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Posts posted by naughtylucy

  1. I seem to be in the minority but I love listening to men peeing, it's not just the sound of it, I try to conjure up a mental image of their technique - whether or not they hold he foreskin back and how they manipulate themselves to shake off the dribbles and so on. It helps if they are young and good-looking!

    Last week a gas engineer came to service the boiler, quite a handsome guy in his early twenties. After he had finished, he asked if he could use the toilet. Naturally I said yes. Our downstairs loo is adjacent to the kitchen so after I heard him lock the door I silently went and stood outside to listen.  After a moment I heard his pee splashing quite noisily against the porcelain. It sounded like quite a thick and powerful stream so I suspect that he had a long foreskin and he wasn't holding it back. (Pure guesswork based on the observation of other guys I have known.) He peed for quite a long time, so he must have had a large or full bladder. Eventually the sound diminished and stopped. After a few seconds silence he peed some more, straight into the water this time, for about five seconds. Then a little sqirt followed by another, again into the water. It all went quiet after that and I imagine he was playing with himself gently to make sure he was dry. The sound of the toilet flushing was my cue to get back into the kitchen before he came out. When he came back I was intrigued to notice that he had a couple of faint wet splashes down the leg of his overalls. After he had gone I checked out the loo and discovered that he had left some splashes around the top rim of the pan and a couple of spots on the floor possibly confirming my foreskin theory. Anyway, he was definitely a sprayer!

    All in all, quite exciting.

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