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Using a fluffy rug as a toilet

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@MRJH22 makes a good point.  If you pee on the rug all the time, the pee will soak through pretty quickly.  If you can't put anything under it, make sure you're happy to damage/destroy whatever it's lying on.

I once used a large rug this way at a hotel.  The floor under the rug was wood.  Anyway, after 3 or 4 full bladder pees, the rug looked just the same. I peeked under it and there was a huge wet stain on the wood.  I didn't really care about it, but I made sure the dug was dry before I left so no one would have a reason to look under it.   Rugs are great, but they leak.  😎

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That is so hot! It reminds me of something similar I used to do that I had almost forgotten: 

I was living in a rented apartment. It was on the ground floor with a tiny little balcony/terrace. In there, there was a small chest of drawers covered by a fluffy rug or faux-fur rug. At some point during that time, I decided that would make for a nice toilet, so many mornings I would head out onto the balcony without underpants but in a nightgown, sort of high squat/ hover above the rug and pee softly into it. It absorbed it well and I used it again and again as a toilet. 

Since it was morning pee, it must have smelled a bit, but as it was outside, you couldn't tell. 

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