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Posts posted by Tyty390

  1. It was sorta late one night and decided to go on a little cruise and smoke some bud. I had been drinking water but misjudged on how much I drank. I drove around for about 20 minutes and ended up getting quite desperate for a piss. Luckily I was out in the country so I just needed to find a nice quiet spot to do my business. The bad part was, I couldn’t find a good enough spot to stop. I held my mega full bladder for another almost 2 hours. I finally came across a quiet, dark parking lot and HAD to make a stop. Finding the spot made me a little too excited and I let out 2 hard spurts of piss into my jeans, I needed to let this one out. I stopped, got outta the car, ripped open my jeans and exploded with pee. My stream shot out and went about 4 feet in front of me. SUCH A RELIEF. I let out a few moans as my stream went on for close to 2 minutes. It was then I realized just how much water I had. I drank well over a liter of water, I buttoned up my jeans got in my car and left 😏

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