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Everything posted by tcgs

  1. It's really weird, I just wonder why. It must have something to do with the endorphins but it's surprising at how much that can effect taste
  2. Hi I love food that's been pissed on, and thankfully my wife does not mind doing it. The more absorbent the better, so cakes and pastries are the best. Sometimes she says to me that it's a waste of a good cake/food item) to which I inform her that I'm still going to eat it all. The fact she does not really care and pisses on it knowing that I'm going to eat it really drives me wild. I almost always love the taste and I enjoy eating it. The interesting thing that I was wondering is that sometimes, for example with porridge, after I have finished eating it and reached a climax,
  3. Sorry if this has been asked before, but out of curiosity do you think drinking (and swallowing) somebody elses pee is good, bad or neutral for you? This is, assuming the person peeing is healthyish and has no UTI. The reason I ask, I noticed that when I drink my wife's pee if she has a cold, I will get... shall we say a dodgy tummy for a bit. So something goes on!
  4. Does anyone know of any other sites other than Eroprofile that allows you to search WITHIN a catagory for things?
  5. Thanks for confirming I'm not crazy (or am crazy but it's fine haha) I'm greatful that I have a wife who will normally, shall we say, recycle old mobile phones for me as I get rid of them - for science 😄 I remember this one time we have an old sat nav, she pissed on it and it was fine, took 4 times, she said on the last time "lets see if this time does it" and it just drove me WILD. Another was fun, an old corded phone, plugged in and I rang it and she pissed. It stopped ringing then just started doing this solid ring (so not ring ring just riiiinnnnnggg like it was fighting t
  6. Hi there New to the forum and had a question to see if I am just weird or crazy. I've got a wife, who is very understanding of my fetish which is fantastic and I've realised that I love the idea of her (or any other woman really) pissing on things for me. That sounds quite generic I know, but I mean like food - basically any food that will soak it up and then I eat it 🙂 - but also electronics! I know it sounds dangerous but I've managed to get my wife to pee on some old electronic stuff and I just love to hear it struggling to survive basically as she continues to pee. Does an
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