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Posts posted by Roleing

  1. Hello, you can call me Roleing, as I prefer being anonymous. I've been a part of this site for over a year now. It's kind of my go-to place to explore my fetish, which has everything to do with pee. I am an extreme introvert, so I haven't really interacted much in here. So, here I am, breaking the ice. Every since I can remember, pee has fascinated me. For years, I had love & hate relationship with my kink, but eventually I made peace with it. It's a part of me, and there's nothing really I can do about it. I love writing, and I have posted a few stories here. Apart from that. I enjoy role playing too. I would love to meet like-minded people here, and have a great time.  

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  2. Chapter Three

    As a copywriter, no conversation feels lull to me. Nicole and I are the kind of people who enthusiastically discuss work. Sometimes, she’s the best soundboard I can have. Though she isn’t from an advertising background, my wife can definitely give me a run for my money. 

    I’d recently been working on this particular campaign. With AI disrupting the way we operate, a prominent client that my agency extends its service had this requirement. They needed a campaign that would have visuals created solely by AI. To cut things short, I had this presentation that I needed to pitch on Monday. 

    While the clock slowly ticked towards midnight, our glasses continued to be refilled, while I walked my wife through the process of my ideation. Nicole listened to me intently, and threw a few practical questions my way. My gestures were more dramatic, and so was my tone. We’d quite literally polished off an entire bottle, resulting in both of us feeling seriously buzzed. 

    “You continue, I’ll need to um… take care of something again” said Nicole. The nonchalance she portrayed felt extremely arousing. “Geez! I’ll need to change out of these panties before we sleep” was all she said, as I watched her take the squat posture. The alcohol clearly was having an effect on her. Nicole was now holding the wall for support, and what she said next blew my mind “Fuck! It’s getting all over my bloody knicker!” Said Nicole, playfully. I could see her pantie was not all the way down, and I was dead sure that my wife sprayed some of her urine onto her underwear. 

    I have no idea what got into me. My drunken mind convinced me that it was the right moment to wet myself. So this is how it went: 

    Mind: look, she clearly wet her pantie accidentally. It would be nice if you empathised with her, and wet yourself too. 

    Counter thought: but what if she’s not that thrilled about it? 

    Mind: look, opportunities don’t present themselves so often. Just go for it. 

    Alas, there was no counter thought that flowed after that. What did however was a warm trickle, running down my thighs. The feeling was extremely comforting. My cock shot out pee in large spurts. The third or the forth spurt turned into a continuous stream, spreading to the base of my balls, marking its way through my inner thighs, and finally flowing down my shins and ankles. 

    I saw Nicole stand up, and examine her pantie that was stretching near her knees. Her bare butt made my cock twitch. “These are damp” is all I heard, as she stepped out of them and turned around. 

    “What the fuck!!!” Were the three words that left her mouth. “Jacob!! How drunk are you hun!” Were the next set. I just stood there, emptying the last bit of whatever was left in my bladder. “Um…” I said, looking very silly. “Guess it's a shower and head to bed… Don’t stress… let’s just clean up” she said, walking back in. 

    To be continued…

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  3. Chapter Two

    Now that you have a clear picture of our living arrangement, more importantly, about Nicole and me, let me dive right into how things unfolded on the day of our anniversary. Both of us decided to get off work early. As most weekends were spent at pubs, and traveling, we decided to celebrate at home. While Nicole took up the task of ordering food and alcohol, I happily cleaned our apartment, set the mood, and ordered a small cake to amp up the vibe. 

    07:00 PM 

    The soft light across our home was turned on, a tall bottle of white rum, coke and glasses were laid out on the center table. Nicole walked out of our room. The pleasant smell of her perfume, slightly damp hair, and her glowing skin indicated that she’d just showered. Curious to know how Nicole looks? 

    Firstly, she’s a runner. Often participates in 10k marathons and she’s preparing to run a 15k next week. She’s brown skinned, and visits a dermatologist often to treat her acne. I really don’t understand why this bothers her so much. She has a few marks on her face, which to my eyes are almost nonexistent. But holy fuck, it screws with her mind a lot. I’ll probably rant about it some other time. 

