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Posts posted by jahman22

  1. 12 hours ago, jmatthews1995 said:

    I have seen it on videos and it always looks like such an excessive amount. Of course I'm not female so I am not sure how much it takes to feel like you're clean and dry.

    Personally, I'd love for it to be none. 🤣

    A while back I used to go camping with a couple of girls. We'd be out the whole night in places that were scenic and often in the middle of nowhere. (It wasn't like we were in a relationship, we just got along really well).

    The girls would often just pee and pull their panties back up whenever the need to pee grew strong enough. At the time I thought it was quite hot, but never really gave it much thought as to how pissy a girl would end up smelling (or even tasting) after say 4/5 pees without a wipe. (The one was dead casual, she hardly even gave it time to drip dry! Just hiss, hiss, hiss, panties up and talking to us again).


    I've always been amazed by how many women do this

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  2. Does anyone else find the sight and smell of freshly used tissue wipe hot?

    Say after peeing, a woman wipes and the wipe is thrown somewhere where cross-contamination isn't a huge factor, like somewhere off a hiking trail or into a freshly lined waste basket, is there anything wrong with smelling that wipe?


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  3. Some interesting points in this thread.

    Personally if it's a matter of attraction/fantasy I prefer the sight/thought of yellow pee 100%.

    For some reason it turns me so much more than clear pee. I love the sight of it, the idea of it, seeing it blend with clear water, spread out on the ground, drip out, whatever. It just brings out more of the fetish, as what a woman drinks flows through her and comes out of the holiest of holy places.

    When fantasy/fetish meets reality, ironically most of the time yellow pee tastes totally different than I wish it would in my mind.

    There is a fine line where it's just acceptable before it get's right out way too nasty for me. I like tasting the delicate female pheromones, or subtle hints of whatever beverage she drank than i'm now sampling from her, and because of that, hydration, diet, etc... only produce tasty pee when its clear.

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  4. 5 hours ago, Sexismygod said:

    @jahman22  I didn't know that about free-diving suits.  I guess the tightness reduces water flow even more for better thermal protection.  Scuba wetsuits are usually not that tight.

    For me, being in the shower only makes me want to pee if I already need to go.  If I don't need a pee, the shower doesn't really cause any additional need.  But the shower is warm water.  Maybe there's a physiological response to being immersed in "cold" water for a prolonged period.  Cold in the sense that it's more than 5c below body temperature.  Most of my diving friends say the urge hits after about 30-45 minutes.  They often complain about discomfort on the safety stop (something free divers don't need to worry about ... lucky them).

    How long do you stay in the water when free diving?  I assume you'll do multiple dives, not just one.  Do you stay in the water between dives?

    Our suits are 2-piece so if on a boat I can easily pull the top up, whip it out and go off the boat and not not in my suit im wearing all day. Sometimes I'll swim back to the boat to just to pee off it. Sometimes on shore dives I just have no choice and have to go in my suit because the urge to pee overwhelms me and I don't want to swim to shore and end the dive early. 




  5. I'm also a diver, freediver actually. I think having to pee while diving in is the same phenomenon as being in the shower.
    I hate peeing in my wetsuit, did it for many years but the type of neoprene we use doesnt allow liquid in or out so it really sticks with you so I try and pee between dives. We have to lube our wetsuits to get them on, Usually with conditioner. The combined smell is just weird. I know the water will make me pee so I try and do it before or in between dives and not be stuck with that smell all day.

    When there are girls on the boat freediving, they almost always squat off the back before getting into their suit then will piss in that suit all day long, even sometimes getting back into the water, fully suited, just to pee. Sounds more appealing then it is, I much prefer a quick glance when they squat off the side. 


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  6. I totally understand what you mean about the reality being different from the fantasy. But as mentioned above, it really depends on hydration and what they have been drinking.

    It took me having a girlfriend who after much convincing, opened up to peeing on me or in containers for me for me to learn the reality. There are times where it really doesnt taste or smell good at all. The best tasting has been when they are drinking something sugary such as soda or margaritas. The best I ever tasted was dr. pepper pee from my sister when I was younger. 


  7. This is directed at those that have tasted multiple girl's pee, as well as those who haven't and are curious what it's really like.

    I've been able to taste a decent amount of girl's pee by this age, always straight from the source or from a cup i've watched them go into, and the more I tried/experimented, the more the fantasy I always imagined has changed.
    The first time ever trying a girls fresh pee, the taste was so sweet, nutty, and absolutely addicting. It was pure nectar of the gods. Hooked me for  life.

    The times after that, I learned how much the flavor can change. No matter how young, old, or attractive the girl was, what I as a man with a huge pee fetish thought girls pee was always like, turned out to be very different from one time to the next. 

    I always imagine woman's pee will taste sweet, slightly nutty, warm, and packed with scents and flavor pheromones that drive me totally crazy. 
    At its best it tastes like that,  simply an enhanced version of the last drink which has passed through a beautiful woman's body to then be dispensed out of her holiest of holy area.

    But it's been a mixed experience. The taste always comes down to what they have drank last, how hydrated they are all day, and their diet in general. It's not always this pure, golden nectar that's always amazing. 

    I've had a pee fetish going back as long as I can remember, never thought that there were times when it can smell/taste bad enough that even I would be repelled.

    With girlfriend's willing to play around on a regular basis, I've definitely had to  learn to ask  them to drink certain things before hand to make it taste/smell nice.

    All my real life experience aside, I still think i'd love to taste every girls nectar in every photo and video posted here.


    To those of you still reading, I'd love to hear what are your experiences with how girl's pee tastes? Has it always been consistent or has it  been varied for  you as well?

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