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About fuller451

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  • Birthday 06/18/1990

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  1. Do you know whats awesome? peeing in a movie theater. Not in the restroom, in the seat while watching a movie. I was in a movie theater one time, I think it was when I was 16 or 17, and I had on a blue jean skirt and some thin panties, and it is inevitable that during a movie, I needed to pee. I felt mischevious at the time and decided to pee in the seat. It was hard to do because the movie was relatively crowded and you have to wait until the dark scenes to pull your skirt up behind your butt so you dont get it wet so nobody sees you, but I did it. I remember letting it out as slow as I coul
  2. Sometimes during the summer we would ride my cousins 4 wheeler. She was the crazy type who did whatever she wanted and didn't care about what people thought. During the summer we would ride along the bayou, and your sort of in public view, but not really. Sometimes we would have to pee so(she really started it) we would just ride along on the 4 wheeler and pee on the seat as we rode. That was awesome. I remember one time we were riding and it was summer afternoon, and she started peeing and it was getting on me, and then I started peeing, and I remember how good it felt with warm piss flowing
  3. I was riding the bus home from school one day, I was about 13, and we didn't have much time to pee in between class changes or to the bus ramp. I remember a girl saying that she didn't have time to pee and that she was going to pee on the bus. Well, if you pee on the bus, someone will find out, better to pee when you get off the bus. I didn't expect her to pee on the bus and she didn't. We got off at the same stop and I followed her from a distance. When she was walking up her sidewalk, I saw her half way squat, and I saw her piss follow the outline of her ass in her shorts, then drip down to
  4. When I was smaller, my cousin told me to come outside because she had something to show me. At the time, she had on underwear and a skirt, She must have been about 13 and I was about 11. I followed her outside and we walked into the woods, she squatted down, showed me her underwear by lifting her skirt, then peed in her panties. I remember being so jealous that I could not do the same at the moment, if I had to pee right then, I would have done the same in front of her. As a result, for the next few summers, because we were sort of out in the country a little ways, I would pee in my panties
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