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Posts posted by BillyBobJoe123

  1. One summer a girl was at camp and one day she had to pee very bad. But the archery counselor wouldnt let her go, so she waited until athletics. Once there, she asked to go, but the counselor asks if she could hold it until the end. To embarrased to say no, she agreed. At the end of athletics, she had snorkeling. She didnt want to be late so she changed and ran over thinking she could go in the water. But that day, they were studying starfish and not going in the water. She askd to go to the bathroom and frantically ran to the other side of camp to get there. Almost there, she ran into a boy she liked and he started talkin to her. Unable to hold it anymore, she peed herself. She was crying but the boy said its ok, i liked that! So that night they snuck out of there cabins and made out in the woods

  2. Once at a Eminem signing, there was a rlly long line and i was in front of a woman with a rlly short skirt on. So i was waiting for like 3 hrs, and she started pacing and squirming. So like 1 more hour went by and i noticed a little wet spot on her skirt. She and me got our things signed and then she started headinf towards bathrooms. It was a one gender bathroom with a long line so i got behind her. After 30 mins, she was 3 behind the first person, but she lost control. She peed all down her legs and made a huge puddle and everyone was shocked

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