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Posts posted by Daniel_defo

  1. 1 minute ago, KP-has2P said:

    That's the whole thing, it's "taboo" in a lot of places so finding much information outside of medical papers is difficult.  And that taboo thing is also why peeing often gets lumped in with porn, including on this site.

    It sounds like you did a lot of work gathering a ton of information that many here would love to read.


    I would say Japanese are the most open about sexuality and some 17-19th century works are related to urination, but mostly the culture of using the toilet itself, no any golden shower practicing or the details of women`s urination were involved. However, there`re some artworks named 春画 which include pee scenes, but we can`t say much except the obvious fact men like to take a sneak peek of women urinating. 

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  2. 15 hours ago, glad1 said:

    I'm hoping someone comes out with a sequel to this book. Perhaps it would be titled, "The theory of female urination, Part II: Case Histories and Actual Practices!"

    I tried to research it on my own, the main problem is the lack of content and major difficulties in finding references in literature. Urination was a tabooed topic in Western culture for ages and I lack knowledge and sources in other languages than Japanese.

  3. On 5/4/2024 at 1:09 AM, gldenwetgoose said:

    @Daniel_defo - I can't speak on behalf of @Admin as site owner, but here's a couple of thoughts.

    I guess a 700 page document, either in Word or converted to PDF would be a pretty big file size.   Or perhaps more practically, multiple PDFs for the chapters / topics, all together requiring quite a large volume of space?   Given that and also that the site currently only allows upload of certain photo file types, then it would need Admin to place the content onto the site if that were to be the way he wanted to do it.

    There's nothing at all to stop you placing all the files in a cloud storage area or setting up a web space / page (etc) to host the content online yourself and the posting links to it - that would be a practical solution.

    In terms of the 'liveliness' of this site, it is true that in general video clips seem to have eclipsed photos, and the written word.  I say 'in general' because that's globally and not really anything to do with this site.  People have instant access to recording devices, and the media they're creating are video clips.  Ask any social media manager about engagement stats and they'll tell you how many viewers disengage after a few seconds.   We as a site do still have a vibrant Real Experiences section and Men Pissing section of users posting their own experiences, and the Pee Talk section is definitely active (albeit with a level of new users keen to engage without taking time to understand the wealth of material already at their fingertips).

    I totally agree on a personal level, that posting in the Fiction Section (as an example) can feel quite frustrating and fruitless. Even the cleverest and best written work getting near zero engagement.   But in general the site is as alive as those creating its content make it.


    Hi @gldenwetgoose , I understand what you`re saying. I wasn`t trying to criticize the cite, it is the great database of content, I just shared my thoughts on how I see it. 

    • Agree 1
  4. 2 hours ago, KP-has2P said:

    I'd love to read this!  700 pages is a lot, maybe create a PDF of it and make it available for download, and have a thread here to discuss it?

    Edit: OP is from last October.  Hopefully the poster is still active on here and willing to share.


    I`m here, however I personally lost my passion in posting something here. Ppl just come here to post porn links, basically nothing else, haven`t noticed any interest in something else.

    6 hours ago, botnavas said:

    Is it just a translation of one Russian work, or you'd added something from you?

    I wanted to change couple of chapters because they had a subjective view of the author.

  5. I`m a big lover of treating myself with sushi and burgers, so weight control is one of the things I have to deal with. I`ve tried many diets and working out, but what actually helped me to lose about 70 pounds is counting calories.

    So I`d say the key to success is:
    1. Don`t change your diet in a radical way, you`ll get tired of it too fast
    2. Don`t harm your organism by eating too little
    3. Don`t workout too much if you don`t like it, your food consumption is way more essential in weight control and it`s scientifically proven
    4, You can eat anything. Literally anything. And lose weight. Learn how to count calories, this is a very important skill which would help you stress less when you`re travelling or hanging out with friends and you ordered a takeout, for example.
    5. Get rid of liquid calories, switching to Diet Coke helped me a lot.

  6. I`ve had 7 piss partners for my whole lifetime so far, each experience was different to be fair. The first time I tried it with my gf was in high school. However, my biggest dream is to be pissed on by 4-5 girls. Hopefully I`ll be able to do so next year and maybe record it and share with y`all.

    • Like 1
  7. 10 hours ago, avatar said:

    Sorry if this a bit too emotional but I've been dealing with a bit of a inner turmoil in the past days that I just feel like I need to confide with someone.

    So basically, over the past few months I've been dealing with some fleeting doubts about my sexuality (I've gone by straight for the majority of my 25 years long life). Those instances happened from time to time but I've always just brushed it off like innocent curiosity etc. But over time they added up until eventually a week or two ago (and I'll spare you the details to make this tactful) I've had some homoerotic interactions that... took those doubts from 0 to 100 real fast. So anyway, the last week or two I've been on basically a frantic journey of introspection and self-exploration.

