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Posts posted by Simplify38

  1. 37 minutes ago, Lickher2 said:

    Did you drink it ?

    Did you lick her clean afterwards

    has she ever done anything else like that

    Obviously she's comfortable peeing in front of you, so shouldn't be a problem whenever she needs to

    I did not drink it but I made sure to carry it to dump it out before it got cold.

    this is the only memory of her I have peeing at all actually. She was one of my very first girlfriends and I was very secretive of my “kink” at the time, so I definitely never made any attempts. Which is probably what made it so memorable. She was comfortable around me but I really think it was just dumb luck right place at the right time, a quick decision was made, and boom a golden memory.

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  2. On 10/31/2019 at 4:19 PM, Dr.P said:

    Simplify38 wrote:

    "At the end of it I was proud of myself for asking and stepping over my shyness. I played it off like I didn’t ask to watch her pee, and moved on with my night. The situation didn’t turn in my favor but it was a good hurdle for me to overcome."


    Thanks for your interesting story. I can certainly relate to the situation you describe, and to your shyness, and I congratulate you for overcoming that shyness, even though it didn't work out as you wanted, in this instance.

    I once had a gf, "Ellie," about whom I have written extensively, on PF, in 2017, and later, who always peed with the bathroom door open, often while carrying on a conversation with me. She had a very erotic peeing style, with a loud hiss, and a habit of starting and stopping, several times, in one sitting, while emptying her bladder. I unfortunately never got up the courage to ask her if I could watch her, or come with her into the bathroom, although we dated, off and on, for more than ten years, and had a sexual relationship. I have regretted my shyness, or cowardice, for decades, ever since. So I applaud your courage, in overcoming your shyness, which should make it easier for you, in the future.



    Ahh 😞 I’m sorry to hear you never got to witness it. It sounds amazing and I can only image what you’d  think when you’d hear it, as I know where my mind wanders when that sound trickles to my ears. I am fortunate enough to have been comfortable with a girlfriend to have asked, and had it swing in my favor. I have been lucky I would say, but I’ve also been careful who to asked and when. As it is a very delicate situation to approach anyone with weather they be new or familiar with you. I have been practicing confidence, and positive thinking lately to help me with getting over nerves with something that I do enjoy and is, even if in a small way, a part of me, and that id like in my life. I don’t know who said is first but I’ll quote it. “You miss every shot you don’t take.”

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hey everyone figured I’d introduce myself since I think I’ll stick around here for a bit. I have always been shy about being into peeing and as of lately I’ve made a decision that I’d like to really open the door on this and see what it has to offer. (Life’s to short not to enjoy things) I’m excited to be here and looking forward to what this site has to offer. From what I’ve seen I should feel very comfortable here and fit right in.

    ive had a few experiences with peeing. Mostly of me just observing, twice I got to touch, and I have been peed on once.

    There’s just so much I enjoy of women peeing and so many different aspects of it. 

    excited and happy to be here -simplify38


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  4. 2 hours ago, alicexxx said:

    A preliminary briefing with the girls to plan the piss moments will help you a lot, my Dear... 😜

    Agreed. As embarrassing as it might feel at first, a little communication and understanding of feelings will go a long way. feel out the situation and if it feels right let them know what interest you or ask them what they might be comfortable with. You really never know unless you try, and you miss every shot you don’t take. Good luck 

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  5. On 9/16/2019 at 3:24 PM, Peefreak99 said:

    I know i already asked a simular thing but let's say you are out with a male friend and your bladder is bursting and when you are going to pee he asks if he can watch. ( this is a good friend not just a guy that you barely know) would you say yes or no? And for the ones that would say no if he then replied with " HAHAHA i was just messing with you haha you should have seen the look on your face do you really think i would want to do that?" Would you believe that it was just a joke? And would you tell your other friends about it? Im asking because i really want to ask my best friend if i can watch her pee. And i want to be prepared for the possible outcomes 

    I have a story that relates to this a bit. 
    I went home with a girl from the bar, it was my second time going home with her. (There was a 3rd but that’s another story.) After we finished upstairs, we headed down the stairs. We were making some small talk while she walked into the bathroom which was right off the kitchen at the bottom of the stairs. She exclaimed that she had to pee but didn’t shut the door. Now at this point I was still very shy about my thing for girls peeing but I know a good opportunity when I see one. I must have been more excited then I thought because I heard the words come out of my mouth before my brain was ready. “Can I watch” luckily or unfortunately, I’ll never know because she thought we were still talking about something else. She just laughed and said “no it already happened” (not talking about her pee but whatever we had been talking about.)

    At the end of it I was proud of myself for asking and stepping over my shyness. I played it off like I didn’t ask to watch her pee, and moved on with my night. The situation didn’t turn in my favor but it was a good hurdle for me to overcome.

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  6. The men’s bathroom at work has been out of order lately. The time to fix it was going to be rather lengthy so a portapotty was provided for us to use. This was located out a side door across a small ally between 2 long industrial buildings. I work nights and that ally is rarely ever used by anyone other than coworkers, so I know the traffic routine well enough to know when I don’t actually have to go in the portapotty. Now I’m a guy that’s grown up peeing outside his whole life so that doesn’t really excite me and my own urine isn’t exciting to me either, but the echos from peeing between the metal building in the cold quite night, and leaving large puddles on the concrete had been fun. I’d like to go there sometime with some female company to really enjoy the sights and sounds.

    Lately what I’ve been doing which has been a little more exciting for me is, later at night I’ll go to my vehicle to have a quick smoke or grab something and I’ll pee by my vehicle. This is more exciting because the parking lot is closer to a road and although there isn’t much traffic at night and it’s easy to see the lights coming to give you enough heads up to get things put away. It’s exciting to hear cars approach, not quite sure if there coming your way. I always like to hope if I do get caught or seen (preferably by female) that it would excite them too just a little bit. Give them that little smirk you get when your mind goes dirty for a second. By the end of the night there is usually a very large puddle by my vehicle and it’s not hard to tell what I be been doing if you think for a second.


    new here, I hope you enjoyed my first post looking forward to being part of this site. 
    thank you 😊 

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