (WA) that is into this as well?

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