    I've tried talking to some people who might relate but the deal of living in a rural town in shitty homophobic area of a shitty homophobic country the options were pretty much limited to trying random lgbt subreddits on Reddit, people on certain discord servers and a certain amazing person from her who I'm super grateful to. So I did with what I had and a lot of frantic introspection I think I've come to a realization that I wanted to share with some people. And taking this back to the shitty homophobic country part, I don't really feel confident/safe enough to talk to anyone irl really, with the risk being becoming the town pariah. So I thought of places online I could talk to and thought of this forum and said why not, we already share much more unusual aspects of our sexualities on here lmao.

    So yeah, after deconstructing a lot of the unconscious biases that were suppressing that aspect of me my whole life, I've decided that I'll be changing my bio on here from 'straight' to 'heteroromantic bisexual man'. And I know it might not be a big deal in the grand scope of things with how many fellow bi members there are here but it is a big deal for me and it also still makes me super nervous writing it out like this but I just needed to get it off my shoulders somewhere...

    So yeah, hopefully that didn't come off too soppy.


    Never deny yourself, if your inner self tells you what you like: accept it. You`ll be able to meet new people who`d support you for sure. Be not afraid, you`re not alone.

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  8. I saw people doing this so I thought why wouldn`t give it a try.
    Here`re some random facts about me to make it easier to talk:
    1) I like to travel a lot. Been to over 40 countries and all 48 inner states of the US so far.
    2) I have a degree in political science and monitor politics a lot on a daily basis as an interest.
    3) Have a guilty pleasure of watching cringy stuff and B movies.
    4) Obsessed with plastic surgeries, Had 5 surgeries so far and planning to do more. Into body modification as well.
    5) Car enthusiast,
    6) I like the beginning part of the relationship when I need to expose my fetishes to a girl so I monitor dating apps quite often.
    7) Can listen to literally anything with only few exceptions.
    8 I read 1-2 books a week.
    9) Can speak 3 languages and planning to learn 2 more.
    Feel free to ask me anything my pee friends!

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/2/2023 at 7:05 AM, Alpian said:

    Spring is back, and so people start thinking about their plants. Recently, I read in a (non-English) print magazine that scientists recommend peeing in your garden, one square meter per person per day. Actually, that comes to about the recommended dose of nitrogen fertilizer in agriculture (200kg/ha or 20g/m² or 160lb/ac). An English-language list of recommended N dose per crop can be found here - note the large variation depending on crop and expected yield.

    In this context, I also liked the discussion about

    The French have even begun to consider human urine as a fertilizer in earnest, as several media point out (first two in French language, sorry). Interesting!

    Whilst pictures seem unfortunately a bit out of favor, @Daniel_defo has found an example of a lady overdosing urine on a potted plant in his video thread

    The plant clearly shows signs of nitrogen overdose with the deep green leaves and "burnt" edges. Just compare the two pictures:


    (Source: video linked by @Daniel_defo in thread above)


    (Source: https://balconygardenweb.com/nitrogen-toxicity-symptoms-in-plants-how-to-fix-too-much-soil/)

    Angel Fowler's palm tree probably stands a better chance of survival, as her pee spreads out wide before soaking into the dry soil.

    How about you guys? Would you pee on plants and flowers? Do you have any experience, good or bad, with this? Where do you do it - in the wild, anywhere outdoors, in your garden, in potted plants, in vases? Would you put potted plants around your place to be peed in as @pop-a-squat wants to know?

    Hi, thank you for mentioning my thread here! You`re always welcome here! 
    Recently I asked my gf to purposely pee on the same plant outside, so she chose the plant growing in park near her work. She peed on it 5 times in 2 weeks and it grew twice... To be honest this is the first time I witnessed such effect bc all the plants my ex peed on withered, but I also think it gave fertilizing effect because it was not the potted plant and it was raining quite often. 

  10. Been here for a while but I wasn’t quite active, so I think it’s time to introduce myself. 25 yo guy, trying to live a life worth living. Into female peeing since I was a kid, I believe this was some kind of imprinting lmao. I also love to travelling(been to 42 countries so far and ain’t gonna stop), classic music and art. I’ll be glad to meet new interesting people here.😇

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  11. Thank you for your research! Speaking of the effect of urine on plants, it all depends on the amount ant what kind of plant it is. I tried to do experiments with my gf and I can say some plants can take dozens like it’s nothing while other plants die if a girl pees on it just once. 

  12. 2 hours ago, radu said:

    This is a strong argument. The topic is very interesting, but I think we deviated from the topic. I think we can continue it on a different topic. I will try to find something, and if I fail, I will wear a new one. However, referring to the current topic, I like almost everything related to female pissing, but probably the most competition. These can be a pissing competition between women, or between a woman and a man. It would be best if I could find myself in such a competition.

    I have a thread relatid to this topic in “pee videos” category. New posts are always welcome!

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