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Posts posted by PPrince

  1. This was an absolute delight!! The hotel was refurbishing and the room just had a new carpet put in. I of course had to offer my personal service to make it smell more homely.

    I had been on a train for several hours and was absolutely bursting!! Decided to remove the mattress and push the twin beds slightly apart and just make my toilet there onto the brand new carpet underneath, absolutely soaking it. I still jerk off to this one quite regularly and definitely must go back there some time ...


  2. On 1/20/2023 at 9:57 AM, Sexismygod said:

    That carpet looks like a slow absorber.  Those can be fun to watch and see how long it takes for the pee to sink in.  I visited one hotel where the carpet must have been plastic or sprayed with water repellent ... after 3-4 hours, my pee was still a puddle on top, so I soaked it up with a towel.  Leaving a wet spot is fine, but leaving an actual puddle is a bit too obvious.  😁

    Haha omg I can imagine! That's kinda hot though!

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