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Posts posted by Kev975

  1. I don't remember having an embarrassing incident myself but I remember years ago m;y ex-wife, our daughter and I were going camping in our van and our 8 year old daughter had to pee and we were a long way from any place for her to go and I offered to pull over but she wouldn't do that so my wife told her to use an empty coffee can with some rags in it. She did her thing making us promise not to look but we could hear her stream and right after she was done a deer jumped out in front of us and had to slam on the breaks and the coffee can tipped over and we had pee all over the floor of the van. She was so embarrassed that she started crying and we had to reassure her that it wasn't her fault and we felt really bad for her. It was worth a giggle once in a while years later!

  2. This is an important aspect of pee play to me is the sound of the stream hitting different surfaces or even just the toilet. With my ex-wife I used to love to hear the 'hiss' of her pee against her labia. The sound of her peeing in a glass and hearing it fill and knowing what it was really built up my anticipation.

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  3. I can only speak to my own experience but my wife used to squirt when she was close to orgasm but we had tasted each other's pee and the taste was similar although she would only squirt a little at a time when I was performing oral on her. Most of the time I don't think she was even aware that she had done this because although we 'drank from the tap' it was always somewhere where we could easily clean up afterwards and when she would inadvertently squirt a little it was usually in bed or on the couch. Either way it was very erotic!

    Having said that, some women may squirt liquid other than pee but I personally have never experienced it and I've always said, never say never!

  4. I chose a long term partner as I'm not into casual encounters. Broaching the subject though is a real toughie because of possible ridicule etc. but I find pee play to be very intimate and personal and sharing that kind of intimacy is very special and also very erotic. Even in today's society there are certain 'taboo's' that are just misunderstood but I think it's mostly that people fear or reject what they don't understand or have never experienced. I see pee play as akin to masturbating in front of or watching a partner masturbate, which is usually viewed a s a personal or private thing but the sharing of what you would do in private with someone you really love and care about can be a real spiritual thing!

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  5. Hello all, just joined today and wanted to introduce myself.

    I got interested in peeing when I was around 8 years old with a neighbor girl and then kind of forgot about it as I got older until my ex-wife brought it back to my attention and we tried various aspects of pee play and find myself still interested in such an intimate activity.

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  6. As clay6 mentioned above, from what I've read on this subject is that for the most part it''s safe as long as their are no infections, virus's etc. that can be passed on. The key to this intimate practice is to be well hydrated and have peed a couple of times before consuming. One thing to mention is that any meds or vitamins can be passed on as well so be well aware this if the person is on say, heart medications etc. The kidney acts as a regulator meaning it grabs things that the body doesn't require at any given time so even good things like vitamins, nutrients etc. can be passed on too.


    My ex-wife and I used to drink pee but never had more than a glass at a time and neither of us felt any ill effects but everyone is different so just take your time and explore what is right for you and your girlfriend. Bottoms Up!!

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