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A Jury Situation

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I think I'm going to have to call this a situation rather than a sighting.

For me at least, there is value in subtlety.

It's always been that way - in the right circumstance, a carefully manicured hand straying to the hip, a bestockinged knee raised just so, or a sudden quiet admission from an otherwise confident woman at the end of her rope can be as exciting, if not more so, than seeing a girl furtively squatting in a dark parking lot. The appeal of all these things is based more on what might be and have been than what *is*.

Last month, I had occasion to be selected as a member of a jury. Instead of the standard twelve angry men, we had a mixed and rather affable group of eight, including six relatively well-groomed women.

The available facilities, on the other hand, were more evenly divided by gender. The jury room had two single restrooms - one for the two men and one for the six women. Jury service here involves driving some distance, often through traffic at a fairly early hour, a good dose of coffee, and a morning schedule more at the whim of the court than the jurors bladders. You can imagine that some interesting situations arose.

Typically, after the morning session, there was a rush to the single available toilet. Being a group of more-or-less strangers who nontheless were going to be working together for a while, there was an odd tension. Everyone was reluctant to admit they needed to go badly, so there was no negotiation, no line forming, but many furtive glances in the direction of the restroom door and squeezed thighs under the table.

One girl did break the silence when another lady sped into the restroom and closed the door. "Oh no! I've been dying to go for the last half hour!" She ensured her place in line, but spent the ensuing FIVE minutes dancing in her seat.

A different woman quietly slipped into the mens room, nobody the wiser.

One lady had arrived somewhat late after an hour-long drive through heavy traffic and missed getting to pee before the trial started that morning. When she didn't get to go first, she quickly negotiated with the security guard to use facilities down the hall rather than wait her turn.

Nothing spectacular, for sure, but an interesting scenario, ripe for a little imagination.

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I agree that it can be quite a turn on to be watching the increasing desperation and the inward struggles that accompany it, as well as imaging what is going on the other side of the door when they finally make it. Jury service must be one of those times when desperation happens a lot.

In this circumstance though, I'm surprised more of the women didn't use the men's toilet. If they were both single occupancy toilets, what difference would it make? Only one person in at a time, so it doesn't matter if it is male or female. Also, if they were only for the jury, surely if the two men used it first, they would know that no other men are likely to use it, so it just becomes an available facility.

On the other hand, maybe, being in a legal institution such as a court room, they were worried about being caught and getting in trouble....

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I have such a strong personal connection between desperation and sexuality that I often forget not everyone else does.

Needing to pee is somewhat embarrassing to most folks, and there's strong social pressure not to interrupt proceedings with an embarrassing personal issue, but in the end, it's a perfectly reasonable thing to bring up with very little social penalty attached. Going into the restroom of the opposite sex, on the other hand, is actually breaking a taboo.

So you get a variety of answers to the questions:

How badly do you need to go to interrupt a court in session?

How strong does the urge have to be before you ask the men if it's okay to use the men's room?

How desperate are you when you furtively sneak into the men's room?

How urgent is the situation when you admit it to a mixed crowd of strangers?

How much longer can you control yourself when you need to go to ask a female security guard for special dispensation?

How full do you have to be to get in line for the restroom?

There is obviously a hierarchy there, but a lot of it depends on personality, as it's all pretty much self-imposed. There are virtually no actual consequences for doing any of these things, but some girls would no doubt have been actually spurting in their panties before interrupting the judge, if it had come to that.

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pdeferred, I think you are right that most people would be on the verge of peeing themselves before interrupting a judge (could this be considered contempt of court?). Similarly, in that circumstance, most women would would need to be pretty well on the edge before considering using the men's room. However, it sounded like most of them were pretty desperate......

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