    Getting back to describing her, Nicole has black curly hair that almost tickles her waist. Her body is toned af! Firm plump breasts, curvy waist, and a very desirable butt. She’s the kind of a woman who’s ass can be noticed from a distance. Her pussy? Mostly clean shaved, and when life gets in the way, a layer of natural bush can be seen. I like both the variations 🙂

    Both of us just love the idea of comfort wear. I feel my partner looks best wearing my old t-shirt and a pantie. Nicole is aware of this, and for our occasion, she was wearing a printed tee of mine, and when she leaned forward to further dry her hair, I noticed her light yellow pantie. Living with a secret fetish often pushes one to a world of imagination. For instance, when I saw her leaning forward, the T-shirt she was wearing rode up. Like a curtain that raises before a play, the main stage, which happens to be my wife’s pantie covered butt reveals itself magnificently. In reality, the fabric of her pantie is clean, and dry. However in the realms of my imagination, Nicole lets out a few soft bursts of air, as her pantie begins to bulge, as a cascade of pee trickles down her smooth thighs. 

    “Will you just keep staring? I don’t mind you being a ass kisser you know” says Nicole playfully. To which, I immediately respond “Yes ma’am!”. One of the things that turns both of us on is randomness. In the privacy of our home, it’s not uncommon for us to carry out sexual acts at odd places. Like, right now, I am kneeling behind my wife, who’s pantie is lowered to her knees, with buttcheeks parted open, while my tongue pushes into her tight asshole. All this while she continues to dry her hair. 

    08:00 PM

    “Time flies huh babe?” I say to Nicole, fixing both our drinks in our backyard, which is a grassy small area, with two garden chairs, a table and thick privacy fencing surrounding our property. “It’s just crazy. How does it feel to be married? Hope you’re not tired of me driving you to the gates of insanity” she responds, in her usual way. 

    So, here’s the thing… One year of marriage has taught me quite a few valuable lessons. Compatibility is something that needs to be worked on daily. It’s definitely not a thing that magically happens between two people. Expect fights, choose your battles, and to men, here’s a note - learn when to fucking listen! I know how our minds work, we are fixers, logical thinkers and problem solvers. But on the same note, you have no idea how many fights I could have avoided if only I had shut the fuck up. So yeah, Nicole and I have had quite a few fights. From me not keeping up my word in certain situations to her overreacting which didn’t even qualify for a reaction, issues surfaced from time to time. 

    “We did take a vow to support each other, didn't we?” I say cheekily, and handed her a drink. “I know this may sound cheesy, but babe, you’re the best thing that happened to me” I tell her, and with that came an emotional hug, followed promptly with a kiss. How do I put this, Nicole and I aren’t heavy drinkers. But when the occasion feels right, the party animal in us awakens. Conversations flowed smoothly, we spoke about our next trip in detail. Freezed upon the days. Then, the talks moved to us patting our backs for being consistent with savings. By now, we’d managed to polish off 40 percent of white rum, and the buzz started to get to us. Nicole likes to dance, and I find it pretty uncomfortable. But with just her being around, I decided to let go of my insecurities and moved my body to the beats as my wife put out some really hot moves. 

    09:00 PM

    We were sweating from all the dancing, as we poured ourselves into the 4th round. By now, I needed to pee. There’s a particular corner in our backyard that I often water using my cock. To Nicole, it’s not really a big deal. On many occasions, while tending to our gardens, I’ve turned on my hose, with her being present. She just chuckles or ignores me when I am taking care of my business. With alcohol in play, I was feeling a lot more relaxed, and told my wife “Be right back”, before walking up to my spot, and peeing for a good 20 seconds. Sometimes I feel that the release of a pent up bladder is more pleasurable than sex. I return and tell her just that. To which, she admits that my words were true. “So not fair that guys can stand and pee”, a comment came my way. “Uh huh, same goes for a woman having multiple orgasms!” I counter, and the two of us end up giggling. 

    “Fuck it, I am just too lazy to walk all the way in” said Nicole. Almost immediately, something stirred between my legs. This was the first time Nicole was so casual about this. Apart from the times when we were out on treks, and on road trips, when there’s no way Nicole could find a toilet, it was only then Mother Nature would be considered. Peeing in the backyard was definitely new. Probably the effect of alcohol, I thought, and watched my beautiful wife walk to the same spot. I watched as the tips of her fingers curled around the elastic of her pantie, pushed it all the way down to her knees, and at the same time, her waist pushed her butt out, while she effortlessly lowered herself to a squat. I could see the thin blades of grass almost reaching her butt. “You’re right, fuck this feels good” exhales Nicole, looking straight ahead. 

