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Brad Wallis

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Posts posted by Brad Wallis

  1. 8 minutes ago, KP-has2P said:

    I always wonder, when two or more females go to the restroom together, and one pees fast and the other slow, if they make any commentary on their, or their companion’s, peeing styles, while in there.

    Oh yeah, that’s a thought I’ve had as well.  I’ve been around enough women to know they tend to have consistent sounds, and can be very different to one another, and one can often identify who is using the bathroom just by sound alone.  For example, there would be no mistaking GHO’s wife for his SIL, or MIL.  It’s such an intimate, personal thing, and kind of mysterious, which is part of why it’s so sexy to me.   We men don’t seem to be nearly as interesting, as a rule.  

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  2. On 5/21/2024 at 8:50 AM, KP-has2P said:

    She didn’t hiss or gush, more of a gentle ladylike tinkle

    Ladylike! A great word for it. So did your ladylike wife have any idea how much she turned you on with those long tinkles?  She must have been comfortable with you listening.  I had an ex who was the queen of this and I would be standing at attention every time I was in earshot, even if I had just cum minutes before, I’d be ready for round two after her performances.

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  3. 15 hours ago, KP-has2P said:

    Haha, yes, it was the SIL’s piss, or your description of it, that got me going.  Though hearing about a guy attempting to piss while horny can get me going too (as it reminds me of what happens to myself when in the same situation).  I’m equal opportunity I guess, even though I’m straight. 🙂

    I loved my ex’s pees.  She had more variety though, some mornings she’d pee stronger for 30 seconds and other days she’d trickle for a minute plus, but she didn’t hiss, even on the stronger streams.   I have no idea what led to the variation, I wonder if “time of month” had something to do with it since she seemed to do the faster pees several days in a row and the slower ones several days in a row.  Or maybe her bladder had moods. haha.

    It’s the slow long pees that turn me on, which is why I enjoy your posts about your MIL/SIL.  And the times my ex peed like that.

    Her family (my in-laws) weren’t nearly as enjoyable as yours either.  Her mother was a control freak and annoying at best, and not someone I would have wanted to have sleep over in our house, much less see in skimpy lingerie. 😝 


    Your ex sounds like a hot one to listen to.  Care to elaborate at all about her long peeing?  I’ve got an ex who was similar whom I’ve posted about a few times here.

  4. Your posts never fail to impress, glad I caught this one early!  The new girl sounds like quite a change of pace from your regulars, good to hear something different.  I can only imagine the SIL and MIL are jealous of this girl’s ability to empty so fast.  I had a female friend who peed loud and fast like this, and her mother was the same way.  A couple of quick, ferocious gushes and they were done.  Isn’t it amazing how each individual is so different??  Cheers!

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  5. Thanks for that lovely description Great Horned Owl.  Sounds a lot like one of my exes who I’ve mentioned before on here.  It’s great that she is so uninhibited about letting you listen.  I wonder if she realizes how much it turns you on.  And your mother in law also sounds like a very sexy pisser.  She seems most similar to the SIL, but a bit noisier with more spray going on.  If I shared a house with such three sexy ladies, I think my cock would be stiff 24/7.  

  6. Shortest would be 10 or 15 seconds.  Longest would be a bit over a minute. Average 25 seconds.  I’m a guy but I’ve known both girls and guys who have me beat by a mile in this department.  Curious what others have to say.

  7. On 3/29/2024 at 11:46 PM, Great Horned Owl said:

    I know. I make sure they have plenty of beverages available so I can enjoy the output of each. Out of this world pleasure.

    Your SIL is my favorite of the three.  Any more good stories with her?  I’m really curious about the way she pees and have a few questions if you don’t mind.  You seem to be very close with all of them so I’m sure you have seen and heard enough to understand each one quite well.

    1. What is a normal, everyday pee like for her?  For example, an average morning pee.  Does she usually go over a minute?

    2. Can you describe in some detail the sound she makes, especially as it compares to the other two?  

    3. Have you had many opportunities to actually SEE her stream, and what is that like?  I imagine she doesn’t have as much force to it as her mother and sisters, and is more of a straight-down flow kind of girl.


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  8. On 3/11/2024 at 10:42 PM, Great Horned Owl said:


    The fiancé I write about is now my wife and she continues to be amazing in the bathroom, bedroom and in other areas.

    Though things have changed a bit in family dynamics we still have fun episodes in the bathroom.

    My wife and I were having an early morning romantic encounter when my MIL who was too drunk to drive home let out her morning piss. She used the guest bedroom that is adjacent to our bedroom and shares a Jack and Jill bathroom arrangement with us.

    The bathroom door was open two inches on our end so I could see and hear everything as she could hear the wife moaning and groaning while she climaxed.

    Mom stumbled to the toilet in her black nightie and panties, abruptly pulled her panties down and sat down quickly while letting out a very loud hiss and splat on the edge of the porcelain and water which lasted 35 seconds. Her flow cut off abruptly for 3 seconds then her long tinkling started and lasted for another minute and 33 seconds. This was so exciting that my erection got even harder and lasted longer causing a huge load of cum to be expelled. The wife said, "you came a lot this morning". I did not tell her I was extra excited due to listening to her mom in the bathroom.

    Hot times.

    Horney Old Owl


    You always share such sexy stories my friend.  I can only imagine how erotic it would be to finish in my woman while listening to my mother in law taking a two-minute pee next door!  And I’m sure your wife had to go after that as well!

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  9. 2 hours ago, pissflavoredmochi said:

    1. The water level is different here and so are the toilets.

    2. Normally I'm quiet when I piss in the morning.

    3. I can't really tell how I pee.

    4. My longest piss was 5 minutes.

    5. I have compared my loudness to that of a loud sprinkler.

    Five minutes is amazing!  Love to hear more about those long ones.  When you say a sprinkler, do you mean like the sort of thing buildings have on the ceiling to put out fires, or one of those garden sprinklers for watering flowers?  Not sure what you mean by a sprinkler.

  10. So many questions.  I’ve always been fascinated with the sounds of urination.   What is it about the toilet there that makes your pee sound louder than at home?  Water level?  Also, do you typically make a spraying/hissing sound when you go?  Do you pee against the porcelain or straight down into the water?  How long do you usually take to pee and what do you think has been your longest pee?  I’ve known so much variety among girls I’ve been close to, but most seem to have a “style” that is unique to them and recognizable each time they go.  Have you ever compared the loudness or length of your pees with others and if so, how do you compare?


  11. Some girls don’t care.  I had one girlfriend who always insisted on her privacy and never wanted me to watch her peeing, but didn’t seem to mind at all if I could hear her through a thin door, or an open one.  It just wasn’t a big deal to her at all.  Many times we’d be in conversation and she’d go in, half-shut the door, sit down and start splashing away all while continuing to chat casually.  To come to think of it, most of my girlfriends have been like this, though some enjoyed being seen/watched more than others, most did not mind the occasional open door wee.  Just a matter of closeness and comfort, I suppose.  I’m sure they wouldn’t do it around complete strangers, and I’m basically the same way myself.

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  12. You’ve got three very sweet girls there my friend, who are so comfortable and flirtatious with you.  The sister is amazing.  I wonder why her flow is so light and it takes her so much longer than her mom and your fiancé?  The girl definitely won’t be winning any distance contests but she is queen of duration! Does she go all at once, or does she start and stop at all?  The mother with her hissy pees is also very distinctive.  Must be really interesting to have so many occasions to listen and compare.

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