    Boy o boy, was I horny! For the love of god, I am horny right now thinking about it. Picture this, a full squat, lovely back view, sound of gushing pee, I am sure you and I both can relate as to how hot this was to witness. Mmmmmmhhh!!! 

    The manner in which Nicole prepared herself for the release, reverse the process, that’s exactly how I saw my wife pull her knicker back up, and join me to continue the night of drinking. I couldn’t help but wonder if the loose drops of her pee warmed the fabric of her pantie. In a minute, that burning question in my mind was answered, as Nicole folded her legsand took a seat beside me. Yes, a small part of heryellow knicker had turned a shade darker. 

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  4. While I may have my fair share of imperfections, one thing I can proudly claim is that I'm unwaveringly loyal. However, the love I have for my wife is far from the wholesome sugar coated fairy tales. There’s definitely no till death do us apart and soul mate theory bullshit in our relationship. Love between us manifests itself through acceptance, mutual respect, tolerance and providing each other space to breathe. 

    My wife possesses a remarkable blend of qualities – love, care, empathy, and sweetness. Simultaneously, she grapples with her own insecurities, occasional impulses, sprinkled with anger issues. In all fairness, I am not an embodiment of a balanced man either. On one hand, I am passionate about my work, mostly helpful and realistic. On the same note, I am not good with change, a picky eater, a neat freak, and a borderline people pleaser. 

    A match made in heaven, eh? What two years of dating didn’t teach us, a year into marriage was sufficient to hammer down relationship lessons. It’s just crazy how two people in love, at times, can’t stand each other under one roof. Don’t get me wrong, my intention is not to paint a toxic tale of marriage, it’s quite the contrary. Healthy relationship entitles disagreement, ability to express honestly, being okay with having a fight from time to time. Natalie and I have been blessed with such recurring episodes.

    “Jacob, I think we should limit our alcohol when we celebrate. Don’t get me wrong, I had an awesome time last night, but getting drunk to the point where you peed yourself, that’s just…” Natalie announced, walking down the hallway, holding onto a pile of laundry. 

    You heard my wife, right? What do you think? Was it really an accident? Look, I will be talking to you from time to time. I don’t know who you are, I have no clue as to which part of the world you are from, but one thing I know for sure is that you and I have something in common. And this series will narrate how my wife will be the third person to share our little secret. 

    Did I just get your juices flowing? If yes, pour yourself a beverage, and follow along. I’ll try my best to keep you on the edge.

    We all have a little part of us that will never see the light of the day, don’t we? No, I am not talking about our butt holes. Damn, I envy the nudists who can boast about holding their buttholes to sunlight, and explain how beautiful that feels. Sorry, I kind of side tracked there a bit. I am talking about certain things that we feel, deep secrets we hold, to be more precise, the kinks we desire the most. In my case, or if it’s safe to say, our case, I can broadly categorize it as pee and poop.  

    Until my wife and I celebrated our first anniversary the night before, I strongly believed that I’ll carry this secret of mine to my grave. Thanks to my lowered inhibitions, the comfort I felt around Natalie, and the safe space which was our backyard, I managed to finally wet myself in front of my wife. I know, I know, you need context. Natalie is a software developer, and I am a copywriter. Both our jobs are hybrid. While she needs to show up twice a week at work, I am required to pop in only when something serious needs to be discussed, which mostly is never. 

    This situation only meant that the two of us stayed, worked, ate, slept and chilled under the same roof for long hours. Very early into our marriage, we realized this was going to be a problem. This is one of the many aspects I respect deeply about my wife. She loves having her personal space and is very aware that I am cut out from the same cloth. With our combined income, we live in a house that’s spacious, has three bedrooms, a wide balcony and vast living room. She works out of one room, I carry out my role in the other, and the third is where we sleep and fuck. Not that we don’t fuck around the house, lol. 

    You like how this is going so far? Kind of a slow burn, right? It’s going to be this way. Ever tried telling your partner you’re into pee and poop? All you extroverts out there, I just need 10 percent of the energy you carry. You have no idea what difference that would make in my life. I just don’t understand how you wear your heart on your sleeve all the time. I admire that! But when you’ve been an introvert all your life, I am sure you understand how difficult it is to have such a conversation. Add in a strict father who constantly judged you growing up, never appreciated your opinions, and compared you constantly to others, well what do you get? A fine fuck up like me, trying to figure out healthy coping skills. 

    Look, I am really enjoying writing this. But the thing is, I am a sucker for approval. So I need you to comment, and tell me either to continue or say, dude you’re boring. Messed up right? But don’t worry, I am working on it. But do let me know, just saying 🙂

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  5. Chapter One - AA Meeting

    “I am Radha, and I am an alcoholic” introduced a nervous woman, while 15 people seated around her echoed “Hey Radha!” cheerfully. Convincing herself to share at a meeting felt extremely challenging. Plagued by intrusive thoughts - “Maybe the next meeting”, “No one will be interested to hear you”, “what if you stammer, and go blank”, played like a negative campaign in her mind, as she boiled in her own misery. But somehow Radha found that courage, a tiny ray of motivation that stopped the madness in her head, and drove things into action. 

    A 35 year old woman, dressed in a beautiful black saree, straight long hair, was Radha. Someone who was about to share for the first time at an Alcohol Anonymous meeting. “Hey everyone, um.. I’ve been away from alcohol for 60 days now… and…” before she could continue further, people began to applaud.

    Hearing this sudden uproar made Radha anxious. Her gaze that was fixated over the floor, slowly raised to meet the eyes of the other members briefly, who genuinely seemed happy. Her lips broke into a soft smile, acknowledging the men and women seated around her. “Thank you….” She uttered, and took a deep breath before she continued to say “The last few days haven’t been easy. The cravings have been intense. There were nights when I came very close to buying some beer” she said, pausing for a few seconds.

    “But I don’t know why I didn’t. I really can’t say it was god who stopped me. I just can’t. It’s probably what I have experienced with alcohol, maybe it was the pain of staying drunk that stopped me from buying…” she said, almost like she was talking to herself, and making sense of how things shaped out. Her fingers interlocked each other, as Radha subconsciously calmed herself. 

    “Nonetheless, the good thing is that I didn’t drink. It feels nice to be here. Among you all. I’ve never really had relationships with people who seemed genuinely happy for me. To be honest, I find it very strange” she lets out a soft chuckle. “It’s always like people needed something from me… you know… to be around me. So yeah, 60 days!” She said, forcing herself to be motivated,

    “Thank you all for listening, you guys are awesome” concluded the nervous woman. The room erupted with applause and assuring nods.

    As the cheering continued, Radha smiled, letting a sigh of relief. Feeling a lot lighter, from whatever she managed to share, Radha crossed her legs, muting the desperation to pee.

    Ever since she’d quit alcohol, her obsessive personality had moved towards food and sex. She had no idea why hunger and lust had taken over at this intensity. Radha had started to order food 3 times a day, loading her cabinet with munchies, biscuits and chocolates. Apart from this, her meals were heavy, from biryani to pork ribs, pizzas to rolls, all she did during the day was scan places on her phone, and order in. 

    Radha also touched herself far too many times a day. The sensations were too strong, almost like the time when she had first discovered the self pleasuring during her teens. To add on, her long lost fetish, the joy she’d experience leaking pee into her clothes had returned.

    During the days of her drinking, not a day went by when Radha kept her panties dry. Either she’d delay her visit to the bathroom and leak, or she would be too drunk, and let nature flow into her clothes. However, the feeling wasn’t the same in sobriety. The decision to leak in her pantie was a conscious one. Which she was planning on experimenting soon.

    Radha, cross legged, sat and heard a few more sharing, and just before the closing prayer, she excused herself and walked out of the meeting. Social anxiety got the best of her, “I’ve not only made it to a meeting, but also shared. Why am I running away now?” She thought to herself, and lit a smoke. “Maybe I could do a quick round of hellos, doesn’t seem all that difficult” she contemplated, standing outside the meeting, awaiting the members to step out. 


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